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  1. Thank you for the beware on this. It seems a lot that this happens with artist and then when seeking refunds for work, they give little to no warning about what's happening/going on in terms of that refund.
  2. I ended up commissioning based on word of mouth and seeing his turn out. Just seems that I may have been a bit to premature in that decision, unfortunately so.
  3. Originally, I had spoke to Knux to be able to get a pair of icons. Noticing in a mutual group his work, I looked to see that he was pretty fast and seemingly efficient with his icons. I asked if he were able to do romantic based icons and if he were open. He had shown interest and asked to send the invoice. I promptly paid it and waited for my icons. Feb. 18th - Paid Invoice May 3rd - I had not heard anything or gotten progress for my items, so I check in to see if my characters were too complicated. I had seen others icons finished and about this time he had started to take were portraits in support of his passion project he was working on. I wanted to change the characters if they were complicated and keeping him from completing it. He stated no, they were not and said he would try to get them to my by Sunday. Time had passed and he still did not even finish or give a W.i.P. for the icons. May 17th - I checked back in again, and it had been about 3 months since the initial payment was sent. I asked if I could get a refund since I felt that it had been a long time I've waited for nothing to show. He agreed and stated he understood. Stated he had been bogged down for a few days, and rightfully, I understood that and didn't take too much to heart. May 21st - Asked me for my paypal so he could resent the money and stated he didn't want us at each other's throats over money. May 29th - I messaged cause I hadn't gotten my refund for the 21st as they said they would send it then. May 31st - My message was left on read from the 29th, and I sent a message stating I felt they were avoiding me now because of that. Due to previous experiences with artist doing the same thing, it made the situation a bit more anxiety increased and I was wanting to get the transaction over with. Knux stated they hadn't dodged me and that they were busy with a friend. The money was sent that day. June 1st - I had stated that while I appreciated the refund, I was going to post a artist beware in review of the transaction process I had received from them. It wasn't the best, but I wasn't doing this to spite him. I just wanted him to improve how he did things and improve for customers down the line. June 2nd - Knux stated that they felt blindsided for me doing a beware because it was not discussed. Sometime after, I had been blocked on Telegram by Knux for what seems to be the reason that I warned about an Artist Beware going up. Attached is a picture of me being able to see the icon before and now I am unable to see any as shown in some of the screenshots. All in all, the beware I am making now wouldn't be here if the commission process wasn't this bad. In writing this, I would hope that improvements are made for him to fix this so it doesn't happen to others down the line when taking commissions.
  4. Currently right now, I am having to post a beware for this exact same reason. I am sorry that this happened, and hopefully he learns to fix this and do better with his commissioners later on.
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