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    If your post is resolved:  Contact one (1) member of staff or leave a comment, and we'll update your post!

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    Posts are not deleted unless you can prove they are fabricated.  If this is the case contact one (1) admin, and we will help you asap.

  • Beware foxyfluffstudios / alex-rose-nitya / Alexanderea Rose 

    • Who: foxyfluffstudios / alex-rose-nitya / Alexanderea Rose 
      Where: https://forums.furaffinity.net/threads/in-need-of-a-basepack-budget-100.1666707/
      When: 04/20/2020
      What: Commission

    She tried to hire artists on FA under guest name, alex-rose-nitya on mar18, 2020.


    She PMed me, but said no Paypal, only Cashapp. I declined.

    Then again on April18, 2020 as foxyfluffstudio.

    I lost my regular income and was desperately seeking work. So I agreed to accept Bandcamp giftcards. (I had planned to spend the full amount on about 10~20 musicians / bands, some charity to help them through this rough time...)

    I noticed that she was having thoughts of selling adoptables created from the bases she commissioned, and Her FB profile was non-exsisted, but whatever who still uses FB.



    Total summary of her crime - She commissioned 4 base packs ( 32 full-body lined characters in total ) and paid $60 out of $480.

    I finally recieved half of the total payment, after weeks of stalling. Finally, I let her download the 2 completed base sets.

    At this time I realized my balance went down, but don't know any better, and bandcamp 's staff was overwhelmed with emails, and their waiting line took a lot longer than usual. She denies that she bounced my payment.

    And once I received bandcamp's feedback and did some digging. (thinking she might be a kid)

    Found out she is not a kid and asked again if she can switch to PayPal. She kept on lying.

    The last confrontation of this sad story - After showing her the copied response from Bandcamp, her FA status went immediately from New member > Pending deletion.


    Edited by Celestina
    fixed formatting

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    On 9/2/2020 at 7:45 PM, MorgueBuddy said:

    Here’s her new account https://www.furaffinity.net/user/beyer.m.alex/

    Also you might want to add their itch.io account as well here. Considering the user posted it on their FA page.


    And there's quite a few interesting find on said  itch.io page too.

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    • Senior Staff

    A comment has not been posted for not following our Guidelines, specifically the following:

    6. External links will be declined.

    External bewares:  Submissions that are simply "here is my link to my beware on (external site) will be declined.  Please post your information to us.

    If you have had a similar experience with this particular client, we strongly advise you submit a formal Beware to us.
    Additional entries on an individual's tag help with visibility for our community at large and for anyone else who may have encountered this particular client.

    Thank you.

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    Oh my god, I had the exact same thing happen to me with them. They asked me for nine reference sheets, paid me my deposit, paid me for two reference sheets, then when I made the next two, they ghosted me. I gave them the benefit of the doubt until I saw this. I am so pissed off, but I don’t know how to get my money back.

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    To Saltminer: If you paid through paypal, you'll have to file a dispute (that is if it is within the 180 days/approximate 6 months) and escalate it to a claim before the duration for the dispute expires (7-10 days? I always forget there...) If you start a dispute, escalate it to a claim or it will auto-close. If you close a dispute (or let it expire), you can't dispute it again.

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    7 hours ago, VosurAekira said:

    To Saltminer: If you paid through paypal, you'll have to file a dispute (that is if it is within the 180 days/approximate 6 months) and escalate it to a claim before the duration for the dispute expires (7-10 days? I always forget there...) If you start a dispute, escalate it to a claim or it will auto-close. If you close a dispute (or let it expire), you can't dispute it again.

    I will definitely be doing that. They suddenly got very chatty with me when they learned that there may be consequences for their actions. I want to spread the word about them so much so that they won’t even be able to buy an icon, let alone a reference sheet.

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    • Senior Staff
    3 hours ago, Saltminer said:

    I will definitely be doing that. They suddenly got very chatty with me when they learned that there may be consequences for their actions. I want to spread the word about them so much so that they won’t even be able to buy an icon, let alone a reference sheet.

    Again, please submit a post to us rather than submitting your updates through this other user's beware.
    Every comment you make here notifies the author of this post, and our entire moderating team.

    VosurAekira is offering you advice on the presumption that you have a claim to make as a CLIENT who has been scammed for non-delivery of goods.
    You cannot use Paypal's claims system to force the client to pay you for the other transactions that pertained to your particular circumstances.

    To avoid any further confusion, again, we are asking you to submit a FRESH BEWARE to bring further visibility to this individual's practices as a nefarious client.

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    • Senior Staff

    It bears repeating, once more, that any users who attempt to post their own beware in the comments of this post will not be approved.

    Please submit your own post about this client to help boost visibility via our metrics and the site cloud.

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    Geese I bought OC's from this person before I knew they were scammers should I be worried about potential having to prove I'm not an alt just an unfortunate person with an OC they used?

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