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Everything posted by Vibri

  1. I'm afraid I strongly disagree. I think its more unprofessional to hire somebody to do some work for you and then fire them and demand return of payment based on your whims. I think thats a pretty awful thing to do, if I'm honest
  2. Maybe I'm unfamiliar with the law in the places where these people are located, but as far as I know they are not entitled to a refund? I mean, seems the artist has every intention of still delivering the commission, you can't really ask for a refund because you suddenly decide you don't like the person. Especially with the post about how these are emergency commissions and they have bills due. Chances are they don't even have the money anymore. I know I've had times in my life where losing $10 would have destroyed me, let alone losing it based on the sudden turnaround of another person. I don't really think the artist has done anything wrong here, if I'm honest
  3. I'm sorry to burst your conspiracy theory bubble, but I'm not a member of Lemonbrat staff. I'm not even American. I'm just a dude who read though the info. (I see what Lemonbrat meant by you trying to "read between the lines). I can tell you right now, you are a nightmare customer. I've seen the emails, and you don't exactly come out smelling like roses in them. The reason you are being "Bullied" (if you want to call it that) is because you have been unreasonable since the story broke. Within 20 hours you had a gofundme going and have been milking the situation for attention ever since. In their final email to you, Lemonbrat was more than reasonable and laid out all the issues they had with you (while providing evidence in their full reply). You rebutted it but without supplying evidence. Right now your side of the story is looking flimsier and flimsier, especially since they have offered to edit the suit. The emails where you offer to send the DTD but they refused have yet to surface. The only REALLY valid complaint is that the tail on the suit looks bad. Everything else is just heavily opinionated hearsay.
  4. I have no horse in either of these races, but I've been following along and this is what I see: The reference images were bad. No doubt about that. Not only are the markings all over the place, but the image where shes on the hood of the car clearly has a lot larger muzzle and larger, curved ears than the more ref sheet design. If you didn't tell me that these are the same character then I wouldn't think they were. I might struggle to say they are the same species. If they were going more off the second image than the first, I can clearly see why they would use a more mousey base for the head. The ears and muzzle clearly make more sense. Honestly I would have paid for a professional fursuit ref rather than a normal character ref and some images. The less said about the lion king recolour, the better. I think there was a big lack of trust on camarofurry's part. From all the emails I have seen and read, little thought is given to compromise or actually working WITH the artist. I know you paid a lot of money, but when you commission another person for something, you need to work with them because, chances are, they know a lot better than you what they are doing. I think jumping to conclusions about the head and tail were big mistakes. The curved one is clearly more optimal for moving about in a real world environment. It might not be as true to the character as you want but, again, you need to make compromises and work with the artist. I've seen a lot of people say "Why didn't Lemonbrat cancel and refund if they couldn't do it?" but I think thats a bad attitude to have. I think Lemonbrat was confident that they could deliver what the customer asked for to start, so they agreed. By the time issues in production started cropping up the item was already 100% paid and they had spent work hours and materials on it. Lemonbrat has people and bills to pay. Its not easy to take a hit of $3600 PLUS cost of materials PLUS cost of paying the artists the hours of work wasted. By the time there were big problems, it was probably a better move financially to push ahead and try to deliver a good product. Now, the finished suit itself. There are clearly problems with it but I think its less an issue to do with poor quality work and more to do with the materials used. Lots of words have been typed about the seams and the way the tail is attached. I think we can all agree that such a big tail is going to put strain on that fabric. It needs a firm base to be attached to. It does look bad, I agree, and maybe something can be done to sort it, but I honestly think this was probably the best idea they had at the time. The fact it was being modeled by somebody shorter than the suit was designed for probably didn't help matters either. As the for the seams: They are always going to be here, regardless. The fur just isn't deep pile enough to hide them. I don't really see an issue with either them or the zipper. Its a costume, at the end of the day. Its gonna have seams and honestly I can understand why the zip is so prominent. I don't quite know what the commissioner was expecting zip wise. I don't think either side is blameless, but I think Lemonbrat was trying their best to work in a hard situation. There are always going to be difficult customers and you do your best to make them happy. I think there was a big issue of clashing ideas and both sides thought they knew better than the other. I understand why they won't give a refund for the reasons listed above, but I am glad to see they are trying to make fixes to the suit. I'm not sure what resolution would make camarofurry happy as she is clearly not getting her money back, but I hope she at least grows to like the suit once its in her hands despite the bad experience.
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