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Yearbook Quote

Sometimes there are no words, no clever quotes to neatly sum up what's happened that day.

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  1. Ah, okay! Thats fine, gotta work out the quirks somehow!
  2. Under the beware tab https://artistsbeware.info/beware/ It's showing bewares that are also just archived, and not anything from recent bewares. Not sure if that is working as intended or not. ^^"
  3. Following in as well, https://gyazo.com/4e15ba4222a05477f400f8f4166c9ac8 I'm not trying to nitpick, I promise! lol. Shouldn't this as well be the recent bewares, or at least any that aren't archived?
  4. Something else as well, what one person considered pricey, another may see it as just right. If you're comfortable with those prices, seeing as you know the value of time, effort, and utensils needed to complete the work, then they are perfect. ?
  5. I don't personally have a system on how I price my adopts, other than "If I were to buy this, how much would I spend?" But I am like you as well; my adopts are all on bases, which I edit for whatever purpose I need. Sometimes I wish someone would tell me what they are worth cos man at times, I struggle, lol.
  6. Not sure this is so much of a bug but rather a suggestion. https://gyazo.com/3560b0699373ba48ae7a75b65f2f681f Right now, it's showing all bewares that are being posted, but it looks like these are meant for archives. I think it would be more useful if it was actual recent bewares, and not the archived ones. I have no idea if you can filter it out or not.
  7. Excited for this new site!

  8. I assume the pink they are talking about is the pink that is around the character itself, to make it pop from the background. Usually, if I have no idea what the flesh colour is, I go based off the nose/inner ears.
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