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  • Beware: Nycket

    • Who: Nycket/Nycketful/MotherShepp
      Where: FA: Nycket DA:Nycketful Twitter: @MotherShepp
      When: 02/22/2016
      What: Commission

    Message added by James

    Two caps were removed by moderation staff.  The reasoning is in the body of the text.

    Feb 22 2016
    Nycket uploaded the babyshower YCH, they said they lowered the price to $60 because no one was interested in buying it before at a higher price.

    Feb 23 2016
    I commented letting them know I was interested but I was going to wait in case anyone else wanted the the spot.

    Feb 24 2016
    I bought slot #2 for $60 in the babyshower YCH, paid that same day.


    Jan 07 2017
    I had not been given any updates on the YCH since I had bought it, except for seeing it being worked on once in stream. This Trello card was the last documented update on the babyshower YCH. My character is lined and colored (the one sitting on the floor.)


    ~ May 2017
    Nycket posted a submission opening traditional bust commissions (If I remember correctly, they couldn't work on digital images because they couldn't find their computer cord after a move.) I responded with interest. They were a bit slow to respond but later we agreed on a digital bust since they finally got their new computer cord.
    (No screenshots of the comments on the submission as it was deleted later.)

    May 08-09 2017
    I sent a note with my references for the 2nd commission, then sent payment of $20.


    Jun 05 2017
    I noticed that the submission where we discussed my 2nd commission was gone, and checking their Trello(linked on their FA profile at the time), I realized it was also not listed there. So I sent a note asking about it. They responded quickly saying they haven't forgotten. They removed the Trello link off their FA profile right after(without telling me they did or why), which raised my suspicion.

    Jun 20 2017
    Nycket made a journal titled "READ IF YOU HAVE A COMMISSION, TRADE, OR COLLAB FROM ME" saying that they've fallen behind on keeping track of things. They said they were going to update their list and to let them know if they owed us anything. I commented with what they owed me. Again this behavior was making me feel a bit uneasy about working with them.


    Jul 26-27 2017
    [The follow item has been removed by moderation staff.  It is inappropriate for Artists Beware given it's personal sensitive information taken from a locked account.]

    Jul 29 2017
    They were back on FA and I noted them telling them I filed a dispute and that some of their recent actions and lack of communication had really made me regret buying a second commission from them, considering how long I was still waiting for the YCH.
    They responded saying that anxiety was why they don't communicate, why they deleted the submission where I ordered the 2nd commission and why they removed the link to their Trello and apologized for everything.
    I tried to be as encouraging as possible and offered my full support as long as they were willing to work to get things done and to communicate more.

    [Cap removed by moderation staff because it is more personal general chat.]

    Aug 01 2017
    I had let them know what my telegram was so if they wanted to talk, they could. They contacted me on Aug. 1st. and said they appreciated me reaching out, and said they'd talk to me later. This was the only time they initiated conversation with me. (I don't believe Nycket ever went on telegram again, so at the time of screenshotting this, their account just says 'Deleted Account' as Telegram auto deletes inactive accounts after a time.)

    Aug 16 2017
    They never did talk to me again. I sent a note saying I was escalating my dispute to a claim (at this point I was tired of waiting still with no updates on either commission and having to contact them for updates instead of the other way around, and I was running out of time on my dispute and I did not have enough confidence in Nycket to complete anything in the time remaining)
    They responded saying they couldn't issue a refund because of their paypal being in the negatives and her job not giving her enough hours. This was the last time I personally heard from Nycket.
    I eventually did get a chargeback for the 2nd commission on August 25, 2017 (see previous paypal screenshot). Absolutely no word from Nycket on that though.


    They were posting journals up until late March in 2018. No updates on any commissions in that time. Absolutely no update about anything anywhere after March.

    Jan 16 2019
    I sent an email to try to regain contact, but they never responded.

    Jan 23 2019
    Left some shouts on Nyckets profile officially asking for a refund for the babyshower YCH since I never had asked about the possibility of one before they disappeared. Since they already did the work on my character but did not complete the image, I asked for $30 back instead of the full $60. Still no response from Nycket.

    TL;DR: I bought a YCH slot in early 2016 and then a bust commissions in May 2017. Never got an update on either of them, and neither was ever completed. Got a chargeback for the bust commission but still no update on the YCH spot. Nycket then disappeared and nobody has heard from them since.

    All in all, Nycket just never communicated and I was always being left in the dark with no updates or WIPs or anything. Lack of communication was the biggest problem for me, looking back on this there were more excuses than actual updates, if there were any at all. They never let me know about the progress on things, I just happened upon them in stream or if I went looking.

    2017 07-29 After Suicide Journal 2.PNG

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    Sounds like someone to avoid. Bad communication and inappropriate behavior ("I thought you didn't like me.  I always wanted to be your friend.") and a lot of angry customers on her FA page.  Also way too much personal information on journals about all her problems.  I think she should have issued refunds if she was so stressed out.

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    Nycket had a history of ghosting and returning out of nowhere for a little while, then ghosting again when it came time to pay up in owed art. I saw many of the same practices described here.

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    16 hours ago, Mikey said:

    Nycket had a history of ghosting and returning out of nowhere for a little while, then ghosting again when it came time to pay up in owed art. I saw many of the same practices described here.

    I didn't know they had a history of it, this is the first time I've seen them do this.

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    On 2/7/2019 at 1:27 PM, Fauwcks said:

    I didn't know they had a history of it, this is the first time I've seen them do this.

    I should have clarified, mine should say "now has" instead of "had".  After this, it continued to be a problem, so from the point you ordered the commission and on.

    Edited by Mikey
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    • Administrator
    6 minutes ago, sbneko said:

    How was this resolved? I can't seem to find any update and would love to know :3

    OP pmed me they got their money back.

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