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  • Beware: guppygoopy / gupgoopy

    • Who: guppygoopy / gupgoopy
      Where: https://twitter.com/guppygoopy
      When: 01/19/2021
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content Resolved

    On January 19th, 2021, guppygoopy advertised five slots for iPad sketches for an uncolored $15 through Ko-fi tips/donations. As instructed, I donated through her Ko-fi with my username and left my DMs open for her. From reviews and her activity, I didn't think of the consequences of commissioning through donations as it was a simple commission that could've been delivered right away.


    Once the payment was completed, she contacted me through DMs. As brief as it was, her replies were quick and simple.

    After that last message, the conversation ended and I assumed that would mean she was going to start on my commission.
    Around February and March, guppygoopy took a hiatus. As far as I know, no formal announcement was made on social media. I was not messaged about the hiatus either.

    After a few months of waiting without any progress, seeing her active on social media again, I asked her about the progress of my commission on April 1st, 2021. The message was left unread. I asked again on April 22nd, 2021. That message was also left unread.

    During that time, guppygoopy was active on her profile to announce Twitch gaming streams and post doodles for friends and outside of commission works.

    On April 30th, 2021, I wrote another message to her requesting either a refund or for her to communicate with me. I included my feelings about being ignored when expecting a product from her. The message was left unread.

    As of April 29th, 2021, guppygoopy has been inactive on her profile. I have no other way of contacting her; she has a Discord that isn't made public where she appears to be much more active and her Ko-fi is bustling with donations. As of writing this, she is currently live on Twitch as well.

    I am beyond frustrated at this point. The least I want from her is communication or my money back.

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    • Senior Staff

    While they haven't been active on twitter, I noticed they've been Quite active on twitch. They stream regularly and take donations during stream so it's really looking to me like they're actively avoiding Twitter 😕

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    If it's listed as a 'donation', you may or may not be able to get your money back. You could try since you're still within that window, but I think the rules are a bit different due to gifts.

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    • Senior Staff
    3 hours ago, VosurAekira said:

    If it's listed as a 'donation', you may or may not be able to get your money back. You could try since you're still within that window, but I think the rules are a bit different due to gifts.

    Ko-fi transactions aren't explicitly donations through paypal, fees are taken out and it would be possible to dispute a transaction in this case.

    It can be a bit confusing given the wording and how the platform is used, but as someone who's used the service in a similar manner, it's essentially like any normal service transaction paid through paypal.

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    I've used Kofi and it did list them as "gifts" for those transactions, which made disputes/claims harder to achieve, but it doesn't make it impossible. 

    To OP: You can give it a shot since you're still within that window, but better make sure to have all your evidence handy if you intend to pursue this.

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    13 hours ago, VosurAekira said:

    If it's listed as a 'donation', you may or may not be able to get your money back. You could try since you're still within that window, but I think the rules are a bit different due to gifts.

    I heard I wasn't able to since Ko-fi is used as a donation site, so it made me unsure to dispute it or let it go.

    Since it doesn't look like I'll be getting a response from the artist (I even sent her a message through Ko-fi after noticing the activity and have gotten no answer for now), I'll attempt to dispute it. It'd be awesome to get my money back anyway.

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    • Senior Staff

    While it's listed as a donation, I as a user of the service, had to go in and mark my transactions as "processed" back when I used the service, and iirc I was able to issue a refund if needed. Though to confirm is a bit difficult since I'm long out of that window, unfortunately!
    So its not exactly the same as the traditional method of receiving a donation through the platform.

    As guppygoopy here was using the service for commissions, the OP has a strong case to attempt to get their money back.

    Ko-fi also happens to offer a commissions widget on their platform, but as far as I am aware it is only limited to Paid users of the platform, not so much the rest of the userbase.

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    How awful, I have another artist doing this as well but I filed a case even though I paid with Ko-FI.  

    A darn shame some do this.  I'm guessing it's too late for the bank too, what a bummer.

    Is there anyway you can talk to them in Twitch?  Something "Hey, please check your Twitter messages, I've been trying to contact you."  You probably might've but wanted to suggest it either way.

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    Depending on your location you may have a case, but you may need to call an actual Paypal rep. I am not USA, and my ko-fi's are received under the gifts/friends and family tag, with no fees removed.

    I had a similar platform to ko-fi in the past where I needed to get a refund, and I needed to call because they were listed as donations, but received under normal payments. This also was years ago, it may be different now.

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    9 hours ago, theodor said:

    Depending on your location you may have a case, but you may need to call an actual Paypal rep. I am not USA, and my ko-fi's are received under the gifts/friends and family tag, with no fees removed.

    I had a similar platform to ko-fi in the past where I needed to get a refund, and I needed to call because they were listed as donations, but received under normal payments. This also was years ago, it may be different now.

    I was able to go into the Resolution Center and open a dispute. It's currently been four days since the dispute has opened and PayPal is waiting until June 5th for the artist's response. Although the artist is still active on her Twitch, she has decided not to answer the dispute so far...

    Hopefully I just get my refund back, even if it's a measly $15.

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    • Administrator
    2 hours ago, JIBBLYCOWS said:

    I was able to go into the Resolution Center and open a dispute. It's currently been four days since the dispute has opened and PayPal is waiting until June 5th for the artist's response. Although the artist is still active on her Twitch, she has decided not to answer the dispute so far...

    Hopefully I just get my refund back, even if it's a measly $15.

    Disputes and Claims are two different things. Disputes that are allowed to run out on their timer (usually 20 days) will close in the seller's favor. You have to escalate it to a claim as soon as you can.

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    6 hours ago, Celestina said:

    Disputes and Claims are two different things. Disputes that are allowed to run out on their timer (usually 20 days) will close in the seller's favor. You have to escalate it to a claim as soon as you can.

    How do I escalate it to a claim? Through the Resolution Center?

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    6 hours ago, Celestina said:

    Disputes and Claims are two different things. Disputes that are allowed to run out on their timer (usually 20 days) will close in the seller's favor. You have to escalate it to a claim as soon as you can.

    Disregard my last reply, I have escalated it. Didn't know there was a difference between the two, so thank you.

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    • Administrator
    2 minutes ago, JIBBLYCOWS said:

    How do I escalate it to a claim? Through the Resolution Center?

    Correct. It's been a while since I've personally had to file one, but I do believe the option appears when you view the case itself. 

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    I've been emailed by PayPal with a notification that the case was closed in my favor. I should be seeing a refund in a few days, so this can be changed to Resolved.

    I hope for this artist to fix their business practices and wish nothing but the best. If you choose to run a business, you have to actually run it.

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