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Everything posted by Kei

  1. This is tiny, but Yay there's a favicon now! My bookmark is no longer a blank square beside the name, lol.
  2. Kei

    Beware: Alirras

    I agree, I'd definitely report them to the site [and any other sites you may know they're doing business on with traced art].
  3. But I'm able to add reactions to Cel's posts just fine? Their profile says they're an admin.
  4. I notice since logging in today that it's only showing Cautions on the front page instead of all bewares like before. I much preferred when it was showing all of the newest bewares at a glance on the front page instead of me having to navigate through several pages to be able to see them all.
  5. I'm not seeing the reactions on any bewares, though? There's never an option for them on bewares. Also this is odd, but I never get the reaction option on any of your posts, even in the forums section. I can react to everyone else's posts in the forums but I never get the option for you specifically.
  6. Cel said I could drop this post in the Site Questions forum for now. I figure if anyone else has similar feedback, just drop it in the comments here to keep everything in one place? +I like that mods/admins can add a visible Resolved!-type message on bewares themselves, instead of only in the comments. Here's an example where they did so: https://artistsbeware.info/beware/submissions/kircai-r124/ +Having the site organized so bewares are separate from other posts is really nice. Quicker and easier to navigate than using all the tags on LJ. +Having those reaction buttons in the forum section is nice. I personally always felt weird/lame when replying to a comment on the LJ comm just to say "I agree" and nothing else. It felt kind of useless? I feel I can show the same agreement now with the reaction button and it keeps me from cluttering up the replies.
  7. I don't feel it's written super poorly, but part of me feels it's a bit wordy/long in some places? But speaking as a commissioner, seeing that wouldn't personally make me wary of commissioning you. It's just a few straight-forward things and wouldn't push me away.
  8. Ah, I would never feel comfortable charging that much... Because I work with a mouse and not a tablet, I can spend 5, 10, maybe even 15 hours on an adopt. No one's going to buy any of them for $100+ which 10 or 15 hours would add up to.
  9. Yep, it's been fixed. TY for that, I had actually hoped myself something could be done about that.
  10. Good point, that would definitely factor into my decision to buy something at a price point like this.
  11. A good portion of my business is selling adoptables that are made on bases that I've purchased. [All of the ones I use for this are allowed to be used for adopts/sales/profits.] Sometimes I edit the base in a small way [I work with a mouse, not a tablet, so I'm limited to simple changes like piercings, jewelry, stockings, etc.], but most times I leave the base as-is and just color it. I've never really considered the pricing of these adoptables in-depth. Almost all of my adoptables are Pay What You Want/PWYW where I set a minimum price that I'll accept. Usually I just slap on whatever price comes to mind that seems fair; there's no rhyme or reason to it. Generally I price mine between $3USD and $18USD minimums. But anyways. How do you guys price adopts? How much [if at all] do your prices differ between on- and off-base designs? Do you have any system/rules as to what you set prices as? Any advice about how I'm doing things?
  12. Kei

    Is there a section on the forums [or should I maybe just use the contact form?] where I can post feedback about the new site's design?

    1. Eden


      Site News is where I'm putting that.

    2. Kei


      Do you mean you're going to make a thread where members can leave feedback?

      Because I'm unable to make a new thread myself in that section.

    3. Eden


      Oh whoops. Go ahead and toss that in site questions. When I make a forum for feedback I'll move your post!

  13. New site looks spiffy!

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