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  1. Oh yeah I'll definitely be watermarking all WIPs from now on; I was really naïve when I first started taking commissions, and I thought that if I was friendly to commissioners, they would be friendly back. It never occurred to me that I could be seriously taken advantage of; I've had a few somewhat rough experiences, but this one has definitely been the worst. If any of you guys don't watermark WIPs or don't charge at least partially upfront, you'll be taken advantage of; please learn from my mistakes, guys ^^;
  2. Oof exactly I was so confused by all that they were saying I had to ask around in a bunch of chats I was in just to make sure I was correct; it was so ridiculous that I just needed to double check XD I'll definitely try to keep an eye out if that sketch ends up anywhere; I don't know his usernames for any other art websites so it's unlikely I'll find anything unfortunately, but I'm just happy it was only a sketch and not a full drawing. If anything further happens, I'll definitely post an update.
  3. Oof just searched for my username on here, and thank goodness nothing showed up ^^; I hope I can keep it that way lol

  4. Hi there~ This is my first post on here, so sorry if I don't do everything right ;0; Just had a pretty intense interaction with a buyer, so I'd like to warn anyone who may come into contact with him. I contacted EylonFerrousa on Telegram after he had made several posts in a few chats we shared looking for an artist to draw his dragon character. His budget was $40 and I was willing to work with that. I generally do commissions differently than most (this experience has made me change my methods, however); I usually try to complete the sketch before requiring payment, so after receiving a text description of the dragon he wanted drawn, I got to work and made a few sketches with minimal tweaking. Once I had gotten it to a point that I thought would be good enough to go forward with, I sent it to him but didn't receive any response for well over a week. I sent a quick "hey just checking in" message, and he informed me that some things had come up and he needed to cancel the commission. No biggie, life happens, and I totally understand ? I said as much, but mentioned that because I had spent quite a long time on that sketch, I would probably recycle the pose to fit one of my dragon characters that I had been meaning to draw (I would not be stealing his character, just using the pose and anatomy that I had spent around an hour perfecting on his dragon to make drawing mine go quicker) He was irked by this, saying that he'd rather I not reuse it, since he would be using the sketch. After I insisted that he did not own that sketch since he had not paid for it, he responded, saying that in his ToS (apparently commissioners have ToS's? I haven't heard of this) he claims that all art drawn for him belongs exclusively to him, whether he's paid for it or not. This alone is something you can't enforce, as artists own the art that they draw, especially art that hasn't been paid for, but prior to this, the idea of him having a ToS was never brought up, mentioned, or linked to. If he really did have such a ridiculous condition in his ToS, this should have been the first thing brought up. He then proceeded to go on a bit of a tirade, claiming that if I did anything to that piece, he would have full grounds to sue me, and he ensured me that I "didn't want a lawsuit on my hands." I responded, practically refuting everything he said, and I promptly blocked him. I have the entire chat screenshotted (good thing too, because he nuked the chat as soon as I replied to his lawsuit threats), but the only truly important parts are the end where things got heated, and I'll put my response in there as well just for a little closure. I'll include them below, but if any more info is requested, I'd be more than happy to provide it. I'll also put in the original message he had sent when looking for artists to draw his dragon, as well as the sketch of the dragon I completed as proof that I had done the work in the first place. Unfortunately, I seem to have missed the text he sent me after his long tirade about suing me; he made sure to mention that he had business to attend to with the CEO of Hasbro (an obvious scare tactic, and a poor one at that).
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