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Status Replies posted by Eden

  1. Hello! I just joined artist beware.

    I'm a freelancer artist called Aliena-Cordis, joining in to tune in and submit mostly positive reviews.  I guess that since artists can be reviewer, clients too, right?  <:



    1. Eden


      Hiya yes! Feel free to drop into our positive client reviews!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Kei

    Kei    Eden

    Question: The footer of the website used to show how many members [total] had joined the site.  Is there somewhere else I can see that number now?

    I just liked seeing the number grow, lol.

    1. Eden


      It's on the front page now! At least in the broadside theme.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Kei

    Kei    Eden

    I am dumb and have forgotten where to ask for a new positive review thread.  I looked through all kinds of forum sections but can't find the request post again...

    1. Eden


      Howdy!  The forums have been updated to allow individuals to start their own threads.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. And we've reached 500 members!

  5. Arkas

    Arkas    Eden

    Hey there eggcellent lady! I've dragged my butt over here to follow you and sit down and see about maybe helping out for once if I need to. Lots of friends of mine having to use AB is a shame, but hey it's a good service!

    1. Eden


      Send me a poke!  We may need moderators in the future (if that's what you're offering lol).

  6. I am absolutely loving helping make A_B the best site that it can be! @Celestina and @Xaila are great folks!

    1. Eden


      *puts Alex in pocket*  you ours bye now

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Kei

    Kei    Eden

    Is there a section on the forums [or should I maybe just use the contact form?] where I can post feedback about the new site's design?

    1. Eden


      Oh whoops. Go ahead and toss that in site questions. When I make a forum for feedback I'll move your post!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Kei

    Kei    Eden

    Is there a section on the forums [or should I maybe just use the contact form?] where I can post feedback about the new site's design?

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