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  • Beware: Beauregardent

    • Who: Beauregardent
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/beauregardent/

      Business however was conducted over Discord.
      When: 08/01/2019
      What: Other (Explain Below)

    Message added by Eden

    Bourbon has received written permission from the second client to include their name in the beware.

    I had expressed interest in a character Beauregardent had in their TH and had offered to trade for it. Eventually they told me over Discord they'd be willing to sell her to me for what they paid. They promised they'd hold her for a few days while I got the funds together, and on the 1st I paid $300, and the remaining $100 on the 6th. Unfortunately I don't have the messages to our original conversation, but I do have the DMs concerning payment and paypal screenshots. 


    Today, August 21, I was informed by someone on TH that they'd also bought the same character from the same person. (I'm DeadGalaxy)

    When I showed them the logs of the sale, we've come to the conclusion this was done intentionally and was no mistake because while I had sent my first payment first, they had paid Beauregardent only a couple of days later. 

    From the other buyer:





    I have never had a situation like this concerning character trades/sales and it is upsetting, both for the amount paid and the trust breached. I DM'd Beauregardent at the start of this info being sent to me but at this point I still haven't gotten a response from Beauregardent on resolving the situation. 


    Edit:  $195/$400 has been refunded.

    Edit2:  The adoptable has been refunded.

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    Honestly i think they should refund both people because, as you feel, the entire situation is just sour. And thats not okay. But i guess its up to the other person if they even want one. I dont know the seller personally but this sounds like something someone would keep doing, so as far as what i know of the fandom and how bad things can get they could have easily sold it to more than just you two and it would be safer for everyone to get their money back.


    Thats just my two cents and im really sorry you had to go through all of this, bourb.  Thats way too much money to make an oops over, you dont forget when someone sends you hundreds of dollars. Doesnt much sound like an accident, but i hope you fully get your money. Its the least they could do.



    4 minutes ago, blkvkt said:

    Honestly i think they should refund both people because, as you feel, the entire situation is just sour. And thats not okay. But i guess its up to the other person if they even want one. I dont know the seller personally but this sounds like something someone would keep doing, so as far as what i know of the fandom and how bad things can get they could have easily sold it to more than just you two and it would be safer for everyone to get their money back.


    Thats just my two cents and im really sorry you had to go through all of this, bourb.  Thats way too much money to make an oops over, you dont forget when someone sends you hundreds of dollars. Doesnt much sound like an accident, but i hope you fully get your money. Its the least they could do.

    The other person was very invested in the character and I don't think they'd want a refund for her, the original owner also got involved at one point and was extremely upset as well by this entire situation. The whole thing shouldn't have happened. 

    • Senior Staff


    I'm not sure if the design has also been traded in addition to the double sale you're involved in?
    They're posting designs they've gotten in trades for sale and they make note of the value of a Poofylion design being the reason for the cost?

    Its kind of confusing so I sincerely hope they didn't try to dupe THREE people in to taking this design? They're going about this in a really uncomfortable way with their emotional manipulation.
    Were you able to file a chargeback for this purchase, or were you refunded at all?
    On top of that, I think, given the situation, it may be worth actually reporting them to TH staff because this is very much a scam and that's a LOT of money to "accidentally" get twice over.
    You cannot feign ignorance and blame your mental health as the reason for this when there's quite a bit of proof against them.



    1 minute ago, rikki said:

    I'm not sure if the design has also been traded in addition to the double sale you're involved in?
    They're posting designs they've gotten in trades for sale and they make note of the value of a Poofylion design being the reason for the cost?

    Its kind of confusing so I sincerely hope they didn't try to dupe THREE people in to taking this design? They're going about this in a really uncomfortable way with their emotional manipulation.
    Were you able to file a chargeback for this purchase, or were you refunded at all?
    On top of that, I think, given the situation, it may be worth actually reporting them to TH staff because this is very much a scam and that's a LOT of money to "accidentally" get twice over.
    You cannot feign ignorance and blame your mental health as the reason for this when there's quite a bit of proof against them.

    I sent Celestina an update to add to the post later, but I have gotten $195/400 so far. Unfortunately I have no idea if the trade had to do with the same PoofyLion design or a different one but I've had people imply to me that they've been involved in other shady deals.
    I don't like the mental health excuse myself because I have pretty extreme anxiety and severe depression and I never pull stuff like this or use it as an excuse in regards to business transactions. 

    • Senior Staff


    Yeah, as someone who also struggles with their own mental health, it rubs me the wrong way to see this suddenly being thrown out there as a reason to basically turn tail and flee. You gotta own up to your mistakes, even if its a colossal one like this.

    I saw the listing/post via ToyHouse myself when I was browsing the site some weeks ago and I worry that it might actually be the same design being tossed around outside of this double-dip sale they pulled.

    This particular design was the only Poofy design I saw them advertising via the forums.

    Sincerely hope that this is resolved in your favor.

    • Administrator


    A comment was not allowed through due to breaking the civility rule.  



    Person with (severe) anxiety that leads to actual memory blackouts chiming it FWIW (disclaimer: my experience w/ mental illness is not everyone's, what I have to say is pure anecdata):

    Anxiety does not tend to make me forget about $450 transactions. Anxiety makes me much more acutely aware of $450 transactions because $450 is a lot of money and that kind of burden of wealth actually tends to stick in my anxiety-riddled brain. So I dunno, there's no way to state for sure what her mental state might be, but "my anxiety made me forget about an entire extended conversation over multiple days (timestamps on FA notes are Aug 2nd and 3rd so it's not like an hour long conversation that it's possible to black out, it's at least two days of correspondence) and that someone sent me $450 dollars" is extremely suspect.

    To be honest it's the fact that the conversation about the transaction with the other person took place over at least two days that make me doubt the legitimacy of the "anxiety" thing, as generally, these blackout fugue states don't tend to last multiple days - and also generally, these blackout fugue states tend to come with mental lethargy that makes doing things as complicated as detailed correspondence and large transactions pretty difficult. At least for me, when I have these blackouts, I mostly just do stupid shit like put my wallet in the fridge crisper drawers or peel half a potato for no reason and then leave it in the sink.

    Again, this is all purely just me. I'm not going to try to speak with authority on how other people's mental illness impacts them. But even if it is legitimate, I just think saying, "Yes, I did this. It was wrong of me to do, I apologise for my actions. I'll discuss refunds with you and the other person involved to rectify this situation" would suffice.

    I'm so sorry you got burned like this, OP. It's such an ugly situation, and I truly hope you get your full refund.



    2 hours ago, flucket said:


    They've posted a lot of unnecessary information about their upbringing on Twitter regarding the situation as well as continuing the mention the anxiety. I grew up in poverty and an abusive home too and I'm always extremely aware of my finances, how much money I have, where it came from, and where it's going.  They've also been oversharing their mental health problems with me over Discord, which I told them really wasn't relevant to the transaction issues. They've told me it's not really a "blackout" as much as it is suppressing emotions surrounding things they do that is "bad" and/or "embarrassing", which to me speaks volumes and tells me that it was intentional and they knew it was wrong but proceeded forth with both transactions anyways. 



    Can you not just file a chargeback? It says part was refunded, but the transaction was within 180 days, so you could open a case, could you not?



    Just letting everyone know this has been resolved as of now with a full refund. 

    • Administrator


    Changed Resolved to Yes



    I was told by someone over Discord that they are now switching over names to https://twitter.com/Belle_Nouveau (from @/jbeauregardent) and Belle_Nouveau over Discord. I figured it may be important to keep the beware up to date with recent pseudonyms. They're still using their previous FA account name and TH name but it's possible they may switch them too in the future. 



    I was informed privately today that Beauregardent has switched names to https://www.furaffinity.net/user/solasoleil/ . In addition, they're using a new Paypal and fake name making it harder to track them. 

    Unfortunately, at this point I am no longer the only victim of their scamming. I have urged other victims of theirs to come forward and post up Bewares of their own since their behavior hasn't stopped. Over the last few months I've been informed of both tracing and chargebacks that they've done. Please if you've been scammed or had someone trace your work, write up a post here. It can help compile all their crimes in one place. 

    • Administrator


    A comment was not posted because it contained inaccurate information.  In checking the ToyHouse ownership logs for the characters in question, it's obvious that these are the owners Beau sold the characters to.  They are not alts or aliases for Beau.

    • Administrator


    Thank you! We had already discovered that alt while investigating the Toyhouse claims. The tags have been updated as of yesterday. 🙂



    No problem. Didn't see the tag-updates, but saw that and figured it might be useful/relevant for this beware. 

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