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  1. I only noticed this area because there was a visible 'line' in the fur that won't go away with brushing. I feel that there's not much more I can say about the issues with the suit, and I want to thank everyone so much, especially the AB team, and the community for there love, and support. It has been a hard few months for me, and I couldn't have made it without you. I will never forget your kindness. I have made a final statement regarding everything that happened, and if you want you can read that. It's a pretty long statement, about just over a page on word. I express my thanks and my final thoughts there and you can read that here if you wish. I'll be requesting a thread lock from the moderation team, but that decision will ultimately be up to them. I feel there's not much more that can be contributed to this issue, and again, I really want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for there love, support, and advice over these past couple of months. It really means a lot to me. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BHMnCcpFPrwHTP3nqUlnabLIfcK6ykmTbYh50fQ7GTI/edit?usp=sharing
  2. I've uploaded these images by request. My camera sucks and doesn't really show you what I see. The honeycombing underneath can be seen and there seems to be a 'lump' of fur missing, and some of the fur looks like it's been 'shaved' too short. It's the best way I can describe it. The size is about the size of the area is about the size of a giant peanut. (can think of anything else to describe the size)
  3. I've sent another complaint regarding my suit. The fur is starting to fall out. T_T
  4. This is how the suit looks now. It's better. That's all I can say. A lot of people have been making lovely comments about how I acted well at the convention, and worked really hard to make people smile even though my suit wasn't ideal. The love and support I've gotten in the community these past few weeks has been humbling. I love you all. I'm sure you can draw your own conclusions from the photos. Camaro.
  5. Until something is done to protect people who pay for fursuits, this will always happen. There is too much power in the hands of the suit makers and this just opens the way up to scammers. Paying over 3000$ upfront for something and having a no-refund policy slammed in your face is disgusting. I get that this person didn't nessaserily have a no-refund policy, but you never really got a refund anyway. This is why from now on I'll be paying the whole amount at once through goods and services, and if progress isn't made within the PayPal deadline for a refund, I'll be making a claim. Been scammed way to often by fursuit makers, and something needs to be done. Cost of the materials up front, payment on completion. That's how it should be. I'm sorry you had so much trouble. Some Fursuit makers, new and old, seem to be getting way too greedy and taking way more orders than they can handle. Because fursuits take way to long to make after payment, PayPal will not cover the refund because "too much time has passed" this really has to be addressed somehow.
  6. So, I asked for the care instructions and "how-to" put the suit on information (for my specific suit) from Lemonbrat 2 weeks ago, the email finally arrived last night. The care instructions seem pretty generic, maybe even copied and pasted from some website online I don't know, it says nothing specifically about short, minky fur. It's not really an issue. I've asked for the material colours and the source, I said for repair reasons, but... I may have had other ideas in mind like comissioning a new suit from someone else using the same colours. I felt if I told them that, they would not have told me. Anyway, the sent me what seems to me like a really confusing image of the colours. Now, I only remembering choosing two colours. Champaign and Tawny, possibly Minky Black for my details. Now I asked them to add information on which furs where used for which parts. There are 3 shades of black alone. (I originally thought two) In total there are 7 different colours of fur listed in there email. As this is my first fursuit, I'm not sure it is normal practice, but I thought it might be worth mentioning anyway. Either I am having a really hard time understanding basic information, or communication is an really big issue. I've been at my first convention and already the fur is starting to bald in places. This is not a good sign. The zipper is constantly jamming, even when you ensure to make sure the fur is not in the way when you zip up. They've put a plastic puller on a metal zip on both the head and the back. It seems like instead of seperating the fabric and the fur, they've simply turned the zip backwards somehow - it's really strange. The zipper and fabric seem to seperate on the inside, but not where it counts on the outside. I'll provide more pictures soon. They're is no possible way to put this suit on, or get out of it without help. If you really need to get out of suit quickly in a medical emergency, be prepared to get cut out of it if you don't have a handler because it can easily take an hour just to get in and out of suit. 30-40 minutes if you really try to hurry. (impossible if you are on your own) Again, not sure if this is normal, this is my first fullsuit, but I thought my experience might be worth mentioning. [Edit: Thought it might be worth mentioning that the Fursuit Team and Security at EuroFurence, were constantly saying things like "Oh, the zipper keeps jamming, this must be a Lemonbrat suit" Just thought that might be worth noting] Camaro.
  7. I'm sorry but it was explained at the time that the first image was a reference for the suit (it was actually a fursuit reference comission) and disney image was a refrence for colour only. The other two were simply extra images. I explained that from the start. Anything I asked for (lemonbrat calls them last minute changes) were items I asked for back in December 2018 on the order form. The only change I requested was the eye colour, I asked them to fix the head and tail because they were wrong. That's all. It's really interesting that all the Lemonbrat staff are badmouthing me on twitter and signing up for new accounts on here to try and twist and defame me, and make me seem like I'm in the wrong. They've done nothing but twist the truth, and censor dates and times on the email grabs. They've been venomous to me, and there downright harrassing me on twitter now by making false allegations, and making me out to be a "nightmare customer" I am recieveing hate comments, (albeit in the minority) because no-one is actually buying your stories, but I am getting hate comments none the less. I shouldn't be getting bullied for posting an artists beware, I felt I had the right to post this, and I shouldn't be getting harrassed for it. And I'm sorry but Lemonbrat's cost of making the fursuit is included in the 3600$ price. That's how profits work. [edit] An in addition to the conflicting reference images, Lemonbrat promised to make a sketch of how they wanted the suit to look before manufacturing it, almost 10 months later, I still haven't gotten that sketch. They were supposed to use that and work with me with the design. It's hard to work with an artist when they leave a fullsuit construction to 30 days before deadline. And only start on the main parts 2 weeks after shipping was supposed to happen.
  8. I want all the seems fixed, especially on the back and rear of the head, I'd also like the patchwork under the arm to be fixed. The tail is way too thick, but they won't fix it. I feel like this hasn't been resolved or won't ever be resolved. They just want to fix the zipper and tail placement and mail it, they're not interested in fixing anything else. I would rather have a full refund, and no suit, or a 50% refund with the suit. The suit is in terrible shape, and I feel it's gonna fall apart really quickly as well.
  9. They're only fixing the tail, and the zipper. There not fixing the seems at the rear of the head, or any of the other issues. Image:
  10. Actually I feel like it's gone backwards. They didn't tell me what they were fixing they just said they were fixing something, and then shipping it. I have no idea whats happening. >.< Kinda feel like there gonna shove it down my throat regardless of whether its fixed.
  11. Update: 2nd August 2018. Lemonbrat have said they are going to make "fixes" to my suit, and have demanded me to confirm my shipping address. I have requested them to review the repairs with me before shipping, but I feel they're gonna do these "fixes" in the shadows (if they fix it at all) and send it to me regardless. Like, "Here's you suit, frak off, no refund for you" I just feel like I've been really horribly treated by lemonbrat in this whole exchange and they've gotten really venomous with me since this thread was posted. Everytime I get an email from them it puts me into an Anxiety attack. Not a fun experience.
  12. I will provide lemonbrat's email response here. Apologies for the length of this post in advance. I am sorry that I used profinaty in my response to them, but it was out of complete shock at the suit, not in anger. I was not wishing any harm upon them whatsoever. They'd only sent me images of the paws, tail and head. I had been polite and patient with them up until this point. And the new head they sent me a close up side-shot. So I really couldn't see it all that well and it looked great from what I could see of it. Here is there email, and my response. *** Lemonbrat Inc, I will respond to your points below. Your points will be in italic font. Dear Camaro, I’m sorry that you are dissatisfied with your fursuit. We have provided you with the same high-quality construction that we provide to all our customers. I really don't believe that as several people on twitter, telegram, discord and artist beware have pointed out, you're premades are a lot better quality, and you're quality has been rapidly deterioraing over the years. Previous customers of yours are coming to me with support, and tell me they'll never buy from you again, even at your stalls at conventions. We would appreciate if you would stop trying to read “in-between the lines” of our emails, as we only mean exactly what we are saying. You have jumped to a few conclusions based on speculations, which isn’t helpful for anyone and seems to be causing you more stress that is necessary. Any "suspcions" I've had, have been echoed by other people, I show them your emails and photos, and they come to the same conclusion without my influence. So I really don't know what to say here. Maybe you are right and the 200 people in my friend's discord are all wrong. Your suit has been made in a timely manner. According to our email record, we provided you fur samples on May 5th, and in the proceeding, days had a number of exchanges asking questions about the details of your order. Mid-May is thus when we began the construction process. It is from that point that the designer started to pattern and design components. She was slowed by having to discuss a number of details with you because the main reference material was not exact to what was ultimately selected. For example; the addition of black ear tips, paw pads, and claws, etc that are not shown on the main reference image. If construction began in Mid-May that's just even more embarrassing that the suit turned out so rushed looking, and you say later in your email the person emailing me, and the person working on my suit were two different people but above you said the 'maker' was slowed by discussing details with me? I gave you four reference images, and explained back in October/November when I first ordered the suit, in fact I think it was even on the ORDER FORM about the black tips on the ears, so that is complete bullshit. I sent you four references images. 3 of those images had black tips on the ears! You can't blame me for any delays of details that were stated on the order form and initial emails sent to you when the suit was ordered. Claiming that we “only started a month ago” is inaccurate. I understand that you don’t see our day-to-day workflow. By the time we are sending images of a carved head and sewn together components, there has been A LOT of patterning and development. We simply cannot show WIPS of every single second of production. It was your STAFF that LED me to believe the suit construction started only a month ago. So if you started sooner, then that's not my issue. It's a communication fault (which you already partly admitted to) by your trainee person on the email system. You seem to be confused that the person who answers the emails is the same who carves heads / does other design work. I'm not the one confused about this, above you stated they were the same person, that the maker was in communication with me? We would like to clarify that the designer and seamstress working on the costume have spent 4 years with this company and are certainly not inexperienced. The most “green” person on the team is the one who was initially answering your emails who has been on the team for more than a year at this point. If this is true, that's embarrassing. If my company made me rush a product so much it looked really bad that would crush my spirit, I feel really bad for your seamstress right now. Every time you have responded to our WIPS with displeasure, we have responded within a day or two, offered corrections, and then made those corrections in order to meet your specifications. We have re-carved a head, remade a tail, made adjustments to the bust, remade the ears - all to try to achieve your vision as it changed throughout the process. When you responded saying you did not like the zipper and tail installation we also, immediately responded and offered to make adjustments. You didn't make 'adjustments' in my view, you 'corrected' really horrible mistakes. How do you explain making a mouse head for anthroporphic cat? The head should have been done from scratch, your adjustments made the head look wierd around the nose and mouth. But I was happy with that, then I saw the huge seem on the back. My fursuit looks like it had an autopsy for god sake! On April 1st you told us you were, “having trouble finding someone to do the DCD [sic] with me would something like [provided measurements] be okay?”. We agreed to accept the measurements with the caveat that we cannot guarantee exact fit. This was explained to you on April 2nd, which you agreed to. Your DTD would have been draped as soon as it came in, we could have easily started when you hit your 75% payment mark in February if we had had it. However, having to work with measurements is a much trickier process that has to be specially done by our top designer. Also, you waffled several times on how you wanted the bust to be made, from “speedbump” at the beginning, to two breasts (see your July 2nd email), to wanting the speedbump again on July 19th which caused us to have to pull the bodysuit from production in order to comply with the requested adjustment. This is not true, I asked for a speedbump and your Email person/ designer whatever they are, you can't seem to decide, said they could do breasts too. I asked for some time to think the options over and asked for speed bumps, so this is completely false. I have said not once, not twice, but three times that breasts would be UNSUITABLE FOR A CONVENTION AREA but your designer kept trying to push them on me. SOME CONVENTIONS HAVE BANNED THEM OUTRIGHT. I explained to your maker that I would provide measurements and send the DTD the next week, as I had someone to help me, oddly enough you left that out of your point, even though it was sent only a couple days later. You initially told us you wanted the suit in July for an August due date. It is unfortunate that your suit has run a few days overdue, but it’s extremely hard to keep on-time with so many changes and adjustments. Again your maker set the deadline for Mid-July, I was happy to wait past EF, maybe until christmas, but your maker or email guy, whatever the hell you want to call him, set that date not me, a date that you keep implying that I set, that is not true!! I asked repeatedly between February and April if the deadline was okay, because I could wait longer, but needed to know in advance because I had to make extra arrangements and pay extra for flight allowance if my suit was going with me. I asked if possible, could the suit arrive before August 12, but if not then it would be fine. So don't put the blame of the deadline on me its something you guys agreed to, and I gave you many opportunities to extend and you refused. We feel you supplied a reference image that doesn’t match your mental image of the suit but have still held us to the standard of what is in your head. There’s a reason why commissioners (us included) ask for accurate reference images and any specific preferences up-front (as you could have done from day 1 in our quote form) in order to avoid a tremendous amount of edits and back-and-forths in the production process. Again, I put the [intricate] details on the order form, including the ear markings. You seem to have a serious issue with communication and keeping paperwork in order. We feel that we have worked very hard on your suit, we have complied with every edit you requested, and are still willing to make the zipper and tail adjustments if you so choose. You are ineligible for a refund. As per our policies, we do not offer refunds on custom items, and that has been the case in our TOS for 4+ years. Time, effort, and money were spent making it, and re-making it to your specifications. Being disappointed with it at this stage and demanding a refund after all this work is placing an unreasonable burden on us as we have worked hard to make a good faith effort to create your fursuit in accordance with your preferences. Would this be the same TOS you changed earlier this year? The same TOS that changed the 75% mark to 100% and changed your refund policy to "within reason, minus labor and materials to..." "No payments shall be refunded" It's not been the same for four years, and your own emails to me proove that. It's a blatant lie. I have the email that says, and I quote "You will be bound to our old terms, as your suit was paid off before the TOS changed" my suit was paid of in April, so that means your TOS changed in April 2019, and thus has NOT been the same for the last four years. [ note - was not in email but lemonbrat changed there TOS in 2017 from no refund, to the policy I saw in 2018, they then changed it back in April? 2019 ] Please let us know if you would like the zipper and tail adjustment. I am very angry by the attitude and accusations you have made here, I would advise you make the adjustments to the tail and zipper only if it will not damage the suit further. Because honestly there are a lot of people, who agree that this suit is just embarrassing to your company. It's gonna hurt your business more than it's going to hurt me. Once you have finished making mistakes, I would really appreciate my suit being shipped by FedEx International 5-day like you promised. Regards, Camaro Cougar
  13. Hi, there I just wanted to say as this is important, the post that lemonbrat made about me saying the head was awesome was in reference to attached images of the NEW head, the images in the email repsonse were of the old head, and this has been taken out of context. A lot of the things they have said in there response are untrue, and they've also 'picked and chosen' parts of my emails and tried to twist the context. They have sent me a nasty email this morning, probably in response to this thread. I will be posting the full email with response as it points out also the inaccuracies in their statement. I did offer a DTD the same week as I sent the measurements and there email person / maker said that "they no longer needed them and it wasn't nessasery" and refused to take a DTD in parts or in whole.
  14. Completed suit, 3600$+ A premium suit from a premium maker, this is unacceptable!
  15. Situation: I ordered a custom suit from Lemonbrat in late 2018. With the understanding that the suit would be paid off 3 months prior to July, as I needed to suit to be finished and shipped in time for Eurofurence (leaving 12 August 2019). The terms of service changed somewhere in Febuary or March when I actually paid off the suit. Initial Deposit: https://images2.imgbox.com/3f/d1/LIZAfgSE_o.jpg Final Payment: https://images2.imgbox.com/89/8c/s9pQ3s2C_o.png Assurances on Finish Time: https://images2.imgbox.com/2a/50/9gHwLCC3_o.png They changed the refund policy from (cost of materials and labour will be taken from refund, and at our descretion) to (no payments are refundable) They changed there creation time from 2-3 months after complete payment, to 3-4 months for people who pay upfront. They also changed the deposit terms. I can't remember what the original percentage was, but it changed to 100% payment before construction. The person dealing with my suit told me that I was bound to the old TOS since I paid off the suit before the changes were made. From the time of being paid off I have had nothing but issues. Communication was extremely bad right from the start. I had to go out of my way to contact them every week or two to get any information. The suit was supposed to have started construction 3 months prior to July, and didn't start construction until the last few days of June. Giving them around 30 days to start a suit, a suit I had assumed they had already started. That was a shock. Image: Re-confirming a July finish: https://images2.imgbox.com/b9/d3/qhIVTi77_o.jpg I didn't recieve any progress update images until mid-july, the date the suit was supposed to ship. twice after that, I got assurances the suit would be finished and shipped by the 'end of the week', twice I was told this, and twice the deadline was missed, making three missed deadlines. My fursuit head was made into a mouse head, it had to be completely redone. My tail was made short and curly, and I was told that it was exactly the same as my reference image. When I pointed out that it wasnt - and therefore not what I asked for, they said, "Oh, but this is right for your suit - trust us." I pressed again, that it was not what I asked for an they eventually redid it. To my horror, they had made it supersized to the point that it would need carried. Even though I asked them to keep it long and skinny, and anotomically correct. Several extras have been added to the suit (against my wishes) to try and compensate me because they realised they messed up. They added airbrushing, they're bumping up the shipping to Express International, and now they made a oversized tail (something I didn't pay for or want) They're completely designing the suit they way the *think* it should look and not what I asked for, and its more than just a "style" thing. Tail (first attempt) https://images2.imgbox.com/90/17/Pa3F9l6Q_o.jpg Tail (second attempt) https://images2.imgbox.com/84/2c/iYrvQ5KF_o.jpg Fursuit references: https://images2.imgbox.com/e1/13/sFGrxjpO_o.jpg https://images2.imgbox.com/5c/b1/GSVYWuhI_o.jpg https://images2.imgbox.com/03/ea/izTVbu2S_o.png 1 out of 4 fursuit reference that was sent has not been posted here due to it being NSFW I get the feeling the person dealing with my suit is new. By his own admission, he had to pass on the fursuit head to a head artist to have it completely redone. They also said that a whole team is working on my suit to try and get it done on time, this is not a good sign. I have over 40 emails from Lemonbrat from my back and forths with them since December of 2018. I've uploaded some of those emails but seeing as there are so many, I'm gonna limit what I've uploaded, if anyone needs anything specific will be happy to add it later. Other images: https://images2.imgbox.com/3c/16/AoO5elCV_o.jpg (Tail argument) https://images2.imgbox.com/05/52/5NevIVAT_o.jpg (Tail argument) Other proof: Update: They've sent pictures of the suit. Update: 08.03.19 The suit has been repaired, and is now en route to the client. The email confirming shipping is being withheld to protect the client's privacy. Update: 08.09.19 Hi there, quick update. The suit arrived, with the ears fixed. Not sure how they did it, as I assumed they weren't going to. The suit is snug and fits neatly, and although I am excited and happy to have it there were a few issues: Minor Issues: - No care instructions -No instructions on how to fit cushions into the digigrade legs properly or how to put on. (a lot of trial and error to get it right) Serious Issues: -The suit arrived with fur stuck in the zipper, and the zip had been driven over and beyond the jam (I managed to fix it with some gentle tugging to release the fur from the middle of the zip but it was really worrying) -The zip is extremely tempromental and sticks. It requires two people to suit up and out. Almost got stuck inside trying it on (wanted to make sure it fit because of the issues previous) -The tail is detachable, and attaches with a belt loop on the rear of the suit. (this is something that kind of gripes me as it breaks the magic, but there's not much I can do about it. They claim it was the 'only' way to fix the horrible bulge they had on the rear of the suit, and it's still there, it's just less noticeable. Other points -They included the repairs with the cost of fixing there mistakes. I asked them to put the value of the materials only on the customs form for cheaper import fees. They bumped the price up to 600$ I suspect they included the price of used materials for the repairs to their own mistakes, I didn't like this, but I shrugged it off, as I didn't want to argue with them anymore. (A few friends have expressed that they feel the price is a bit hefty but I have no knowledge of these things so please don't take my word as fact here) Overall, I'm happy with the suit, I still have a few gripes about it, and clearly it was a fight to get it "this good" and it's still not perfect. I'm not trying to be a 'nightmare' customer, I just expect professionalism from a "big name" in the fursuit making community. A suit arriving with fur jammed, and run over with a zipper, no care instructions, and no instructions on how to actually use the "large cushions" they provided to pad out the legs is a little sloppy in my oppinoun. And then there's the issues that was listed on my beware previously. I feel they only went so far with there repairs to save their own reputation, had I not made the beware and kept pressure on them to fix the mistakes I don't know what the suit would look like, they initially refused outright to do any further repairs after the head recarve. If they did bump up the price of the material cost, simply for shipping purposes as a payback for all the repairs they did, I find that a little petty. All in all, I've decided not to go to Lemonbrat for anything again, and a lot of people have given me there support on this without asking, saying they won't even buy things from there stalls anymore. I appreciate all the support the AB team and the people who read my posts and twitter have given me. And if you chose not support Lemonbrat, that is your choice, but I wouldn't blame you. All the best, Camaro.
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