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  • Beware of Artist

    • Who: DeliciousOrange
      Where: https://www.splarty.net/u/DeliciousOrange
      When: 03/03/2017
      What: Commission

    Requested a commission of 2 female OCs spending time together.  D.Orange presented me with 3 sketches to choose from and then pay the amount when ready.  Paid $225.00: 




    Months go by with little interaction.  D.Orange claims to have working issues irl, gave him the benefit of the doubt and gave him space.  Months roll by and the responses gradually diminish to zero from him:






    Being part of a discord group, even had a mod step in to get it rectified, but even he didn't get a response from D.Orange.  

    A bit old, but Orange is still active.  Wanted to bring awareness.

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    • Senior Staff

    It's super shitty on their part that they up and flounced, but I think you need to be more direct in your communication with an artist when it comes to your commissions in the future.

    Its one thing to just be open-ended and friendly, but as this was a business transaction, you should have lead with wanting to discuss the commission instead of just repeating 'Hey/Hi/Hello!' every time you wanted to speak to them.

    You can still be friendly, just drop a 'Hey, its been a while since I've heard from you! I was just checking in to see how the progress on my commission was coming along?' or something like that?

    It can be misconstrued by some people that the vague poking in DMs is just meant to be conversational vs professional.
    Still does NOT excuse them ghosting you, but its just a small suggestion for any future commissions you get ?

    Edited by rikki
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    On 4/4/2019 at 12:34 PM, rikki said:

    It's super shitty on their part that they up and flounced, but I think you need to be more direct in your communication with an artist when it comes to your commissions in the future.

    Its one thing to just be open-ended and friendly, but as this was a business transaction, you should have lead with wanting to discuss the commission instead of just repeating 'Hey/Hi/Hello!' every time you wanted to speak to them.

    You can still be friendly, just drop a 'Hey, its been a while since I've heard from you! I was just checking in to see how the progress on my commission was coming along?' or something like that?

    It can be misconstrued by some people that the vague poking in DMs is just meant to be conversational vs professional.
    Still does NOT excuse them ghosting you, but its just a small suggestion for any future commissions you get ?

    Thanks Rikki, I'll keep that in mind next time.  I'm usually a bit hesitant since I've kinda scared myself into thinking that artists tend to have an inner circle and if you give them trouble, they'll blacklist you and spread the word to avoid this particular client.  But after so long, I think enough was enough.  So, yeah, I'll do that next time!  Thank you ?

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    5 hours ago, DAKImakura said:


    Thanks Rikki, I'll keep that in mind next time.  I'm usually a bit hesitant since I've kinda scared myself into thinking that artists tend to have an inner circle and if you give them trouble, they'll blacklist you and spread the word to avoid this particular client.  But after so long, I think enough was enough.  So, yeah, I'll do that next time!  Thank you ?

    Remember that artists should see you as their boss when you've paid them for work. You should never feel ashamed speaking up to an artist if they are negligent. Just be polite as rikki said and as an artist myself, I have to admit I prefer to remain professional without a lot of social chit chat with clients. And I, personally, am not part of some inner circle and see that kind of behavior as negative. We're not all the same.

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    • Senior Staff

    Oh it can absolutely be nerve wracking to take the initiative on that sorta thing! I've been there myself, but at the end of the day, the artist is running a business (and if they don't treat it as such? definitely look elsewhere for someone who will actually take their work seriously!) and they should have no reason to be nasty if a client is keeping things on the up and up!

    You paid for a service, and you are within your rights to ask for progress or if there's delays in the process.

    Some artists may take a negative approach, but if they get nasty when you just ask a question, it will reflect poorly on them and not you. And nine times outta ten, even if the work is nice, it tends to be tainted by the bad experience had by the artist you worked with.

    You did nothing to warrant their mistreatment, so don't be afraid to stick up for yourself in the future! There's always others out there that will be more than willing to take you up on a future commission <:

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    On 4/6/2019 at 12:17 PM, Rendrassa said:

    Remember that artists should see you as their boss when you've paid them for work. You should never feel ashamed speaking up to an artist if they are negligent. Just be polite as rikki said and as an artist myself, I have to admit I prefer to remain professional without a lot of social chit chat with clients. And I, personally, am not part of some inner circle and see that kind of behavior as negative. We're not all the same.

    Thanks Rendrassa.  I'll keep that in mind and my apologies if I've offended you with that way of thinking.  It was more out of fear and overthinking that came to that toxic conclusion.  But I'll keep that in mind ?

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    On 4/8/2019 at 6:57 PM, DAKImakura said:

    Thanks Rendrassa.  I'll keep that in mind and my apologies if I've offended you with that way of thinking.  It was more out of fear and overthinking that came to that toxic conclusion.  But I'll keep that in mind ?

    No offense, just expressing my own experiences. I have seen some artists have issues and act more important than their customers.

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