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  1. I too have been ripped off by this "Artist" there are commissions that we're never completed, I am compiling every scrap there is about them including their DM's lying to me on working on it before supper, art that was commissioned in 2018, and now their maliciousness of having FA removing my posted commissions and comics from my page, this will be coming including receipts , their mate is shown to be in on the fraud I will be including my DM with them as well showing that I was too flexible with them.  This 🙂 doesn't instantly become this 😞 in one day.

    Criminal Code of Canada dealing with the definition of Fraud

    Part X - Fraudulent Transactions Relating to Contracts And Trade(ss 379-427)

    S379 Definition- "Goods" Means anything that is the subject of trade or commerce;

    S380(1) Fraud - Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, weather or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this act, defrauds the public or any person, weather acertained or not, of ANY property, MONEY or valuable security or ANY SERVICE.

    (a)is guilty of indictable offence and libal to a term of imprisonment of 14 years.

    I could go on rattling off the offence in the Canadian Criminal code book, Of course Aisha did try to threaten me with my local police action for "DOXING"  it was showing receipts of their fraudulant crime, im still walking free even now. this person is a bully and a real thief.

    I am working on putting together their abuses of my person from them!

  2. Had A run in with him unfortunately, was able to charge back my money since he just went silent and wouldn't communicate over DM in Fur Affinity, Wish I knew about him sooner or I would never have tried commissioning him, I have another one I will be posting because I do not see them in the beware forum yet that has defrauded me, haven't been able to get my art or money from a different artist, I will put something together on them soon enough, hopefully with out going nuclear after seeing other art being posted and what I paid for in 2018 was never delivered or completed....
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