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  1. I just noticed I forgot to add the beware tag, and a few others I was too focused on getting it written out I think
  2. In January I had commissioned neoarcadianx for a reference sheet of my character, they had actually designed him originally and had just completed the design a few days before. currently this is a screenshot of the invoice, I received a refund in April after filing a dispute, then chargeback. over the weeks I poked them on discord multiple times, asking about the art, and keeping up with their Trello. i asked for a few changes over the weeks, some not being added to the Trello at all After getting only one sketch and no updates, and not really getting any information from the artist when asked, I decided to create a dispute through PayPal. It was not a chargeback, and the purpose of it was to simply try to talk it out as adults. At this time this was not yet a chargeback, but a dispute. After this was opened I received this as a response. In every conversation I had had with them, I was never told they had commissions from months before that they had not started, and they never updated me on their rl life or situation. They also were continually advertising that they were open on public discords, and taking commissions while others had theirs put aside and ignored. Including my own. After the explosive response I escalated the dispute for a chargeback, and received a refund from PayPal.
  3. A few months ago I had commissioned snuffles to draw my Vaporeon. I did not give any specific action to draw, as I just wanted to see what she could do. The tweet in the discussion of the commission also doesn't appear to exist anymore, as the tweet cannot be found. After a couple of days she began working on the commission and I received the finished piece. A few days ago I received a message concerning the commission, asking if it had been mine and if I had known what had happened to it. They showed me the art that had bee traced, and my own that I had commissioned, and it was exactly the same with minor changes. https://e621.net/post/show/1790823 This is the art that had been traced. https://e621.net/post/show/1978875/butt-digital_media_-artwork-eeveelution-female-hi_ This is her post of my commission After these were confirmed traces it is believed a few other commissions she had done and pieces of artwork were also traces, but I can no longer find the said links and artwork for some of them, as I believe they either were never uploaded to her gallery or deleted after being discovered as traced.
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