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  • Beware - SnowAngelSuits

    • Who: SnowAngelSuits
      Where: https://instagram.com/snowangelsuits/
      When: 03/04/2020
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts



    So I bought this fullsuit for 500$ + 50$ shipping on Instagram and the seller wanted me to pay with the "friends and family" option cus she needed the money to ship it. She (SnowAngelSuits) said she was gonna fix some holes and send it about 3-4 days later. When I hadn't heard from her by day 5 or 6 I reached out to her asking how it's going, but she wasn't in any hurry to reply until a few days later, saying she spent the money (including the shipping money) on other stuff and can't afford to send it until she gets a refund from someone else.

    76119279_Allthelies1.thumb.png.7b6f871d800aba16d1b5fb7b1808276f.png I had to reached out to her multiple times through out all this to even get her to reply, since she never contacted me whenever she said she would. She kept coming up with excuses throughout all this. 


    After this I unfortunately don't have anymore screenshots cus we came to an agreement that I would pay for shipping again since she apparently couldn't afford it and that she was going to look for cheaper shipping options (like shipping it in two boxes etc) to save money since I live in Sweden and not in the US. But she never got back to me with a price for the shipping, so I messaged her 2 weeks back from today asking how it was going and that she might as well sell the suit to someone else instead for a higher price so that I can get my money back and so that she can earn some money from it also but she never replied and now she has deleted her Instagram account so I can't contact her there anymore, and the conversation disappeared also..

    I've tried asking my bank for help but they can't do anything without a "real" receipt with an order number included. And since I paid with the "friends and family" option I don't think I can get my money back through PayPal either, but I still tried messaged them about this so we'll see. 

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    • Senior Staff

    In doing research on this we found that nearly all of the user's accounts were just deleted. Instagram, Etsy, Weebly, only the facebook account remains with an initial listing of 700$ for the partial. This is exactly the kind of behavior I fear may result in them popping up again under a different name in an attempt to sell the same suit, again. May have to keep an eye out if that suit shows up in other services/advertisements 😕

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    Since the seller tricked/guilt tripped you into paying via friends and family, maybe Paypal will give you a chance. I hope this can be resolved somehow, I wish you good luck!

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    11 hours ago, Alkraas said:

    Since the seller tricked/guilt tripped you into paying via friends and family, maybe Paypal will give you a chance. I hope this can be resolved somehow, I wish you good luck!

    Thank you! I've messaged them about this, giving them the short story, so let's just hope for the best! 

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    never, EVER send payment via the 'friends and family' option. This person is trying to scam you out of our money and make it much more difficult to get a refund.

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    4 hours ago, fireflies said:

    never, EVER send payment via the 'friends and family' option. This person is trying to scam you out of our money and make it much more difficult to get a refund.

    *your money, sorry I can't spell

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    • Administrator

    Changed Where to https://instagram.com/snowangelsuits/

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