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  1. I was contacted on twitter today from AZFurCon. So I will be filing a complaint with them also.
  2. Zrcalo didn't send me a badge, period. Even after Zrcalo pm me an image of the badge he thought was ours and I told him it was not, later he said he sent it, meaning the badge that wasn't ours. Communications were totally lacking on his part. I agree in any dealings with sending any kind of merchandise, there should be tracking. I said I didn't want anything from Zrcalo, but IF a refund is sent to my granddaughter, we will donate it to a charity. Zrcalo has all the information needed to make a refund.
  3. Thank you. I'll be sure to contact AZ Fur Con. I did try to contact them on twitter with no response. I will go through their website and send a message. I appreciate the comments and guidance.
  4. I took my 15 year old granddaughter to her first fur con on October 28th. After circling the Dealers Den many times she commissioned this artist to do a badge of her fursona. She paid Zrcalo $15 cash for a gold badge. A photo was taken of her fursona and information was written down in their ledger, ie name, address, special details. Communications have all taken place afterwards on Twitter. I think the copies of this communication will speak for its self. As of today, Jan 7, 2019, the last communications I sent, Dec. 30, 2018, has been ignored by Zrcalo. At this point other furries have come forward to compensate my granddaughter with their kindness. I do not want anything from Zrcalo. I want others to be aware of their unprofessional business practice.
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