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  • Beware: BrokenVocaloid

    • Who: BrokenVocaloid
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/BrokenVocaloid/
      When: 06/05/2019
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    The 5th of June, 2019, I approached BrokenVocaloid on the subject of attaining a YCH of theirs called the "Prison YCH" replying to the post directly and asking them if I could send my own reference sheet via the notes system which was agreed upon. (First picture) And on the same day, I sent the payment which was accepted. (Second picture)

    Around that time, BrokenVocaloid was going through lots of stress, stating said stress through journals, and expressing their frustrations through art, explaining their situation and saying about how their rent was the main reason behind the delays in art. About a month later, Jul 19th, 2019, I sent her a note, asking if it had been done as of yet. At the time I was very timid, and felt bad for asking, even though it'd been a month in which I hadn't received any WIPs or as such, messages. I got a reply back from them with the following. (Third picture)

    So, I waited a little longer. As I said, I was quite timid, and felt bad about sending that one message, so I decided to give BrokenVocaloid some space, and forgot about it...

    ...Until I realised how long it had been since I had heard anything. (Fourth picture) September 4th, 2020. I like to think I'm pretty patient, but there is a limit. I constructed a message, and sent it off asking if there were any updates. What followed was a conversation that started with them saying they would check to see if my commission was done. September 13th, 2020. I personally looked through their gallery, making sure to double check it for my promised piece, and could not find it. I waited a little longer as I felt I might be harrassing them and did not want to cause drama or more stress. So I... Waited another month. October 11th, 2020 To which I asked if they'd found it, to which they replied, explaining they were very busy with work. (Fifth picture) And as the naive, timid person I am, afraid of making them angry, I refrained from messaging them, which I regret. Because it now brings us to the present day.

    April 27th, 2021 I asked if there were any updates regarding the commission. Waiting two years now, I was starting to realise I would probably never receive the artwork, but decided to persist. (Sixth picture) They told me they were still trying to get a lot finished up. This time I didn't wait a month, or leave it for longer, I messaged them a few days later asking if they had made a start, or finished it. (Seventh picture) Which takes us now to June 26th, 2021.

    BrokenVocaloid explains that they had been fighting with the mods and in parenthesis, "again", but did not elaborate. They said they would be sending it out tomorrow, and thanked me for their patience.

     Jun 29, 2021 - Jun 30, 2021 (Eighth & Ninth picture) Pretty much explains the rest of it. They did not deliver. They did not finish it. I haven't received a single WIP which makes me question if they ever even made a start on it.

    I understand that I made a lot of mistakes during this communication. I could have gotten a refund back, I should have acted upon that. I made the mistake of trusting BrokenVocaloid. I had commissioned her before, so I believed that it would've been fine, wanted to be understanding and friendly as to not put her under pressure. I apply the same to any other artists; It takes time to create art, and I'm willing to wait. But there is a limit to that patience, and at that point I feel more hurt that they keep attempting to keep the charade going of getting my commission done, than just telling me the truth and that they've not made any progress on it at all.

    Trying to go back to the original post is in error, due to the YCH being removed by BrokenVocaloid at an unknown time, to which I provided proof for that. (Tenth picture)

    My last word on the subject is that I'd recommend you don't buy from this artist... Even if you have a lot of patience, it's not worth it.

    First Contact.png

    Transaction with BV.png

    Month Later.png



    Present day.png

    Last one.png


    Missing YCH.png

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    A comment was not posted because it didn't meet our commenting guidelines.

    Please remember we are here to speak business practices, and not speculate about the reasons someone chooses to use their money.

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    Very disappointing on her part and not really surprising there would be another alt. She really only making things worse for herself.


    Also just noticed all of her other accounts are unbanned as well.

    Edited by Celestina
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    On their alt they are fleeing to they state all commissions are finished.

    Has any of the recent bewarers (bewarees?) received their art or a refund? Kind of a bold claim when people are still waiting


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    Hello, This is Brokenvocaloid

    and I will firstly say that I do deserve these bewares and currently Im working hard to fix all my past mistakes.

    Ive currently opened up a discord that ive urged people to go to since ive been posting constant updates on. Ive been posting almost everyday to almost every hour in it with finished works and making sure I pay out refunds for those that ask it. I know I messed up. I KNOW I messed up and im working to fix it all. Yes UltimateWaifu is my account and its all meant for me to restart , reorganize and work to fix and keep things more under control than I was handling them before. It is not an account to hide on as I see some people may think whats going on.

    For those with the question on Sebastian. He is my boyfriend that lives with me, and usually he does linework/sketches for me. We both have talked to the FA Staff and both had to give IDs to prove we are different people. Everything on his side is done by him meaning journals, talking in notes. He will tell me about them and ask me what to say and I would help, but all typing and sending and such, is all him.

    I'm not asking people to forgive me, Im not asking for a hand out, but im asking for time to prove that Im working to fix everything

    communication was my hugest flaw and im working on fixing all that

    taking on WAY too much was also a huge flaw I did but im working on limiting and balancing my work.



    that link is the discord in proof that I have been working to fix, organize, balance, Send out refunds, Send out finished works.

    Im more than willing to talk to anyone that i have wronged to fix everything, Im not looking to take money and not do the work.

    I messed up. I took on too much in my panic of things that went on in my life, and im trying to fix it all.



    Edited by rikki
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    11 minutes ago, Brokenvocaloid said:



    You state this but less than 24 hours ago your partner posted 50+ of your ychs, to be done by you, within 24 hours. How are you fixing it by taking on MORE, and I do mean a LOT more work, to be done before the people currently waiting on art/refunds? It doesn't look like you're trying to repair this at all.

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    • Senior Staff
    10 minutes ago, Brokenvocaloid said:

    and I will firstly say that I do deserve these bewares and currently Im working hard to fix all my past mistakes.

    Ive currently opened up a discord that ive urged people to go to since ive been posting constant updates on. Ive been posting almost everyday to almost every hour in it with finished works and making sure I pay out refunds for those that ask it. I know I messed up. I KNOW I messed up and im working to fix it all. Yes UltimateWaifu is my account and its all meant for me to restart , reorganize and work to fix and keep things more under control than I was handling them before. It is not an account to hide on as I see some people may think whats going on.

    For those with the question on Sebastian. He is my boyfriend that lives with me, and usually he does linework/sketches for me. We both have talked to the FA Staff and both had to give IDs to prove we are different people. Everything on his side is done by him meaning journals, talking in notes. He will tell me about them and ask me what to say and I would help, but all typing and sending and such, is all him.

    I'm not asking people to forgive me, Im not asking for a hand out, but im asking for time to prove that Im working to fix everything

    communication was my hugest flaw and im working on fixing all that

    taking on WAY too much was also a huge flaw I did but im working on limiting and balancing my work.

    I'm glad to see you are admitting the issue that's going on and being forward with the issue. But this issue has occurred not only because of too much work, it's because you're charging abysmally low for the work you do. Completion of tasks aside, you are worth far more than the rate you're charging for, and you're doing far too much work for far too little. You would not be in the hole you're in now had you raised your prices, as you would have been able to take less commissions overall, providing you with more time to get work done for your clients and less work to take on, which means a smaller queue and less need for taking 'emergency commissions'. Seriously, raise your prices.

    Something you may also need to consider: Taking out a loan to refund your queue, wiping the slate clean, then raising your commissions by 3X at least and paying off the loan little by little. It can seem intimidating to do, but you may find relief in knowing your slate is clean and starting over with prices much more reflective of the time and effort you spend on it. Paypal offers loans where it takes a portion of your payments toward the loan itself so you don't even have to work with a bank.

    Also, if your boyfriend is doing so much of the work, it's very inappropriate to not list him in the credit of your work or to keep that information from your clients. Also he should be paid for his work, you may be romantically involved but you do not know what the future will bring and it's appropriate to pay him for that. (granted if you do the suggestion with the loan you may not need his help, anymore).

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    6 minutes ago, Arwen said:

    You state this but less than 24 hours ago your partner posted 50+ of your ychs, to be done by you, within 24 hours. How are you fixing it by taking on MORE, and I do mean a LOT more work, to be done before the people currently waiting on art/refunds? It doesn't look like you're trying to repair this at all.

    Only 8 Commissions were taken in , and they were finished in the same day. I had an electric bill that needed to be paid.

    I only took on the amount I needed to pay the bill, then they should be taken down.
    Proof as well that the bill was paid with all the 8 commissions I took in that day to pay it.

    Sebastian also stated that the commissions were solely to pay the electric bill as well.

    A refund was sent out as well today to a customer in which I can send proof of but because of the email sensitivity I can't show on unless I have permission of the customer. I am working to fix everything.



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    My plan is to raise my prices up, Im currently slowly raising them as Im scared to suddenly raise them and stunt it I guess? Not sure if thats the right phrasing but I understand my prices are way too low for my art currently.

    I thought of a loan but currently Ive applied to an at-home job that I'm hoping to get to help fund those that do want refunds. In the discord, I do have an area where people can ask for them if they want them sort of thing. Alot of them really just want their art which is understandable. Ive talked to each and every one of them and had them understand I would need time and they support me and understand that I will need that time to complete their stuff as long as Im keeping communication, which I have been doing immensely in that discord.

    When it comes to sebastian on the crediting. That was on his choice on the crediting. He told me in his words. "I can careless, I just want to be able to do something" - Currently he has no job, so he sees it as just something to spend time with me on sort of thing. he explained this to the FA Staff as well since they said the same on the crediting.

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    3 minutes ago, Brokenvocaloid said:

    Only 8 Commissions were taken in , and they were finished in the same day. I had an electric bill that needed to be paid.

    I only took on the amount I needed to pay the bill, then they should be taken down.
    Proof as well that the bill was paid with all the 8 commissions I took in that day to pay it.

    Sebastian also stated that the commissions were solely to pay the electric bill as well.

    A refund was sent out as well today to a customer in which I can send proof of but because of the email sensitivity I can't show on unless I have permission of the customer. I am working to fix everything.



    Electric bills and other utilities are monthly expenses and should be prepared for, in advance. It is still completely unfair to everyone else waiting to take on more, and even finish them, before your current queue. You should be aware of when your utilities are due and not make your clients, several whom have been waiting years now, wait even more.


    Regardless, good that you are working on repairing this.

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    • Senior Staff
    34 minutes ago, Brokenvocaloid said:


    While we thank you for coming forward to try and address this, we implore you to raise your prices in the future.

    Only a small fraction of your commissioners have come forward here, but we know your backlog is severe. Adding another individual to help you work through these pieces is reason enough for the update in price, so both parties are paid fairly.

    We've seen it time and time again that an abundance of low-cost listings will get overrun by interest and an artist will get buried beneath the demand.

    We hope to see that you make good with all of your customers, but know that discord is not your end-all be-all solution here, you must reach out to those who do not use the platform as well if you intend to make good on this.

    Our staff has a zero-tolerance policy on Harassment, and if any individual goes out of their way to harass this bewaree as a result of this link, they risk a full site ban.

    With all of this said, we will allow the link to your discord server to remain as a resource for those who were not aware of it previously.

    Edited by rikki
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    1 minute ago, rikki said:

    While we thank you for coming forward to try and address this, we implore you to raise your prices in the future.

    Only a small fraction of your commissioners have come forward here, but we know your backlog is severe. Adding another individual to help you work through these pieces is reason enough for the update in price, so both parties are paid fairly.

    We've seen it time and time again that an abundance of low-cost listings will get overrun by interest and an aritst will get buried beneath the demand.

    We hope to see that you make good with all of your customers, but know that discord is not your end-all be-all solution here, you must reach out to those who do not use the platform as well if you intend to make good on this.

    Our staff has a zero-tolerance policy on Harassment, and if any individual goes out of their way to harass this bewaree as a result of this link, risk a full site ban.

    With all of this said, we will allow the link to your discord server to remain as a resource for those who were not aware of it previously.

    Thank you, I know I will be raising up my prices and currently im Limiting anythingI bring to make sure I can bring them out in a REASONABLE time as well as not flood myself as I did before.

    I will admit, I had plenty of people come to me harrassing me over the beware site in which I don't appreciate but I have still worked to contuine to fix everything in the best of my capabilities and more.

    I will say, if it wasnt for close friends helping me organize and talk, I don't think I could do this alone.

    Im working hard to fix and better myself

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    5 minutes ago, Arwen said:

    Electric bills and other utilities are monthly expenses and should be prepared for, in advance. It is still completely unfair to everyone else waiting to take on more, and even finish them, before your current queue. You should be aware of when your utilities are due and not make your clients, several whom have been waiting years now, wait even more.


    Regardless, good that you are working on repairing this.

    I understand that and Im working to fix that and schedule things better on my part.

    With each thing I do, I update and talk with everyone to make sure I have communication.

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    • Senior Staff

    It has been brought to our attention that the discord invitations left by your partners on your old pages are out of date.

    Several commissioners have been having trouble contacting you as of late.

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