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  1. thanks for your time and advice. 🙂 I did, but still held back just incase the commissioner does return. But times up now. I also considered on maybe selling prints on DA trying to make up my loss that way, too.
  2. Thank you for taking time in replying, and your advice. I Totally agree, and why i had my ref updated the beginning of this year, so it won't happen again. Though ill have to update the part about Paypal, too. Its true some clients were put off by the idea of using Western Union, but I didn't had a choice in these parts of the world where i live. So I'm just glad I've finally got a working Paypal now. The image in the email was a low res - quality cam shot to provide proof, and never received the full image. but even that didn't spark or inspire the urge to pay to get the full better quality ress. I only posted the image 6 or so months later on DA having a feeling the client may never return anyways. Now its just for profile promotional use. And thanks, I'll use your advice on titled "Unpaid" watermarks in the future. 🙂
  3. Here is the final artwork https://www.deviantart.com/blue4eagle/art/Vixongoddess-Comm-775141273 VixonAzaria came to me beginning of last year (2018) on Deviantart. Sadly what I've replied to her is not visible for the first 3 notes, she seem to have erased them when she replied. on the 4th reply she left them in. From here you can see my replies. I believe I did send more messages on DA after these, but no replies, it's been a year. And sadly Deviantart doesn't show note reference you've send, except only when replied to. Eventually I switched to emailing. I was surprised when she replied she forgot that she commissioned me. but below was the last message I've ever received from her Heard nothing for months ever since, even when I tried to note her on Deviantart or Furaffinity. And below is when I tried to email again after months of waiting for replies. And still no replies. I did note again on Deviantart after this wishing Merry Christmas and trying to be nice. but not even that worked. the mistake I've done there is i didn't take screenshots before sending them. Below was the last email i tried, and forgive the writing as I was aggravated at that point. And so I was still ignored the rest of this year and i know she is deliberately doing it since she is active on Furaffinity for the past few months, and as recent as 2 days ago, when I last checked. Plus she removed me from her watch and still no replies to this recent post. Please any advice on what to do, and where I may have gone wrong, or what am I doing wrong. I do agree my mistake was I should have waited with the commission before finishing it until I got my fee owed. Any help from artist she may approach in the future if you could remind her that she owes me, or make sure she pays you for your work if she decides to commission any artist in the future, and not let the same happen to you as it did with me. I've put allot of effort and time into this work. And I've recently got Paypal sorted so I can now officially receive Payments via Paypal. Thanks!
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