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  1. Original agreement: I paid 60$ in cash for a digitally illustrated badge that will be laminated and shipped to me after the con (AC24). Proof of payment: It was paid in cash at the time of commission (first day of the con within 20 minutes of them the artist alley opening.) What happened: The art was to be completed within 1-2 weeks, it was completed in 4 weeks (august 2nd, full res provided on trello on august 5th), no complaints there. On the same day of completion, they asked for my address which I provided. Since August 12th, I have had no contact from them on telegram, which was the only social media i was provided at time of purchase. on their trello, they say they ship Friday's, being that mine was completed on a Friday, I figured I'd wait a week. and another week. and another. I never received any update, so I texted on September 2nd. (this jumps ahead showing future messages, but basically them asking my address was the last message I received personally from them.) Through digging around, I found a twitter which they were active on, but I don't have a twitter account. I asked if my SO could contact them as they have a twitter, and he was successful in contacting them on September 19th on my behalf. The reason they claim for not shipping my supposedly printed badge is that they moved and have yet to find a place to laminate my badge. My SO tried to follow up weeks later but further communication was unsuccessful. After more digging I found their email in their trello, and again, had my SO contact them on my behalf (they check their email more than I do). Yet again, unsuccessful. October, November, December, January... no response. On any platform. I have yet to have my badge shipped or a partial refund or anything. (I no longer need the full-res as it was posted on their trello.)
  2. I have commissioned Wulfchow at the Artist Alley @ AnthroCon 2024. The commission is for a digital drawing with a scene commission, which was verbally explained in person at the booth to be a fullbody with a background. Scene commissions are shown to be offered on their social media, but the price is not shown as it was sold out at the time of posting on July 6, 2024. Payment was done through Square, so there is no use of PayPal. Instead, the only proof is my bank statement, showing that I had ordered from Wulfchow on July 5, before the scene commissions were sold out. On July 5th, we had exchanged Telegram messages to establish contact. Afterwards, I attempted to reach out for updates, where the screenshots include specifically my mention of a scene commission. The Trello link is all of their currently owed work from AnthroCon 2024, including the scene commission they agreed to do: https://trello.com/b/6FFKY0ug/post-anthrocon-24-queue There has been no indication of a response since my check in on November 16, 2024. The artist instead updated on their Twitter that they will correspond by email instead, despite claiming to respond to all outstanding DMs. I have reached out to them on the email they publicly supplied and am still waiting for a response.
  3. Back in January 2022, I contacted scaretactik via email to inquire about a commission. I originally came across their art via twitter and at the time and still since then, their display name has always read as their commissions being open; they have taken more comms & emergency comms since. I did read in the artist's carrd beforehand that they can be slow with completing comms, but I admittedly still didn't expect to be waiting over a year later– this and the lack of communication and other surrounding details has me unsure of whether the art will be completed, hence why I am submitting this beware. Here's the initial email from January of 2022 and a receipt for the PayPal payment: Before sending the payment, I instead DM'd scaretactik on twitter since they stated it as being preferable, and that's where we would continue to communicate up until October of 2022: After January 2022, the next time I heard from scaretactik was when I reached out 6 months later in July to ask if an update was available. Scaretactik got back to me and brought up being agreeable to a deadline, so I asked if a month following this would be alright but that I would also just be happy to receive a WIP rather than the full finished piece. I did not receive an answer to my response/I did not hear back from scaretactik further at this time: The next time I spoke with scaretactik was when I reached out a second time in September of 2022, another 2 months later. I was told that I could expect to receive a WIP shortly and that they were appreciative of my patience; I did understand that they had some things going on so I was still content to wait at this point: However, I did not receive a WIP/any further messages from scaretactik at this time until I reached out again in October. These are the last DMs we exchanged before moving over to discord: Scaretactik soon after messaged me via discord with a WIP on the 18th. It was very barebones, but I was happy to finally receive something and stated being okay with the idea they were going for: The next time I heard from scaretactik was on November 4th then the 7th when I received another update, though the sketch/idea had been changed. I liked how it was looking so I didn't mind the alteration and also gave it my okay: After this, I received another update on November 10th, but the sketch for my piece had once again been changed. I didn't mind the revision so I gave it my okay as well: This is where the periods of silence started up again. I reached out a month later on December 11th to inquire about any possible updates and to ask if scaretactik had a trello or queue tracker. I did receive another picture of my piece, but there didn't seem to be any progress made and again, it had been revised without my knowledge. This time, I was unhappy with the direction of the unexpected revision, so I wasn't entirely sure how to respond & initially forgot to and didn't get back to scaretactik until the 14th when I voiced my concern: This is the last time (December 14th of 2022) I have heard from scaretactik. I've reached out again on February 19 of this year and more recently on March 15th, but neither of my messages have been replied to. I don't know at this point if I will receive my comm or if the quality will be what I paid for/if more unexpected changes will be made since it's now going on 5 more months of silence, so I'm submitting this beware: I don't mind waiting as long as needed but do feel forgotten about and am just disappointed with how communications & updates have been handled. I would be glad to still receive my comm but dislike pushing for updates and am already exhausted with this situation; I'm open to hearing from scaretactik and working something out, I harbor no ill will towards them.
  4. Fursuit Maker and I agreed on a commission for one fursuit head. I paid them 450$ on the date of Feb. 24 2023 via paypal. Maker specifically requested payment using the "friends and family" option, making it impossible to get a refund through paypal... they said it would be done “March-April”, or about 2 months. Payment was made in full. Maker promised to make a head mock-up day of payment, which never happened. Maker promised the following deadlines: DEADLINE 1: Completion March-April 2023, said on Feb 25 2023. (see above) DEADLINE 2: Said they would begin in May 2023 (1 month after the first deadline.), said on Mar. 23 2023. DEADLINE 3: September 2023 (7 months after first deadline), said on Aug. 10th 2023. DEADLINE 4: would be done around Oct-November (9 months after first deadline), said on Oct. 4 2023. DEADLINE 5: Said they would try to finish by the end of the year, December (10 months after the first deadline). Said this on Nov 13 2023. All dates were missed. A 3D base was never designed, nor printed, thus Fur was never cut, etc. Maker saved only 3 reference images of the character despite me sending multiple, which implies they never intended to start work, as the updated photos had key design notes. As stated earlier, The maker made no concept images or 3d base designs, despite agreeing to do so on the date of payment. Maker told me they printed the headbase of my suit on Jan. 12 2024 (11 months after the first deadline..) but never sent an image. Maker tried to resolve the issue by promising to begin work and add paws + tail to my order, but I declined the tail so it wouldn't take as long. Maker never began the paws. I would understand if they had to halt work upon beginning my suit, I would be patient, and I have been; However they made no attempts or plans to work on my suit until Mar. 15 2024 when I had suggested I was being scammed, because I genuinely had no reason to believe I'd ever get my suit. They claimed to have printed out a base for my suit but I never saw it. Maker offered to send a free fursuit base for the wait time; I declined, and just requested my money back. Maker agreed to a refund on April 1 2024, with a deadline refund date of July 1 to pay (their own words.) No money has been received. they have ignored my messages and I suspect I have been blocked by them on Telegram. (My last message came from a complete lapse in judgement due to a build-up of frustration. I should not be so accusatory or speak in such a rude way.) I understand that their work is good quality, but their business practices are absolutely unacceptable. If they cannot even BEGIN my suit after more than a YEAR, they should not be taking new commissions. They have been working on other suits, but have never touched mine. I understand some clients are more important than others and I would not be complaining if I had waited less than a year for only a head. TL;DR Commissioned Navy for a fursuit head. Maker promised and missed 5 deadlines over the span of a year and a few months. Navy told me they printed my base, but I was never shown said base. They offered to add paws to my order for my wait, which I agreed. After a year without any work, I confronted them and requested a refund. Navy promised to refund my 450$ by July 10 2024, and then never responded to me again. ___________________________
  5. So I commissioned this artist almost a year ago. At first they where very interactive as fast to respond. But after paying ($195) they became very distant and after about a month sent me the first sketch for my commission. After discussing any changes they became even more infrequent updates and after a while became completely silent before the discord account got deleted. I figured something might have happened so I was about to chalk it up to a loss. But then a while later they started to still make posts on their inkbunny account. I dm'd them there to try and get an explanation but just got a line about them just forgetting before completely ghosting me there too. I even found another person who commissioned him and had almost the exact same experience here after paying they got a sketch after a month before being completely ghosted. Below are screenshots of the chats (censored the commission details cuz I know not everyone is into that).
  6. Bought a slot on their YCH here as the user Beat: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49968071/ [NSFW LINK] Was told to write them on Discord, which i then did. They already didnt answer for a few days until I gave them a nudge. And after that she basically stopped responding to anything. (On the point where in discord I say "you told me to ping you again, read the convo screenshots from my FA PMs, i used that to get her to answer) They never sent me any updates or posted them to her accounts, only a few apologies to her FA journals with no answers about status of comms. She is still posting YCHs with payment over Boosty, so no way to refund if this happens.
  7. First contact was an adopt that I bid on. When I paid, the adopt was delivered. (10,40$) I then asked if they also do commissions, which they affirmed. We agreed on a commission and I paid. (93.00$) After a month on the 20.10.23 they contacted me with a new account, as they had lost access to their original one. I replied to that message, that I was a commissioner waiting for progress. They never replied to that message, so I send another on the 29.11.23, which they read, but also never replied to. I then send another message on the 16.12.23. This message was never opened. My last message was send on the 15.01.24. I have never gotten any reply or progress. At that point I lost hope. They have been posting new art on their account throughout all of this time, and still are posting new works. My boosty goals: I forgot about it for a while, but it was brought to my attention again, as another user that was ghosted by them, contacted me. I contacted them again on the 05.08.2024 after 3 days again with no response. I also contacted them on boosty on the 09.08.2024, until now I have also gotten no response
  8. Full-body plantigrade fursuit commission commissioned on May 30th 2022 which until today (June 21st 2024) has not been delivered. First contact was on Reddit as a comment to my post where I was looking to gather information on how expensive a fursuit of my fursona would be, see reddit post below /u/Kiromu_uwu responded with prices: I've decided to contact them via DMs on reddit. Previous work was shown on Discord. (Note: Their TikTok account has been suspended for reasons unknown) We discussed further details, then agreed to sign a simple contract. It entails a 50% down payment. First payment occurred on May 30th 2022, second payment on October 4th 2022. Fursuit updates were regular, on average once every month, enough to keep me satisfied. Progress was well communicated through Discord, even setbacks. This was kept up until early 2024, where communication ceased, right after personal issues were mentioned and at the same time affirmed that they have recovered from said issues on April 7th. March 10th is the last time I got any proper fursuit progress updates. April 7th was the last time they sent any message. I kept requesting updates, having grown anxious from their mention of medical issues, attempting contact via E-Mail even. Unfortunately, I have not received any response for several months now, even though I saw their status on Discord being online playing video games. Unfortunately, due to PayPal not accepting disputes/ claims for transactions older than 180 days, and my bank not considering chargebacks for transactions older than 13 months, I am unable to recover my funds. I left a final message on Discord, no longer believing any resolution can be reached.
  9. I DMed StormSoulSeeker from the Art Fight Discord server on March 5th, 2024. I found them via the #art-trades channel, where users advertise their open art commissions. We agreed to do an art commission. I finished my piece on the same day, and the last time I heard from them was March 7th 2024. I reached out to them on Discord several times (most recently June 13th 2024), along with Toyhouse and Art Fight. While I cannot know whether they have been on Discord since March 7th, Toyhouse and Art Fight data shows that they've been online since my attempts at communication, with 0 response. Screenshots of original agreement (Discord): At several points between the above reminder messages, I messaged them on Toyhouse and Art Fight. Toyhouse screenshots: With time stamp: Toyhouse stats showing last time logged in as of June 16, 2024: With time stamp: Art Fight Profile Comment: Art Fight stats as of June 16, 2024: As a side note, I reported this to a mod from the Art Fight Discord (where the art trade was initiated): An attempt to contact the artist on ArtFight was made, but despite being active on the site as of June 30th, she has not responded. She also deleted the shout made on her page. She had sorted herself into a team indicating intention to participate in ArtFight for July of 2024
  10. Back in May 2023, Aslley had finished a YCH I had a slot for. It was very late. It was a valentine's couples YCH that I had originally requested and paid for 9th Feb 2023. I have had late commissions before so I didn't think much about it. When I finally got the finished YCH in 5th May 2023, they also said that they were doing a promotion for a half body commission. I did like the work of the YCH so I was happy to think about a scenario and discuss. A final amount and scenario was agreed upon with payment settled on the 10th of May 2023. But afterwards there were no updates, so I reach out on the 3rd of June for updates and was told that they were busy with Pride YCHs and so unable to work on my commission and also tried to sell me a Pride YCH which I declined or knew anyone that would want one. Again no updates. So I reach out in September 8th, September the 30th and October the 8th. All of which had no replies. With Paypal's 180 days buyer protection coming up. I then started the chargeback process on the 18th of October 2023. Later that day I got a refund and an update by Aslley later that day. Saying that the Twitter DMs were empty and could only see my messages on PC. Said that they have ADHD, a spreadsheet to keep track of all open commissions and family issues in the last month. But said they would still be interested in working with me. To which I replied if you an start working on it ASAP, within the week then sure. I'll go ahead with the commission again. So I paid via Paypal again on 16th of November. I also added them on Telegram has they said it was a better way to get in touch with them. They also tried to sell me a Halloween YCH as well which I declined. For this new cycle, got a message the 16th that the next steps was the sketch. On the 17th November, got a message asking if I was interested in a Christmas YCH. But I said let's work on one commission at a time. Knowing they struggle with ADHD, the last thing I would want to give is multiple commissions and would rather let the work on one commission at a time. This conversation around the Christmas YCH keeps going onto the 23rd of November. Being keen to keep this commission quick and aware that it's now been more than a week getting any sketch. Reached out on the 28th & 30th of November and 65th of December 2023. Got a reply on the 6th of November saying that they were busy with family. But would be able to show a updates the day after. Nothing appeared the day after and I reached out the 14th, 16th and 19th and got a response on the 20th of December. But again no sketch or any updates just 'what are the next steps with approving a sketch'. With Christmas now in fully swing I held off until the 2nd of Jan 2024 to ask for an update as in the screenshot before. Again on the 6th and 21st of Jan will no response until asking on the 1st of Feb. And got a response. Said they were in hospital was finally got a light sketch. Just outlines, no expressions or anything to make it identifiable as my fursona. Had some back and fourth about amendments. And I gave the go ahead ono the March the 4th. Reached out on the 4th, 12th and 19, of March and no responses. But this time they weren't delivered. Only sent. At this point, life got a bit hectic and busy so I forgot about it. I also usually have a calendar reminder about the Paypal 180 days buyer protection, like for the last one. But this time, I accidently put it a month later than I should've. I remember about the commission and asked on May the 20th for any updates on the screenshot above. And no responses. Unfortunately but this time, the 180 days was out by 4 days so I was unable to claim a refunded anymore. I've also reached out on Twitter on the 20th of May but no reply either. I have also sent an email in early June 2024 but with no reply. If you think about the full picture, I've requested a commission and paid for the 10th of May 2023. A year on, there is a sketch that only has an outline. No expressions or identifiers of my fursona. A lack of updates and communications. But would heavily promoting other YCHs even though not completing the current commission. Tried reaching out on Twitter, Telegram and email and got no responses. But there are still active on Twitter, making posts and retweeting and 'last seen within a month' on Telegram.
  11. I should start this by making it very clear this is intended as a caution, not a true beware. Throughout my interactions with Solantic.z, they have been very polite with me, but after roughly five months I have yet to have recieved my completed commission from them. On 02/08/2023, I reached out to the artist in question about a commission (two flat colored headshots). The agreed upon amount to pay was $24 USD, I sent $30 USD, with the extra $6 USD being intended as a 25% tip seeing as I was feeling generous, and hoped it would provide incentive to finish my commission relatively quick. Attached is a receipt of my PayPal statement from the transaction. I censored anything I believed to be personal. I contacted the artist several times after this requesting updates on the commission, and was given a run-around and no progress updates. After about two months, I was given an update with some of the coloring done on my snow leopard. They had base colors down, but had yet to begin with any of the spots or markings. The artist informed me that they had a medical emergency that prevented them from working on my commission (which was understandable, and I wished them a speedy recovery). I have censored the nature of the medical emergency, seeing as medical history is often seen as a very personal thing, and I don't want to reveal anything personal to the public without the artist's permission. Shortly after their medical emergency, I noticed that the artist had advertised opening a new commission slot in a public Discord server we both share (Canadian Furs), which led me to believe my commission was close to being finished. When I asked about it the morning after, the artist let me know my commission was coming along nicely and should be finished within the next couple of days. I'm not an artist myself, but I have a bunch of friends who are, so I know that finances can be quite a concern, and tried to communicate that I was concerned about my commission but that I understood that their mental health (and physical health) had to come first. We had a quick chat about some personal things (which I won't disclose here). They said they'd give me a progress update in an hour or so if they were still awake. There were a couple of quick affirmations that I had not been forgotten and that my commission was being actively worked on, but no further progress reports or proof of progress. It sounded like something may have happened in their personal life again, making them unable to work on my commission. Today (07/11/2023 @ 1:24 PM Mountain Time), I reached out again saying it had been almost five months since the start of my commission. At this point I had begun to grow irritated, seeing as it had been almost five months for a commission they had said should take less than a week. After a discussion with a friend in the Canadian Furs Discord server, one of the moderators informed me that she had commissioned this artist as well, and had yet to receive their commission. A few minutes later the owner of the server put out a ping letting the members know the artist has been failing to deliver on their commissions. Almost immediately after the server owner put out the ping, Solantic.z messaged me asking if I had reported them. While I had idly complained about my commission taking so long, I was not the one that brought it up to the owner, nor did I ask for any action on their part. While I was annoyed, I didn't want to cause trouble, and was mostly content to sit and wait. As of 7/17/2023, I informed the artist I was imposing a hard deadline, and would like my commission finished within roughly two weeks or I would like my money returned. However, the artist does have a note in their username and bio saying their WiFi is currently down, so hopefully that will be resolved before the deadline. If it is not, I'll see what I can work out with them, but seeing as it's been almost six months my patience is beginning to wear thin. In conclusion, while the artist has been polite, after being given the runaround for almost six months with little to no actual progress shown, I feel as though I've more or less wasted $30 USD on two pieces of art that will never be produced. I can't comment on whether or not the artist is genuine in their reasoning for being unable to complete the commission in a timely manner, but either way I find it similar to any other skilled trade. Clear communication about delays adds leeway, but when a couple weeks stretches into roughly six months, I am no longer a happy customer. I think it would be best for anyone attempting to commission Solantic.z to give them a couple months for their life situation to hopefully settle down a little if you're hoping for a timely return for your money.
  12. This is my first time making a beware so appologies in advance. This was my fourth time commissioning ElvensnowArt's who was a friend of mine since we shared mutual servers and a love for ESO, the previous three times had all been completely fine with no issues. So I commissioned him on the 18th of October 2022 for art of mine and another friends elder scrolls oc and he seemed happy to accsept it. All previous commissions had been done over Discord DM as well and the max only took 6 months to complete. The commission was $60 but I gave a $10 tip so $70 in total and I paid via Paypal as soon as possible. I knew he had some on off issues due to trying to find a job and getting used to living on his own. With him being my friend as well I generally didn't mind waiting months or longer for the commission as I trusted he would get it done eventually. He then gave me an update three months alter on January 19th 2023: I then waited more however Elvensnow begun to ghost people and become distant. He left the mutal severs we where in and stopped being active on his social medias completely by September 2023. I really hate asking artists for updates but on the aniversy of the commission I decided to DM him and got no responce: I gave him a week and then DMed him again poking for another update and this time he did respond: However, this would be the last time he responded to me as he at some point changed his settings so only friends and people in mutual servers (as indicated by the discord clyde bot error) which I have also learned he unfreinded everyone who knew him as well. Thus I cannot message him anymore and he is no longer active on any of his socials. As of today I never received even a sketch, it has been nearly 19 months so the chargeback on Paypal is not an option. I have also learned from other people who have commissioned him that I am not the only one he has done this to and owes hundreds of dollars to people. Addendum: Contact was finally established on May 16, 2024 on the artist's blank tumblr alt A comment will be made if/when a refund is received.
  13. On March 4, 2023, I contacted Etsy Shop PlushiesNextDoor for a custom made plushie of a character of mine. By Pledge, March 4th 2023 They acknowledged and said they were open to commissions and payment. By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, March 4th 2023 I made the payment with them through Etsy via Klarna. I made the payment the same day, March 4th, 2023. I was initially told it would be within a certain timeframe— 12-16 weeks. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, March 4th On May 9th they contacted me again to let me know that they’re behind on orders and that it wouldn’t be until September that my plushie would get shipped. I was understanding and asked if they could post their work on their TikTok, PlushiesNextDoor. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, May 9th, 2023 I reached out again in September to ask what the process has been. They offered me a refund but I said I was still willing to wait. By Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, September 6th 2023 I received a message from them again in October 7th notifying me and others that they’re very behind on orders and that their suspected completion date was going to be by the end of the year. They attached a document with all of the orders they were currently working on to show where we were in the queue. IMG_8052.MOV By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 7th, 2023 On October 29th, they contacted me stating that they were shutting down their shop and that they would provide everyone refunds. By Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 29th, 2023 I asked if I could wait a little longer, and they told me that they would keep me on their list. by Pledge and Keo/PlushiesNextDoor, October 29th, 2023 Their last reply to me was December 7th, after I reached out to make sure they were doing well. On March 23rd of 2024, I noticed their plushie accounts on Instagram and Etsy were deleted or shut down. IMG_8104.MOV I emailed them twice. Once in April, and the second time in May. Taken by Pledge, April 12th, 2024 and May 10th, 2024. While they’ve seemingly deleted their other accounts, they’ve kept up their Tiktok associated with their plushie making. However, they are not active on it. They changed their username from PlushiesNextDoor to YesItsKeo. Unfortunately I’m aware that due to the amount of time that had passed that I won’t get my money back. Please be careful of this creator.
  14. I ordered 10 YCH's (1 in May and 9 in June), as well as multiple PWYW arts (in their now deleted discord server) from Brokenvocaloid between May and June of 2019. I ended up only recieving one of the PWYW pieces during an art stream they did, while all the YCH's as well as another PWYW were left undelivered. All of the undelivered art came to be worth $435 (though I was only able to find proof of $360 of that during my request for a refund, which was my own fault in not thinking to maintain recipts as I was completely new to the commissioning scene at the time and never thought to do so.) I requested a refund and only ever recieved $25 of the $360 I requested back. I was also asked at one point to give them $25 as they needed help with money, though at the time I didn't even have $10 in my account, I still gave them $5 because back then I was naive and just wanted to help. I realize that I was far too passive during the whole encounter and let them get away with too much. I was far too passive in general back then and it's something I had to learn the hard way. But even so, they shouldn't have taken advantage of that. I never received any more correspondence from them after this and eventually gave up. I'm not sure if they are still active online anymore, since they're constantly changing accounts, but just in case I felt it was important to share.
  15. In September of 2023 I contacted koenvgraphics with an inquiry to get a logo made. I was quoted $700 for the logo, including a few revisions. I indicated that I wanted to proceed with the commission, and was directed to pay via Wise. I made the payment, and had been told to expect three weeks for turnaround time. In November of 2023 I emailed koenvgraphics asking for an update on my commission. This email was ignored. Meanwhile, I would regularly see koenvgraphics posting pictures of other icons they had made. I then sent them a message via twitter, which was again ignored. Eventually, in February of 2024, I responded to one of their twitter posts with an inquiry about my commission. I was immediately contacted. Koenvgraphics stated they had been going through a really hard time (understandable) and said they would still do the logo if I wanted. I indicated that I still wanted the logo and they agreed to do it. A few days after they agreed to do the logo again, they messaged me stating they were sick and asking that I understand why they haven't made it yet. I tell them that it's ok, and go back to patiently waiting. At this point it is March and koenvgraphics continues to post and repost various icons to twitter, but I have heard nothing else from them. I feel like they have intentionally scammed me. I post again a few times (admittedly in anger, and probably not the best way to handle the situation) under their posts once more. This time, I'm asking for a refund. My posts go ignored. I then send a direct message via twitter asking for a refund, which is again, ignored. I do acknowledge that I probably should have sent them another private message first, before jumping to posting publicly. However, they did take my money and then not do the work, and they have been at least keeping up the appearance that they are continuing to work.
  16. Explanation: One (1) furry half badge commission for a total cost of $53.38 . Color and shaded. Location of transaction at "ACFI" Alamo City Furry Invasion 2023 in San Antonio, Texas. Payment processed through Square. Commission never received. Emails and text messages sent with no response from artist. Proof of purchase and correspondence included below.
  17. Explanation: Prepaid for two full-body shaded commissions through Discord, paid through PayPal. And then a second comission of a full-body and 2 stickers, also prepaid. None of these were received. Additionally an art trade and friendship piece was agreed upon. I drew her art, and she never reciprocated. Dates: Jul 18th, 2023 (first commission) and July 26th, 2023 (second commission). Proof of Payments This transation from July 18th is for the first comission for two full-body shaded pieces. Original Terms of Service (They were updated months later after I agreed to this) The TOS stated art would typically be delivered within 3 months. At the time of posting this it has been 8 months. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Correspondences July 18th - Original comission correspondence ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 24th - Checking in to see if money was received and comission started ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- July 26 - Second commission money was sent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- June 26th, 2023 - Art trade and friendship piece agreed I delivered my art trade piece A friendship piece was promised ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sept 9th, 2023 - Friendship piece discussed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Evidence of many others complaining about Creamii's queue and being confronted by Nev of Danger Den I express my concern for her queue size At this point, I am expressing my desire for a refund. In the end we ended up having the call. It was positive and I was supportive and understanding of personal issues they were going through at the time. They continued to promise to work on and deliver my commissions. Dec 11th, 2023 - She contacted me to work on my commission December 12th, 2024 - I am shown an early in progress sketch. This is the only art I ever saw related to the art I was owed. I am offered a gift which I never received Jan. 15th, 2024 - I check in to inquire about my commission At this point, she added several more people to her queue in her sever. It was quite large and backed up. (Some more evidence of this can be added if required) Unfortunately, this does not have a date but Creamii posted in her server that people are able to request a refund if desired. Several more slots are being opened on her Discord server for art despite art not being delivered Dec 06, 2023 - the Danger Den discord server sent out this concerning her queue. Jan 30th, 2024 - My partner messaged Creamii on PayPal as this was of growing concern. There was never a reply. Feb 5th, 2024 - My friend contacted Creamii on my behalf. LimaBean was still in Creamii's server at this point and had noticed that she changed her commission queue and that it no longer included me on it and so they reached out. A refund was again promised and never received. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 10th, 2024 I attempted to contact them again for a refund but they are not accepting messages from people who are not their friends and are not responding to contact outside of Discord. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 11th, 2024 An official refund was requested via Email with a reasonable week long deadline. At the end of the week there was no contact and no refund.
  18. Commissioned art and YCH purchase on 5/24/2023 This Beware does contain NSFW elements, All communications were handled in discord After some difficult communication due to a language barrier, we finally came to an understanding and payment was sent These are the two payments through boosty, one of these is an error as boosty charged me twice. Here is the YCH that was purchased along side a REF sheet slot Here is the initial communication between me and the artist, it took a while to come to an understanding but we came to agree that its two ych slots and one commission if they are able to get boosty to send me a refund for the extra $200, knowing boosty from my perspective they is no way to really get a refund unless i want to get my account banned by doing a chargeback as in their eyes it would be considered fraud from some of the other cases i have seen They made an announcement on their discord saying that they are burned out due to them working on furry art and would prioritise working on working on human art if some of the people in their discord would like that instead So five months have passed from the initial commission DM's so i sent a DM in discord to see if they have a trello to see where i am in the queue, they apparently do have one but they keep it in private access and its supposedly in their language (even though i could work it out with a translator) in addition they state that the art would be worked on in november, After two months have passed including november which was the supposed date that the commission's was being worked on, so i sent another message to see what is going on... and no response, i waited until january to send another dm and still no response (image includes overlapping DM's from earlier images) I gave them a warning that if they continue to ghost me, i will be forced to look at my options such as posting an artist beware, after i gave them the warning they responded with this reasoning for their absence despite them streaming on twitch days prior Image includes another member of the artist's discord who also became frustrated with how long they are having to wait Due to the nature of this i decided to give them time to sort things out on their end and continue to wait, i waited a week as they would supposedly be working on art and sent another DM, they still did not reply, I then waited until this February to send another message and still no response still no message from them to as of typing this 2/26/2024 Here is their twitch activity for this month and prior They seem to be working on art for themselves such as emojis for their twitch discord and personal pieces it even seems some some of the newer streams are missing
  19. PupJaxces/Marbleshark/Marblemephit messaged me on the 8th of February 2023 saying they like my character and offered a discounted full body commission for $45 (I even tipped them later). I accepted and paid, then patiently waited like I normally do with commissions. After several months of going back and forth and empty promises, them making up stories to get more money from me, and me trying to accommodate them not wanting to do nsfw commissions anymore, I found out from this site that I wasn't the first person they've scammed this way. That's when I realized they never intended on completing my commission and I asked for a refund, which they denied over and over again because they claimed it had already been started (I have yet to receive a single wip.) At this point I completely gave up and decided to go through with the chargeback process, but since it was way past PayPals chargeback cutoff they were unwilling to help me, so I gave up for a while. Since then I've gotten my banks help, and they were kind enough to put the funds back into my account since a chargeback would take even longer. TLDR: they have scammed me and several others on this site, do not commission them. I've included all our correspondence in this beware, including the artist acknowledging the payment, be warned it is nsfw in nature.
  20. On June 15 2020 I commissioned the artist joojoo on furaffinity to draw a single sketch page with 4 nsfw scenes in it and she sent told me that the commission would cost 80£ so I sent her the money. A week later on June 21 2020 I asked her if it would be possible to add another scene in the sketch which I was willing to pay for but she suddenly sent me a message saying how each of the four scenes in this sketch page commission would cost 80£ per piece. she did not clarify this to me earlier as I thought that the whole commission was 80£. Than in another message she claimed that I didn’t pay her at all when I did in fact pay her as I have the paypal receipt to proof this and she blocked me furaffinity and she has been ignoring my messages for a refund I tried to forgot about this as she is a popular furry artist so I felt that the odds were against me but I just couldn’t let go of this issue anymore and at the time I didn’t know that PayPal offered refunds and I was also afraid to go to them for help due to the commission being nsfw I’m attaching all the photos of the messages that the artist sent me and also proof of payment on PayPal here I would be very grateful if someone here could help me with this thank you Note: this is my first time posting here so please let me know if made any mistakes or if I’m missing something
  21. Contacted back in June after seeing them advertising in a discord server I'm in. After paying for the agreed-on commission and getting no updates for over a month, I messaged again for an update. They said they had some other commissions ahead of mine in their queue and said they don't check discord much, so gave me an Instagram and Twitter as other means of contact (could not find the twitter account when I looked for it). Two and a half months later with no communication I messaged again and got no answer. Another month and a half later I tried the Instagram, which matches the discord exactly, and was ignored. Yesterday I tried one last time on discord to ask why I was ignored on Instagram, no answer, but I did notice they had been online because their username has changed (from Catiko to evvisnothere) so they have definitely since logged in and would have seen my notification/message. As well, their Instagram profile has a link to a whatsapp channel where they post updates and work, which was updated as recently as today (at time of writing). Their Instagram profile has also been updated with a new profile picture since my message was sent, meaning they have logged in there and will have seen a notification that I messaged them there. I paid €30 for this commission and just got ghosted.
  22. All below messages are via twitter DMs. See attached screeshots. On Aug 11th 2022 I reached out to the artist who was then Marbleshark_AD on twitter, and now Pup_Jaxces after they did username change. After some discussion of content (skipped in the screenshots), we agreed to two NSFW sketches with alts totalling $140, paid on Aug 14th 2022 after some difficulty with initially paypal'ing the wrong address. I tip $15 at this step, for a total of $155. The agreement and payment is in the screenshots 4 months pass, w. no contact. December 10th 2022, I reached out again asking for an update since it had been awhile and I saw them posting about life struggles on twitter. No reply. 7 days pass w. no contact. December 16th, 2022, I reach out again asking for an update and giving reassurance in case they feared I was angry or annoyed. They reply saying theyve made progress on the comish, and ask for a better place to make contact citing a lack notifications from twitter DMs. I provide my Discord and telegram. They do not reply further. Jan 4th, 2023. I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram. Jan 24th, 2023, I reach out to make contact, having not received any friend request on discord or message on telegram. Feb 26th, 2023, I post a reply to an art piece on their telegram art gallery asking about my unfinished commission. They ask me there to message them on twitter, then delete the replies. I DM them on twitter asking them to contact me. I tell them I feel ghosted after 5 months, asking for the current state of the comish, and if none or minimal work has been completed I'd like a refund. They say they will need to look through their sketchbooks saying its 'most likely done'. This will be the last message I ever receive from them. July 31, 2023. I reach out to make contact after 5 months of wait, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram. October 5, 2023. I reach out to make contact after seeing them post on twitter that theyre closing an account they host art on and that theyre discontinuing NSFW comishes, still having not received any further DM on twitter, nor friend request on discord or message on telegram. I ask again for a refund or for an update on their sketchbook search. After this I stop trying to contact them. However on Oct 25th 2023 I make my own artist beware style post on my twitter and @ their handle, which would generate a notification for them. On Nov 23 2023, I notice they've changed their handle to Pup_Jaxces. Having sought multiple times over a full year to resolve this either with delivery or refund, and sAs they have other posts here on ArtistBeware with the same behavior I can only presume this is not a mistake and they have no intent to deliver the commission.
  23. Mod Note: This artist has completed all their outstanding commissions. Posted on Mar. 28th, 2013 by lorenafa WHO: Pirate-Cashoo (FA) WHERE: www. furaffinity.net/user/Pirate-Cashoo Pirate-cashoo.deviantart.com http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/zombiepirate/profile http://pirate-cashoo.tumblr.com/ WHAT: Couple Icons. WHEN: October 15th, 2012 - Ongoing. PROOF: PAYMENT:: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/paypal_pdf.png NOTES: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/oct15.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/oct25-response.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/nov12.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/dec17th.png https://dl.dropbox.com/u/53660315/PC_LJ/feb23.png DETAILS/EXPLANATION: Disclaimer: Okay, first of all I -really- hate to do this because I’ve read from her updates that she’s been going through a hard time and I really don’t do confrontation. That said I feel like I need to warn potential buyers again (she’s been doing this a lot.) about Pirate-Cashoo/Cachet. All I would like to do is get in touch with her and get what I paid for or to have her reimburse me as 60 dollars is a lot of money to me and I could put it elsewhere or towards another artist who actually wants to do the artwork I‘d asked for. Now: On October 15th, 2012 I decided to get myself and my boyfriend at the time a set of icons from her as a gift, I have a screen cap of how that went above. I’m keeping anyone who is not me or Cashoo anonymous as I am the person with the problem here, and not the others involved so the grey text is only usernames/references that are not mine. Just so we’re clear. As you can read for yourself from the links, She seemed a little hesitant but told me that the wait would be a few months as she had a pretty big queue and so forth. I didn't mind waiting as I’d purchased another set of icons during the duration of the time, and as an artist myself I understand how art takes time and artists are not robots etc. I contacted her again on October 25th because the person I had originally wanted the icons with and I had split ways and after communicating with him I switched the person I wanted to get the icons with and she okayed it with me. Told me she had not started them yet which did not really surprise me as she’d mentioned prior until November she would be pretty busy. So I was okay with that response, and didn't contact her back until November 12th. I hadn't thought about when she told me she’d start them and had forgotten she had family plans. Again just being friendly and curious about them I shot her another note. I can’t unfortunately find the message she responded to me about but it was something along the lines of “Sorry I haven’t started them yet, my family is down…” It was all good, and I told her to have a good time with the family and again not to rush. I then contacted her in December as I was curious why she hadn't gotten a sketch to me, but figured it was Life issues. Told her I wouldn't mind seeing a sketch before she completed a final product as I was curious if she had made any progress on the icons. She in this time started to just entirely not read or ignore my notes, and I have not been able to anchor her down for a response since then. She did however -read- this note, so there is that. My last note I left on February 23rd 2013. I actually noted her on deviantART account prior to FurAffinity (i copied and pasted the message directly from the note i sent on deviantART) but she didn't respond to either or read the note on FurAffinity (I have no idea if you can check who reads what on deviantART as I don't use it aside from a place holder.) I’m not making this to get people mad towards Pirate-Cashoo, but I will say that I'm severely disappointed in her business management skills and as an artist who does this as a full time job I don’t understand her complete avoidance or lack of a schedule. I love her artwork but I feel like I need to warn others about her business practices, I'm very disappointed. I wanted to let you guys know that if I were you to watch out and maybe hold off on getting art from her. She's a friendly artist to communicate with but I'm kind of tired of lack of updates/getting a bunch of excuses from her. I hope that she reads this and gets at the very least in touch with me so either discuss a refund or give me a concise deadline. ~Lorena.
  24. I was really holding out for Lorkalt, but the year is coming to an end and I have yet to get what I paid for. That, on top of months-long waits for a simple response and seeing the artist fulfill other commissions while I wait so long, I want to make this post to warn against commissioning Lorkalt or @Lorkalt1 on Twitter. On January 11th, I started talks with Lorkalt about a two-character colored commission. We did the transaction through Paypal and it was all done on that same day. A couple of days later Lorkalt sent me a sketch of what the piece would look like, and I agreed to what I saw. After this communication started to go downhill. I told the artist that I liked the sketch and then I finally got a response from him on February 27th - almost a month after we last spoke. He apologized for the wait and then sent me a link to a Google Drive folder that held detailed Black and Whites of my commission. I confirmed that I liked what I saw and sent him a few more details to help with the coloring. It almost took him until mid-July for me to get another response. When I finally got a response from Lorkalt, they explained that they were preoccupied with a situation going on at their end and sent me another update which I confirmed. He explained that he was just finalizing everything, and yet I only got my next response in October. There was no real update concerning my commission, but instead an explanation as to what was now preventing him from giving me updates. He explained that he lost access to his Twitter due to being blocked and that he would send me news during that week. That never happened, and now it's a few days into December and I have not heard ANYTHING from Lorkalt concerning my commission. As you will see in the screenshots, during these huge windows of silence, I have sent Lorkalt multiple messages to see if we can re-establish some communication. I would either be left on read or just flat-out ignored, so I was kept in the dark about when I would get any updates on what I paid for. And while Lorkalt did state that he lost access to his account due to being blocked, I don't find that as a valid reason mostly due to how we also established communication through email. So, regardless of if his Twitter was blocked, he still had the capability of updating me via the email address that I provided to him. It's irritating to deal with this because the art shows a lot of promise and I was excited to commission him. But I only learned that he has a habit of being tardy with updates only after I paid him, from this website and from other Twitter users who have been waiting for more than a year for their artwork.
  25. https://artists-beware.livejournal.com/771519.html WHO: - Kosian (Furaffinity) : http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kosian/ (NSFW gallery) - Keith (Kiys Rayna) (SecondLife) WHERE: - Furaffinity : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12497090/ (NSFWish) - SecondLife shop : Keith (Kiys Rayna) WHAT: - Digital art : full colors commission (as mentioned on his commission informations) of two characters (Dedran which is mine, and another one I prefer not to mention here) - Paid with Linden Dollars through SecondLife as it is the only way of payment he accepts (in the description of this picture : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/12497090/ (NSFW)) - 12000 L$ worth about 50 USD http://i.imgur.com/kdsn22g.jpg WHEN: - First contact on December, the 2nd, 2013 - Commission accepted on December, the 14th, 2013 : http://i.imgur.com/QMuVTKs.jpg - Payment done the same day on SecondLife (no proof as the website only keep the past 32 days : http://i.imgur.com/xW5zgic.jpg) - First sketch done the same day : http://i.imgur.com/1FTHWzJ.jpg - Lines done on December, the 26th, 2013 : http://i.imgur.com/Ch55dMv.jpg - No news untill March, the 13th, 2014 : http://i.imgur.com/FRaSLsq.jpg - No news untill today besides the fact the read the note I sent to him : http://i.imgur.com/kaAangg.jpg - All I got today are these lines : http://i.imgur.com/Q7ns7lK.jpg (NSFW) - The artist is still active as I saw him online today May, the 31st, 2014 : http://i.imgur.com/2Fgenpm.jpg EXPLAIN: I can understand artists having personal or work issues preventing them from completing commissions but I haven’t got any update for about 5 or 6 months now besides the fact the artist is still active (he reads notes and appear to be online on SecondLife). Even though English is not is primary langage, all I am asking for is the product I paid for or at least a refund or an update… UPDATE - On may, the 31st, a few hours after I posted this message on AB, Kosian sent me the finished commission (NSFW). -Thing is a lot of things are incorrect (some details I may not write down here because of NSFW) or missing (you might notice the missing leg of the bunny and the missing tail of the wolf)
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