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  1. This can now be marked as "resolved", as Xoloitz successfully completed the commission.
  2. June 21, 2021: First sent message to Xoloitz via Telegram, inquiring for a commission. June 22, 2021: Details sent to Xoloitz for a three character commission: two of my characters and a character belonging to a friend. After a lewd comment on the size of my friend's character's junk, Xoloitz quotes a price of $160 shaded or $120 flat colors, and I approve the former. Payment of $160 USD is sent via PayPal that same day. (Note: NSFW content censored.) November 12, 2021: Xoloitz opens for commissions again. December 12, 2021: First inquiry to Xoloitz over Telegram regarding status of commission. Xoloitz claims to have forgotten about it and promises to get on it ASAP. January 23, 2022: Second inquiry via Telegram about commission status. No response. February 9, 2022: Third inquiry via Telegram. No response at the time. February 11, 2022: Inquiry via Twitter DM. No response. February 19, 2022: Inquiry via FurAffinity DM. no response. February 23, 2022: Xoloitz finally responds to February 9 Telegram inquiry, stating to have been in a car accident. February 24, 2022: Xoloitz sends a WIP. I ask twice for the characters' sizes to be changed and Xoloitz complies. (NSFW content censored in screen shots.) (Note: The comment "could it be possible to remove the comments on FA since we are already working on your commission?" refers to a comment my friend made on Xoloitz' FA regarding the status of the commission; however, I was unable to screencap this comment before it got deleted.) February 25, 2022: Xoloitz opens for commissions again. March 21, 2022: Message sent to Xoloitz over Telegram, asking for the commission to be finished or refunded within two weeks. No response. March 22, 2022: Same message as prior day. No response. April 5, 2022: Two-week time limit established on March 21 expired. No response. April 29, 2022: Yet another inquiry via FurAffinity DM. No response. I will consider this resolved when Xoloitz refunds me the full $160 price.
  3. Urg opened for commissions on January 24, 2020. The commission queue opened at the time can be found here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/34740959/ I (TenPoundHammer) am in the fourth slot. I agreed to a two-character, full body piece with background. Per the posted prices, my piece totaled $115 USD. January 25, 2020: Urg sent me an FA note confirming that I was in the queue. March 24, 2020: Urg sent me a WIP and asked for payment. March 25, 2020: Payment of $119.99 USD sent (the balance being PayPal fees). March 26, 2020: Urg acknowledges that payment was received. October 15, 2020: Inquiry to Urg about progress of pic. Urg informs me that a WIP will be sent on October 20. December 31, 2020: Second inquiry to Urg about progress of pic. Informed that WIP will be "within four days". May 7, 2021: Yet another inquiry to Urg about status of pic. WIP promised "next week". August 31, 2021: Request for at least a partial refund due to long term lack of progress. Refund promised "tomorrow". As of this writing (October 7, 2021), Urg has yet to refund me. Also, unless I missed one, only one of the five pieces from the last commission queue appears to be in Urg's gallery; despite this, Urg opened for a new batch of commissions on September 6, 2021 despite an obvious backlog ( https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43597577/ ). I am out $119.99 USD until this is resolved.
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