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  • Artists Beware

    The namesake database. Submissions are categorized by "Bewares" and "Cautions".


    By SplitsGrandma, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Zrcalo
    Where: eBay: https://www.ebay.com/usr/zrcalos
    Twitter: http://twitter.com/Xrcalo
    Tumblr: http://zrcaloart.tumblr.com
    and http://zrcalos.tumblr.com
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/zrcalo
    InkBunny: http://inkbunny.net/zrcalo
    Dealers Den at Arizona Fur Con, Mesa, AZ
    When: 10/28/2018
    What: Commission

    I took my 15 year old granddaughter to her first fur con on October 28th. After circling the Dealers Den many times she commissioned this artist to do a badge of her fursona.  She paid Zrcalo $15 cash for a gold badge. A photo was taken of her fursona and information was written down in their ledger, ie name, address, special details. Communications have all taken place afterwards on Twitter. I think the copies of this communication will speak for its self. As of today, Jan 7, 2019, the last communications I sent, Dec. 30, 2018, has been ignored by Zrcalo. At this point other furries have come forward to compensate my granddaughter with their kindness. I do not want anything from Zrcalo. I want others to be aware of their unprofessional business practice.



    Beware: Onnanoko

    By armaina, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Onnanoko
    Where: FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/onnanoko/
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Onnanoko
    Tumblr: http://onnanoko-artwork.tumblr.com/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnnaNoNo
    DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/onnanoko
    Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/profile/onnanoko
    Trello: https://trello.com/b/mg2YeGAt/onnanoko-commissions-queue
    Further Confusion 2017 - Dealer's Table (Purchase Transaction)
    Post-FC2017 - Telegram Conversation (Idea Submitted)
    When: 01/13/2017
    What: Commission

    WHO: Onnanoko

    FurAffinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/onnanoko/
    Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Onnanoko
    Tumblr: http://onnanoko-artwork.tumblr.com/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/OnnaNoNo
    DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/onnanoko
    Weasyl: https://www.weasyl.com/profile/onnanoko
    Trello: https://trello.com/b/mg2YeGAt/onnanoko-commissions-queue
    Further Confusion 2017 - Dealer's Table (Purchase Transaction)
    Post-FC2017 - Telegram Conversation (Idea Submitted)

    Half-body double-sided digital badge of my dragon character Sabre ($140.00 USD)

    January 13, 2017 - Further Confusion 2017 - Commission Paid in full at Onnanoko's Dealers Table via Paypal
    March 9, 2017 - 1st Telegram Chat - Established contact. Installed Telegram. Stated that I'd like some time to think about commission details
    May 22, 2017 - 2nd Telegram Chat - Officially submitted commissions request details
    August 13, 2017 - 3rd Telegram Chat - Asked for status update, message went unread with no response
    September 25, 2017 - 4th Telegram Chat - Asked for status update, message went unread with no response
    December 30, 2017 - Final Warning with intention to post to artist_beware if no response given in 1 week - no response
    September 4, 2018 - Onnanoko updates her Trello page moving my commission from "Queue" to "Completed" with no work performed
    January 5, 2019 - Finally followed-through with threat to post to artist_beware after giving free 363-day extension of previous deadline

    At Further Confusion 2017 in San Jose, my mate Zaelgolin and I were doing the rounds in the Dealer's Room on January 13, 2017 before coming across the table of Onnanoko who was dealing at the convention. My mate Zaelgolin had previously gotten a badge from this artist a year before through an FA commission and liked it a lot, so he recommended I get one as well. I agreed, and requested a half-body double-sided digital badge of my dragon character Sabre. Onnanoko quoted the price as being ($140.00 USD), which I agreed to, and paid for at her table using Paypal using a Square reader extension on her cellphone. I mentioned that I did not know exactly what I wanted at the time of purchase, and asked if I was able to view her FA gallery once I got home from the con to try to formulate my idea. Onnanoko said this was OK, and recommended I contact her on Telegram once I was ready. I grabbed a business card from her, saw the Paypal receipt come through on my iPhone mail, and I was on my way. Here is a picture of the business card I have from Onnanoko placed with original items I am the only owner of (artist's email address redacted).

    On March 9th, 2017, I first established contact with Onnanoko on Telegram after creating a Telegram account and installing the desktop program. I confirmed the purchase details and explained that I would like to view all her posted art first while I thought of an idea, which she was OK with.

    On May 22nd, 2017, I re-established contact with Onnanoko on Telegram after viewing all of her posted art on FA and really enjoying it. The conversation with friendly and cordial, but unfortunately this would be the last time she would ever contact me (unbeknownst to me). There was a lot of friendly chit-chat about her artwork that I was complimenting in the middle of this conversation, so I have only supplied the beginning and end of the conversation in my screenshots. This is where I officially provided my detailed request. In all fairness, since I took a while to do this, I consider the clock starting from May 22, 2017, and not January 13, 2017 when my payment was made. This was just due to me being busy with work, life, and other things. I was in no rush to get the commission and was willing to wait patiently. Onnanoko explained that she would be busy with BLFC2017 upcoming, and to contact her after the convention sometime.

    On August 13, 2017, I sent Onnanoko another message on Telegram asking for a friendly timeline update. Unlike my last message, Onnanoko never read the message and no response was ever received.

    On September 25, 2017, I sent Onnanoko another message on Telegram after not hearing anything for 6 weeks. Again, Onnanoko never read the message and no response was ever received.

    On December 30, 2017, I had visited Onnanoko's FA page again and noticed that several previous commissioners all had posted "Shouts" on her page all asking for status updates from years prior, as they were not getting any communication back from her despite having their commissions paid-in-full. I then sent Onnanoko an email to her posted Commissions/Paypal email on her FA page stating with the final warning that I intend to open a Artist Beware post and Paypal Dispute if I do not receive some type of response within 1 week. A week came and passed with no response given. This was really disappointing, as I really did not want to have to resort to going through with this. This is likely the reason why I took an extra 363 days to follow through on my threat, because I really didn't want to have to go through the effort to do so, as well as all the negativity surrounding it. However, with Further Confusion 2019 less than 2 weeks away, I felt it was my moral obligation to warn others about the risk of giving this artist any money. Admittedly, I did not yet perform the official Paypal dispute that I threatened to do in my final email. This I feel is a bit drastic, and I would first like to try the Artist_Beware route in the search for a resolution.

    On September 4, 2018, Onnanoko updated her Trello page and fraudulently claimed my commission was finished by moving my commission from a "Queue" status to "Completed" status. It was actually a friend of mine that first noticed the status change, and asked me if they could see what she did. The truth is that I received no contact of any sort from Onnanoko since May 22, 2017. The fact that Onnanoko was starting to fabricate work completions that were never even started was particularly disturbing.

    And today, January 5, 2019, I finally followed through on my Artist_Beware posting, just 1-day short of a full calendar year after my communicated deadline. The artist has ruined the working relationship with me so much that a full refund of the ($140.00 USD) I paid her is the only resolution I will accept at this point.


    January 13, 2017 - $140.00 USD Paypal receipt for commission - https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4842/39658182993_61b9782185_b.jpg
    March 9, 2017 - 1st Telegram Chat - https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4858/39658181953_ded4f49154_b.jpg
    May 22, 2017 - 2nd Telegram Chat (Commission request details provided) - https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4821/39658182353_50695157f8_b.jpg
    August 13, 2017 - 1st Status Update on Telegram - https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7835/39658182643_7af2d8624b_b.jpg
    September 25, 2017 - 2nd Status Update on Telegram - https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7835/39658182643_7af2d8624b_b.jpg
    December 30, 2017 - Emailed Artist_Beware Post Warning - https://c1.staticflickr.com/8/7924/39658183473_978b511e5c_h.jpg
    September 4, 2018 - Onnanoko updates her Trello page fraudulently claiming commission was completed - https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4851/39658184213_8844282090_b.jpg
    January 5, 2019 - Took picture of Onnanoko's business card from her table at FC2017 for Artist_Beware post - https://c1.staticflickr.com/5/4874/39658183883_58913a7db0_h.jpg


    Beware: UndertheDarkness

    By Eden, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: UndertheDarkness / Picklebum
    Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underthedarkness/
    When: 05/15/2018
    What: Commission

    lunahasawa996 (lunahasawa996) wrote in artists_beware,
    @ 2019-01-05 12:21   Beware - UnderTheDarkness
      WHO: UndertheDarkness  
      WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underthedarkness/  
      WHAT: $5o YCH action  
      WHEN: May 15,2018 — present  
      EXPLAIN: Given the user has deactivated their FA, I cannot provide images of the YCH I had bought. But sometime in May of 2018 I had placed bids on, and won a YCH from this artist. Over time, I believe I was given only one WIP. Shortly after they had their problems and such and I noticed they weren't speaking with me.
      I had asked for an update a month after with a reply of "I will have an update sometime this week". Later I was given an update.
      Later on they were doing in stream commissions, which was indeed finished and received, but my prior one was still on the back burner.
      Jump to December of last year I learned they were doing refunds, and I was added to their list of the many people for the money they owed me.
      Jump forward after 3 weeks from providing refund information to present time, their FA has since been deactivated and I have no other means of contacting this person. I should have opened a refund claim during the window when I noticed it was looking unlikely I'd be getting my art, but being the overly sympathetic understanding person I am it looks like this person has officially ran off with $50 of my hard earned cash.  
    Proof of payment: https://prnt.sc/m3b3uv
    Asking for a WIP: https://prnt.sc/m3b4al
    WiP provided: https://prnt.sc/m3b3z3
    WIP Uploaded Jun 24th *NSFW*: https://prnt.sc/m3b5cn
    Providing them refund information: https://prnt.sc/m3b4in
      I'm honestly shocked she went and took this rout. At this point I don't even want the artwork, I just want my money back where it can go towards a more reputable artist that I've previously worked with.



    Beware: Underthedarkness

    By Eden, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Underthedarkness
    Where: Furaffinity, Toyhouse, Trello.
    When: 05/01/2018
    What: Commission

    ravensmoon666 (ravensmoon666) wrote in artists_beware,
    @ 2018-12-31 16:40  
        Artist Beware: Underthedarkness
    WHO: Underthedarkness

    WHERE: Furaffinity, Toyhouse, Trello.

    WHAT: A 40$ full body flat and a 90$ YCH.

    WHEN: 05/01/2018 for the flat colours and 05/19/2018 for the YCH until the current date.


    I will say in advanced I do not have as much proof of all of this as I'd like, we used to talk over notes for previous commissions but after she invited me to her Discord server we talked over Discord DM's. I never had her added as a friend on there since I could just DM her because I was in her server. While this was going on I had closed our DM conversation by accident as I close ones I am not currently using and only found out about her jumping ship after I went to message her and noticed she removed me from her server (or just deleted it all together.) I cannot open our DM's unless she is a friend or I know her ID which I do not. Everything below is mostly written from memory with rough date estimates.

    I used to commission Under a lot and didn't have that many issues outside of her being very slow with commissions (From personal experience and dates I had noticed on her public Trello from other people commissioning her). Recently I had commissioned her for a reference of my persona and she did a really amazing job (I did end up paying her extra money to rush it though as I wanted it done soon) so when I saw she was steadily posting journals talking about how she was desperate for money and opening for emergency commissions I felt bad and had messaged her asking her if I could commission her to do a dragon-taur rendition of my persona. She said she had never drawn one before but she could try. I told her that if it was too hard for her and she ended up not liking it she could scrap it and chose another one of my characters to draw instead. She agreed, I linked her my characters to chose from if stuff went wrong and we exchanged details.

    She had been posting a lot of journals still talking about how she needed money and posting YCH's. She was having a hard time selling this one YCH commission I liked a lot but I didn't have the money for. She had reduced it from 100 down to 80 before removing it later, and I ended up messaging her to ask if it sold. She told me no that she didn't think anyone was interested so she just removed her. I asked her if she could hold it till next pay period and she agreed. She told me I could either pay the reduced price or more but it was my choice and I met her in the middle and sent 90$

    About a month later she gives me an extremely rough sketch (basically just the body roughly sketched and the top half being the anatomy skeleton shapes) I approved it and she went quiet.

    I didn't hear much from her but kept an eye on her journals. She majorly had journals over the next few months talking about breaking up with her ex, losing her job, getting a new job, family problems etc. She kept taking on more commissions, even doing in-stream ones and not really working on her others.

    Sometime in October I noticed the chargeback date was coming close and given her history with being slow on commissions and noticing how bad she "needed money" I was worried that she wouldn't get my commission done for a while and messaged her telling her I was sorry and I felt like an asshole but that I had to put my foot down despite knowing everything she was going through but I was going to be needed a refund. She messaged me telling me that she understood and that I wasn't an asshole but that since she had no money it would be a while, but if I gave her another month she would get the art done. I told her I loved her artwork and wouldn't mind waiting but if it went further than that I would have to go down the refund route, she said she understood and we went on. (My mistake as I should have started the dispute then)

    Occasionally she'd send me a message telling me she would work on my comm soon, and halfway through the time she started working on the YCH and sent me a sketch. It barely had any work added to it, basically just went over the already drawn outlines and reduced the characters breast size (something I had asked as my character is supposed to have small breast and the YCH by default had large ones) I approved it and she went silent once again.

    The date for a month had come and gone, I even gave her a few days longer just in case before I went to Paypal to open a case, I knew I was already too late for the first commission but thought I still had a day or two for the second one (I opened both anyways) and Paypal automatically declined them because of them being outside the date. I knew the only hope I'd get my money back was if I messaged her so I went and messaged her telling her I would need a refund. She said that she thought I would at least give her "till the end of the month" (when I asked for a refund the month before it was midway through the month, not at the end) and that she didn't have the funds but would give me a refund when she could. Not too soon later I saw she had uploaded a journal saying she would be refunding EVERYONE on her queue and that she was depressed and no longer felt like drawing so she felt this would be easier. She said she would be looking at how much she owed everyone and would post how much she owed everyone on a public list. She also started "spamming" her TH trying to sell her characters for refunds.

    A few days later she posted a journal stating that someone had forced chargebacked her and she was in the negative so refunds would take longer.

    Halfway through December, she sent me a message saying she would be able to give me at least a partial refund in January and I told her I was happy she was keeping me updated and thanked her. She had also moved her refund list to her profile info.

    12/30/2018: I was going through my Discord servers and noticed that hers was no longer on my list. I had a sinking feeling and went to check her FA and sure enough, it's disabled. I tried all kinds of methods to try to find our closed chat to no avail, I remembered a user that used to be a friend of hers/ on the refund list so I decided to message them and see if they knew anything/ at least knew her Discord ID so I find our messages.

    12/31/2018: I woke up to a message from the said friend and they said they were pretty sure she deleted her discord as it no longer showed them as friends anymore and that she wasn't answering her text but if they found out anything they'd let me know. Before I could respond they then sent me another one saying that Under had blocked them on everything, including Twitter and Instagram and that it was heartbreaking as they were best friends. So I'm pretty sure Under has completely jumped ship. (I have these notes still if screencaps are needed but since it was kinda personal I didn't feel comfortable/ thinking it would be allowed)

    I saw that her TH was still active so I left a shout telling her I was appalled and that I would be writing an AB/ trying to go through my bank.

    Proof of payment: https://i.imgur.com/6bQZYYc.png
    Announcing refunds: https://i.imgur.com/1QIy2fH.png
    Chargeback journal: https://i.imgur.com/bN8Q3ZQ.png
    Refund list journal: https://i.imgur.com/AiG3nwi.png According to this she owes people in total (including me) at least 1,271$

    I honestly somewhat wouldn't mind just having the art completed but in the end, I'd rather just have my money back and be done with it. I'm very upset with her and myself as I knew better than to let it go outside the chargeback date but I did it anyway. I'm thinking about contacting my bank to see if there is anything that can be done from other transactions I've had with her but even then it won't add up to the amount she owes me.

    Who: Knuxlight
    Where: Twitter
    When: 05/15/2018
    What: Commission

    You know what they say - fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Shame on me. Well, shame on me. 
    Readers of Artists beware may know that I had a spat with Knuxlight back in 2013-2014, in which he took a commission he had no intention of completing and then proceeded to go silent on me after missing his hard date. I had posted on Artists beware, and after informing him of the post and said "What do you intend to do about this?", refunded me. 
    Now allow me to explain why I gave him the time of day again. 
    Well, after being tricked into thinking he reformed over the course of 2016-2017, he has reverted to his old ways. That one is on me - because he had been seen completing commissions in a timely manner, I had thought maybe we got through to him. In fact, several of my friends [who shall remain nameless aside from letters.] had commissioned him and got completed commissions. During this, I commissioned him twice and he followed through. 
    So, now that I have explained why I was willing to give this person another chance, let's get into what happened, and why you should never commission this person - regardless of how well he has finished your icon over the last year. This behaviour is just unacceptable.  
    So. May 2018. He offers discounts on his commissions because of Biggest Little FurCon (BLFC). Well. That should be alright enough, right? So I send my info and pay. 
    However, disaster strikes - Knuxlight loses all of his saved work, which he stored on a thumb drive. (Yes. You read this correctly.) Looks like he might be learning, right? I mean crap happens. 
    Well, around July, I request an ETA. His response comes off as rude, but well, I am a very forgiving person. From what I gathered, he was kind of just posting on his timeline in hopes all of us would see it. Around October, I ask for advice. Some people gave me response saying that I should give him a warning that I would be filing a dispute with Paypal - just to give him a little bit of a chance. Fair enough. I decide to give him a warning - Art by November 3rd, 2018, or I file a dispute with Paypal. 
    In the meanwhile, he is taking icons that are made by editing templates - which seem to have a quick turnaround. He even manages to do several pieces piece of personal artwork in this time. Personal artwork. He has the time to draw a ref sheet for his boyfriend and draw a piece of personal artwork for himself and his boyfriend. Yet he could not seem to take the time to check his DMs or even provide a WIP. 
    Another player, 4D, contacts knuxlight. Then out of nowhere, suddenly Knuxlight says he may have something for me. Well. I don't file the chargeback... which is my bad, and to date I still regret it. The week passes, so now I cannot file the dispute, and Knuxlight literally has gone silent on me. The only time I catch him is when he is streaming "PWYW" commissions. I don't put him on the spot, I simply DM him and ask if he has a WIP or has made any progress. He simply tells me "This really is not a good time, dude." Before I had spoken to him on the stream, I had even sent him a message on FA like he requested me to do... and it goes unread. Thank you antiquated FurAffinity web design that lets you know when someone is ghosting you. 
    Finally, 4D loses it. In the meanwhile, Knuxlight starts taking Christmas icons - and he's gotten more creative with them. Out of nowhere, I find $90 sent to my paypal account from him. No word from him. It just... comes out of nowhere. So I'm legitimately shocked, but also surprised. 
    However, I'm told from somebody else (the person he listened to) that he claimed he didn't know my Twitter handle. 
    Wow. Seriously. Don't conduct business through twitter - because according to him, DMs are anonymous. That's some VERY poor design there.
    Oh wait. 
    DMs are NOT anonymous. He was hiding from me and we caught him. 
    I got my money back, but suffice to say, there will not be a third time. I gave a warning about him years ago, and have warned others who are asking for updates on their commissions. I gave him another chance, and he still thought it would be a good idea to take the money and run. 
    In the meanwhile, I have spotted several people who are on his FA page asking for an update on their icons, and informed them "Buddy, you're not getting your art - he has no interest in it. File a chargeback if you can." 

    Who: Mithacal Creatures / Mitha / Mithafox
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/mitha
    When: 03/27/2016
    What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    Back in March 2016 i commissoned Mitha for a full digitigrade lynx fursuit. I paid 50% upfront, 1250$ with paypal. Suit should be finished january 2017. I never wanted to post a beware like this and it took me about an year to make this decision but i don't want to waste more time on this person. I have always been polite, tried to be patient and helpfull to resolve this issue as you will see but i got nothing but worries, anger and lies! 
    Mitha please just sent this money back i want to be done with this and you finally, get back to me again and stop running away from your mistakes!
    FA note about claiming the slot
    Payment poof
    I contacted her several times but didn’t get real updates for my suit, sadly i’m not able to provide the full conversations since this ist he only chat that is completly gone but i made a few screenshots at the time i got the messages because i was really excited about getting a fursuit.
    I asked about the timeframe to get my suit before and i sent secondlife screenshoots of the character design, i think,we talked from time to time but nothing related to my suit i asked about her jaw sculpting and showed her a suithead i build meanwhile.

    Before my paypal protection ended she messaged me to send my DTD including shoes i should buy for the feetpaws.

     I did and was waiting again until she noted me that she got my DTD, that it was well made and my body would be the next she is working on.

    A couple of weeks later she contacted me on FA, because of the pawpads and nose color of my suit, she said skype is not working, could have been around my birthday within the first 2 weeks of november because i had been on holiday at this time.

    After this i tried again to get in touch with her on skype but i got no reply.

    We decided to keep in touch in telegram from now. I asked about any updates, she told me she is sorry that she is slow with this an that she is behind, my suit would be finished 2-3 month later. I was ok with that at this time, early december 2016. Since she was answering i didn't worry about getting nothing...

    I asked again for updates in febuary 2017 without a reply, in march i asked again because she posted some stuff on Twitter, i might have gotten wrong, but i still didn‘t get any info about my suit. I started to get afraid to get nothing from her since she didn't reply and was posting this on twitter. 

    After she told me pretty rough that i should contact her on twitter i noted in the end of april because she didn’t got back to me. Got no reply so i tried again in may with what i am thinking about all this and got a reply a couple of days later. She told me about the situation and agreed to a full refund on 04.05.217. This wasn't an easy thing to me i really liked her stuff and i don't wanted to get her in trouble i offerd a payment plan even.

    I was waiting abou 2 month without any contact, refund or info about the timeframe of the paymentplan i contacted her again first time without a reply, about a week later she answered. Her excuse was the gender thing on twitter she did. 

    And there was no refund but silence again, i contacted her several time before i got a reply. I suggested a paymentplan again with rates and dates... 

    Since she wasn't pretty activ on twitter during this time i asked her where to find her now. 

    I was sending my bankstuff to her emailadress and several emails where i asked her about the refund but i didn't get a reply so i started to get back on her on twitter. Sadly i can't provide screenshots of this emails they are gone out of the sent objects because its too long ago ? For sure i didn't get emails on the other email adress too because she never send them ?

    She got back to me with excuses she had to make and save this money first, wait who was stating on twitter that is is always easy to refund 2k? Mitha! 

    There was silence after this for 3 weeks, then she got back to me with blablabla excuses and of course she lost our whole conversation and memory about what happened before... 

    Of course she wasn't able to show me a thing but wanted to send a refund again, but suprise she didn't and suddelny the paypal option was gone too. At this point i opened up a etsy shop with an offer for her to buyout to refund me but she ignored this option and me, i sent another message 5 days later and provided the info again but nothing happened. Weeks later she noted me she is able to do the banktransfer now and offerd a free mask to me but guess what, i got nothing xD


    She got back to me again with excuses, i offerd the esty thing again and got ignored, then i asked for the otter partial instead of money but it was gone. a few weeks later she announced that she is closing up her shop and that there will be no more premades. I worried about our agreement to choose one of the upcoming premades because she said she won't do premades anymore and asked her about. I explained why i wanted the partial instead of money and that i take money when there are no more partials available and she agreed again and wanted to get back to me when she is able to afford the refund. She really got back to me but again i got nothing ?

    After this i haven't heard from her until i commented below her actual IG posts where she was trying to sell a fullsuit and a head, she blocked me after our conversation in IG and i'm still waiting for my refund. 



    Beware: Kircai

    By gubaguy, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: Kircai
    Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kircai/
    When: 09/21/2018
    What: Commission

    On September 21st of 2018 Kircai posted a journal, that has long since been deleted, offering up "Nintendo Themed Commissions" I jumped at the chance to get one, requesting a pic of my sona dressed as Majoras Mask link while also having been regressed with Skull kid/Majora teasing him about playing the song of time too many times.  The finalized pic did NOT represent this, and Kircai was very rude towards me, neglected to give any form of progress pics or sketches, and ended up blocking me so i couldn't let him know i was displeased with the final product.  This was the final pic:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/0xj12f7dtxwgx7g/Nintendo - Guba 2.png?dl=0
      The only proof i have of him accepting the commission is the paypal transaction:
    No further notes or messages were exchanged, other then a comment form him saying he had received payment and would get to work right away on the journal he has since deleted.  I opted not to bother Kircai for over a month, as a previous attempt to speak to him resulted in a very rude response and him telling me not to bother him.  After a month of not hearing anything from him I tweeted at him asking about the pic, he gave the following reasoning for not giving any updates:
    Everything seemed fine, he gave a reason for being delayed, wasn't rude, and said he would have an update 'tomorrow'.  But tomorrow didn't happen, in fact i didn't hear anything from him for another 2 months, during which time he took on piles of new commissions, deleted the journal on FA, and even stopped posting to FA altogether.  Finally i decided to tweet at him again about the commission after he opened new commissions for the new year (and had posted a couple as well), but this time he was very rude, made up multiple excuses, and even tried to blame me for his delays:
    He proceeds to lay all the blame on me, claiming i "Didn't fill the form out correctly" and that caused him to "draw the wrong thing" then my attempt to ask about the commission (which he states in the previous message i didnt reach out, then says i did in the next?) caused him to rush the work and mess up.  Then he tried to tell me in the same message that he was planning to do a second free pic for making me wait and because i was 'patient and kind', again saying this in the same message where he blames me for everything.
    I attempted to point this all out to him, explaining that if i did the form wrong he should have asked me to correct it prior to taking payment, as well as him taking on new commissions, and tell him that i didn't 'reach out' because the last time i tried he told me not to bother him.  From there he just kinda goes off the rails, i attempt to apologize for making him feel rushed, he claims he owes me NOTHING despite not even doing the commission i paid for properly, then blocks me.

    Who: Smileeeeeee
    Where: FurAffinity
    When: 12/19/2018
    What: Commission

    WHO: Smileeeeeee

    WHERE: FurAffinity

    WHAT: Digital Artwork - YCH (NSFW)

    WHEN: 12/19/2018 - Present

    EXPLAIN: So, I commissioned a NSFW YCH piece from this artist in mid December. The turn around time was great, don't get me wrong. However, upon receiving the piece, there were a number of issues that needed correction with markings. Additionally, she had saved my reference on top of the YCH image in the corner so I couldn't use it (see image for better explanation). This is a YCH on a premade base, so I assume corrections can be fairly easy regarding layering. The issues were incorrect colored paw pads, incorrect markings of her groin, and my reference having been saved over the image itself. 

    There is a language barrier between us, so I wrote back and explained what needed to be corrected/removed and thanked her for the piece overall. I didn't intend it to be rude. She responded stating that she'll fix it when possible. But she proceeded to say that my reference was "very poor quality" and stated that portions were not there at all when they were as well as tell me that colors were on it that were not. I even went back and checked the color dropper of my own character to ensure this was correct. The only thing I can imagine that caused these issues is her using my reference to color drop at a very low scale that caused it to be pixelated. My reference itself is a very large scale, so why she shrank it so much is beyond me. She also did not use the Color Swatch on the side. I have never had an artist say my reference was poor. I've never had issues like this prior. I showed my reference to other artists and asked some I have used in the past and they stated they loved the quality and it was easy to use. 

    Summary: While the turn around time was awesome, the image had a lot of issues and seemed to be minor mistakes from lack of observation or care. When asked to make corrections, it was suddenly turned on me and unnecessarily rude towards my artwork/character. I do not feel welcome to commission her again and I don't feel confident that I'll get what I actually paid for. Communication could have been a lot more professional. 

    PROOF: https://imgur.com/a/rhd1HAM - Images have been censored.
                   https://i.imgur.com/POzCLx6.png  - My Reference


    Beware: DobermanMoralist

    By Eden, in Artist Bewares,

    Who: DobermanMoralist
    Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/dobermanmoralist/
    When: 09/29/2018
    What: Commission

    Tyrah New posted to artists_beware December 26 2018, 18:29 BEWARE: DOBERMANMORALIST
    WHO: DobermanMoralist @ FA

    WHERE: FurAffinity

    WHAT: Digital Artwork

    WHEN: September 29th, 2018 to Today

    EXPLAIN: So I ordered a YCH from DobermanMoralist on September 29th. It is nearing three months since this date, and I have received NO updates on progress, NO messages, nothing. So on Monday I asked for either progress updates or a refund, and they said that they would complete mine AFTER they finished their new Christmas YCHs (which were ordered 3 weeks ago). I said "So.. you're doing the Christmas ones first, before the one I paid for three months ago?" Just to clarify, and they confirmed.

    So I said "I think I'd just rather have the refund then." To which they responded "I don't do refunds, there was no queue, you weren't given a number on the queue, I'll do the art and you won't get your money back."

    PROOF: https://sta.sh/01zyqqabwcpd EVERYTHING is in this one image.

    Who: WarriorKniightSkye / KniightSkye
    Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/warriorknightskye
    When: 10/01/2018
    What: Other (Explain Below)

    kitsunewaffles wrote in artists_beware
    December 7 2018, 19:08
      WHO: WarriorKniightSkye/KniightSkye on Furaffinity, Deviantart, Discord. They link everything they have on FA.
    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/warriorknightskye
    WHAT: Stolen/Sold Traced Artwork.
    WHEN: Really unsure when she started tracing/selling my work, but I was informed of it in October, 2018.
    EXPLAIN: I was informed by someone that WarriorKniightSkye/KniightSkye had been spotted trying to sell traced artwork that looked like mine. I checked it out and it was definitely mine. I was provided links to side-by-side images and it speaks for itself. They have apparently been doing this to my work for a long period of time. As a precaution, I deleted almost all YCH template holders on my FA. 
    I did notice that she actually tried to buy a YCH from me before, rather recently actually, which is funny, but I digress. You'll see me mention it to her through Discord/FA.
    I did contact them via note on FA and DA as well as directly through Discord. I didn't receive a response through FA or DA, but did through Discord. They admitted the theft and apologized and I let it go. I was informed again, today (Dec. 7, 2018), that they were at it again, this time trying to sell something for almost $200 using Discord to advertise it. I know she's primarily active on Discord, which is a place I'm really not, so I guess that makes her feel comfortable to keep doing what she's doing.
    PROOF: Side-by-side images of my old work/her tracings of it (Nsfw warning) --> 
    The Discord conversation where she admitted to tracing and selling -->
    FA note --> https://gyazo.com/1bb08d6c25cf2f8acce65b3119b08c99
    The most recent tracing job w/ overlay on the original and her trying to sell it on Discord -->

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