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  • Beware: Shantayz

    • Who: Shantayz
      Where: SecondLife
      When: 06/04/2019
      What: Art Trade
      NSFW Content

    I have here some pics of our agreement regarding the following art piece I did for the trade (warning NSFW). This Trade started around June 4th, 2019.Shantayz.thumb.png.3b33f3d4a13ae70d4bf64c3cb242bd5b.png

    She has not sent me any form of WIPs for a mod on SecondLife that she owes me. She has said that she would finish it multiple times. So I felt like i was owed either my mod or the money for my hard work and time. She asked me for WIPs and I sent them to her. I have been patient, understanding, and have been as professional as I could. Then when i confronted her one last time, she showed her true colors to me in a very unprofessional and childish way. She has been disrespectful and has demeaned my work out of anger. 

    Annotation 2019-07-08 205635.png

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    Annotation 2019-07-07 171537.png

    Annotation 2019-07-07 171701.png

    Annotation 2019-07-09 011041.png

    Annotation 2019-07-09 011456.png

    Annotation 2019-07-09 012318.png

    Annotation 2019-07-09 020442.png

    User Feedback

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    • Senior Staff


    Shantayz has a history of scamming & defrauding others in other furry communities so it does not surprise me in the slightest that she's taken on this stance. She started off on Furcadia, where she ended up stealing premium items and smaller things of the sort, but I definitely remember her butting heads with artists in the past too.

    Sadly, all of the records of her past discretions were lost when the forum I moderated for was shut down by our admin without our knowledge.

    But she is a troublesome individual, and her behavior hasn't changed in nearly a decade it seems.

    It's unfortunate that she lead you along like this and went for some severe emotional manipulation with you, but I will say in knowing how she has affected others, it is unlikely you will see your finished mod from her.

    With that said? You shouldn't have proceeded past the sketch phase on this piece without her showing you some form of WIP for the mod. The image is rendered now, but you have the sketch still? So perhaps you could repurpose it as a YCH for someone else to recoup the loss, if you're able to.

    For future pieces, be they art trades or commissions, be sure to fully watermark the piece, send a low-resolution version of the work to be done and do not finish it until you receive compensation for your work. 

    You may lose out on something, even if you do take precautionary measures, but its easier to salvage a sketch vs a fully rendered piece >:



    'Making me look bad now are we?'

    No hun you do that yourself 😃 if stating facts about the situation paints you in a bad light... it's time for some introspection.

    Know what else makes one look bad? Shitting on other people's pricing. Furry art is already priced somewhere between 'busker' and 'scratch-in-the-dirt', its dirty AF to try and reduce it THAT much.




    Time to turn the image into a YCH. Maybe change the candle colors or something. Try to recoup what loss you can on it. Agreeing with rikki on future arrangements.



    On 7/10/2019 at 9:06 AM, cknsausage said:

    'Making me look bad now are we?'

    No hun you do that yourself 😃 if stating facts about the situation paints you in a bad light... it's time for some introspection.

    Know what else makes one look bad? Shitting on other people's pricing. Furry art is already priced somewhere between 'busker' and 'scratch-in-the-dirt', its dirty AF to try and reduce it THAT much.


    I love how she tried to pay it off with a viral currency. And if I remember 115L is about $1.15 right?



    This is absolutely terrible. They wanted your art enough to want to trade, but when you wanted payment suddenly it wasn't worth the cost, excuse me??? Absolutely well warranted, what a nasty attitude. 



    115L$ is a little less than a dollar. With the hours I put in on my pieces, if someone had quoted me 115l$ to pay for that kind of piece, I'd have spit in their face =/ Designing that kind of thing takes a loooong time.

    Hell, I've been working on a single character piece with a simple background all day. Granted, its a purely latex character with a lot of stuff attached so, detail is being a pain. But still. Hourage wise, it's at about 70$ already.


    115L$ is a joke.

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