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  1. There is a possibility of recourse, the wording on that article may refer to different types of scams and not a merchant transaction that may be disputed according to this article from the platform. There does not seem to be any generalized windows for dispute like paypal has, only that the platform can charge back a transaction from over 30 days.
  2. A comment was not approved under item 1 of our guidelines. No proxy/ third party posts. If you would like to update on the situation as it currently is, you may focus on the public comments made by the artist, not anyone else. If other individuals have been affected by this artist's practices, we encourage them to come forward on their own terms to discuss their experience with Mieru. Censoring the names of 3rd parties not involved in your transaction is not an acceptable means to get around this.
  3. Cover your bases so you've done your due diligence. In the reverse of this situation (as a client being ghosted) I've sent correspondence in multiple avenues to make my intentions clear when I've reached an impasse with someone. Touching upon the claimed work that was not paid for: You are going to need to prepare for the possibility that your client may never pay up for the remaining slots in a timely manner. If your TOS for your work states to receive payment within 24 hours, it's something you should stick to moving forward. You've said yourself it's a potentially large amount of money with multiple pieces that this one individual has claimed. It's cost you a lot more potential revenue in having all of this work stalled when the pieces could have gone to other buyers. You do yourself a disservice by letting them sit if you want to be paid. As far as a time-frame? That is entirely up to you, and how much you value your time in continuing the transaction as is. How is this affecting your current queue, other clients, etc. These are all things to consider when in tough spots like this. You can give them a week, or a couple of days, but that should be your call after evaluating the time spent thus far and the time that may possibly be spent in prolonging your shaky situation with this client.
  4. You need to be firm and direct in communications with the client moving forward, if you were not previously. If they came to you with the agreement with the payment plan and they aren't following through, you should not have to subject yourself to uncertainty because they are not communicating with you. Presuming you completed one YCH, and the others have not been started and paid for, you have the option to relist the remaining listings to allow others to have a shot. If I was in your shoes, I'd give them one last chance to pay for (1) additional YCH, but I would not let them keep however many they originally claimed. If they don't pay for the YCH, just relist them. As far as the current piece goes, inform them that you need their revisions for the piece you did complete by a strict date (a week, if you want). If they do not provide whatever needed to be fixed by that time, then the commission will be considered complete and no further revisions for the piece will be allowed. If they wanted to be entitled to your time, they should have followed through with their commitment to you and compensated you accordingly. Regardless of past commission history, it falls to them to keep up their end of the transaction.
  5. Please submit a post in order for us to fully review and understand your circumstances. Please be advised, we do not accept anonymous submissions.
  6. For your reference, the Paypal window is 180 days. Your Paypal receipt provides you a deadline of October 1st to report issues with the transaction.
  7. Too long is anything that puts you outside of your refund window, imo. If you still have plenty of time, you can be clear and firm with this person and give them an ultimatum before opting for a chargeback. But if the amount is truly something you don't want to pursue and you see it as negligible, you can also just let it go and never work with this person again.
  8. A comment was not approved under item 2 of our rules of participation. No excessive personal information or bewares in the comments. Please consider submitting your own post on this subject if you have had a similar experience, It helps bolster our tag weight and metrics. Please keep in mind that we do not accept anonymous submissions.
  9. This will be the last comment we approve that references the artwork presented by the subject of this beware. Repeated references to the exact same issue are getting close to dogpiling, which falls under item 3 of our commenting rules. If you see many comments sharing the same sentiment as you, please use the like feature instead.
  10. A comment was not posted under items 1 & 2 of our Rules of Participation. 1. Comments are to remain professional, constructive, and on topic. We are not a drama site. No name calling. No unnecessary hostility. 2. No excessive personal information or bewares in the comments. | If you have a similar situation that you would like to share, we encourage you to come forward and submit your own post. Having multiple submissions on the same subject helps boost our tags and metrics for visibility. With that said, we do not accept anonymous submissions on this site. We require full transparency in order to manually review all transactions, be it from clients or artists.
  11. OP paid via Boosty, which indicates a very strong possibility that they will not be able to recover the funds. It is one of the few methods available to Russian artists at this time, and the platform processes all payments as donations. Various individuals have noted here that they lose their claims due to the terms of service of the site if they've run into issues with the respective artists.
  12. A comment was not approved for ignoring item 2 of our commenting rules. Bewares in the comments will not be approved. Please submit your own post to add to our tag weight and metrics.
  13. baja

    Using Boosty.to

    A comment was hidden under item 1 of our commenting rules. If you would like to contribute your experiences with Boosty as a platform, we will require any interested parties to post constructively and clearly, with provide proof of your process, as other users have done so in this thread already. We will not be approving comments that do not provide any insight and just boil down to flippant and vague commentary.
  14. If you are an active toyhouse user, it has been known by the community that the online activity indicator is not accurate in reference to their on-site activity at all. It is not as reliable as some users would like to make it out to be. You have not elapsed a month since this commission was initiated, and it is my recommendation to give them more time before jumping to conclusions. If you elapse three months without communication? It would be more of a cause for concern, but much of the community of toyhouse is made up of young freelancers that skew underage, or may be students. It is entirely possible that their life outside of toyhouse got a bit busy after starting your piece. Personally speaking, it is too soon to go to the worst case scenario, even as someone who has experienced multiple commissioned artists ghosting me in the past. Another thing I will note, is that the email utilized to pay the individual is a valid means of communication. For some reason, with this current crop of artists and commissioners, it is seen as a 'violation of privacy' but the email itself is used for the processing of the payment via direct pay via Paypal or if they utilize invoices. You are not overstepping your bounds in using information that was directly provided to you in the transaction. That email is fair game to use for communications, so it would be wise to use that as your back up just in case.
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