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  • Caution: TeaEel

    • Who: TeaEel
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/teaeel/
      When: 10/21/2020
      What: Other (Explain Below)

    Two days prior to the incident I made the starting bid on an adopt put up by TeaEel, the Hundred-Eyed Mermaid Adopt. I was the only bidder, and so I won the auction at $50. When I received the invoice, it was for $53, and not the agreed upon $50. I questioned them about this, and came to find out that they were attempting to pass the cost of the PayPal processing fees off on me by up charging me above and beyond the agreed upon amount. When I objected to this, they claimed it was in the rules of the auction. I went back and reread the rules, and could see nothing of the sort, nor could anyone I showed it to. I pointed out nowhere in the rules of the auction did it say that I would be charged for the PayPal fees or anything extra other than the agreed upon price, and they insisted it was there without actually directly referencing it, saying it was their right as an artist to set the rules as they saw fit and if I did not follow through and pay it then I would be banned for violating their rules. Shortly after, they blocked me, erased the original auction post, and resubmitted it with the added text urging people to read the rules. The only thing I can see in hindsight that might be what they are talking about is one line that says "Commission is on buyer", but I can't imagine anyone looking at that and thinking it meant they were agreeing to be up charged. I am unable to provide a screenshot of my original winning bid as by the time I had gotten home they deleted the original post and resubmitted it (I was on mobile for the conversation), but they confirmed my original price and the up charge through messages. The screenshot of the invoice shows the date as the 22nd instead of the 21st, to my knowledge this is because they are much further ahead of me in time zone and invoices I believe match the date of the sender.



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    It's also against PayPals TOS to make the buyer cover the fee. Isnt that something that can cause their account to be shut down should anyone report it to PayPal?

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    • Administrator
    1 minute ago, AngelEars said:

    It's also against PayPals TOS to make the buyer cover the fee. Isnt that something that can cause their account to be shut down should anyone report it to PayPal?

    It most certainly is.  Plus any funds in your account are seized.  Paypal isn't a bank, so they don't have to make it easy for you to reclaim your funds either.

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    On 10/31/2020 at 5:38 PM, Celestina said:

    It most certainly is.  Plus any funds in your account are seized.  Paypal isn't a bank, so they don't have to make it easy for you to reclaim your funds either.

    I can only hope this user reports them to PayPal then, since it seems that they are hellbent on keeping this policy. I kindly commented on an auction they have running, reminding them that making the buyer cover the fee isn't allowed and can get their account closed and the hid the comment and blocked me, so... :^)

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    • Senior Staff
    1 hour ago, AngelEars said:

    I can only hope this user reports them to PayPal then, since it seems that they are hellbent on keeping this policy. I kindly commented on an auction they have running, reminding them that making the buyer cover the fee isn't allowed and can get their account closed and the hid the comment and blocked me, so... :^)

    I would err with caution at doing this to the artist unprompted, as it be viewed as harassment.

    The artist is aware of the policy but chooses to push on regardless, that's their prerogative. Not a good one, but it is still theirs.

    What I believe is lacking here, overall, is understanding and clarification as to the whys of the Paypal TOS and why their personal terms clash with it. 
    OP here gave them the heads up, but we're dealing with a language barrier and tone is easily lost over text, especially if we're dealing with text translators. Personally, I think it would benefit them if someone were to note the risks of them doing their business this way, but that's more up to someone who is entering in business with them.

    Not passerbys from this post.

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    • Administrator
    1 hour ago, AngelEars said:

    I can only hope this user reports them to PayPal then, since it seems that they are hellbent on keeping this policy. I kindly commented on an auction they have running, reminding them that making the buyer cover the fee isn't allowed and can get their account closed and the hid the comment and blocked me, so... :^)

    Taking things from here to there is still forbidden despite us being off of LJ. I do not want us to garner a poor reputation by allowing members to touch the poop.

    My net is spotty so let's see if this posts

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    17 hours ago, AngelEars said:

    I can only hope this user reports them to PayPal then, since it seems that they are hellbent on keeping this policy. I kindly commented on an auction they have running, reminding them that making the buyer cover the fee isn't allowed and can get their account closed and the hid the comment and blocked me, so... :^)

    I have been trying, but PayPal is making it difficult. Every time I submit a report, I get a message telling me I need to submit it a different way, I have done so maybe four times now.

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    On 11/2/2020 at 3:36 PM, Celestina said:

    Taking things from here to there is still forbidden despite us being off of LJ. I do not want us to garner a poor reputation by allowing members to touch the poop.

    My net is spotty so let's see if this posts

    Oof sorry I had totally spaced on that rule. I mainly did it as I wasn't sure if they knew that it was against PayPals TOS. But regardless rules are rules, and I apologize for breaking it!

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    11 hours ago, Kaiju said:

    I have been trying, but PayPal is making it difficult. Every time I submit a report, I get a message telling me I need to submit it a different way, I have done so maybe four times now.

    That's... odd, to say the least. Hopefully you're able to submit it "the right way", whatever the right way is lol

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