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  • Caution: Bae Bunny // Shizimiru Okame

    • Who: Bae Bunny // Shizimiru Okame, Comico, Shizi
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/baebunny
      https://www.furaffinity.net/user/Comico - Deleted and Purged
      When: 04/16/2013
      What: Commission


    MOD NOTE: This beware started off just directed at Bae Bunny, but  after Bae Bunny commented their piece in the replies, with additional proof that was left out, it was updated to include the original poster, Shizimiru Okame/Comico. I will include bae Bunny's comment and proof UNDER the original post.


    Originally posted on May. 2nd, 2013 by Shizimiru Okame

    Mod Note 2: OPs FA links with their references are defunct.


    TLDR: Bae bunny of fa made mistakes on a 100 dollar commission for 5 icons, 20 a piece. Makes many mistakes after agreeing to edits, then refuses the edits after a while demanding 75 usd, or they will dispute the transaction.

    WHO: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/baebunny
    WHERE: Furaffinity.net
    WHAT: 5 icons for 100.00 usd, Made mistakes and refuses to continue editing unless they receive an addtional 75.00usd

    WHEN: A few months ago to current day.
    commission dissussions:

    (they got the 5 customs)

    Artist agrees to make edits:

    Bae claims before argument that they are raising prices here on out:


    Bae claims to dispute the payment unless paied:


    My responce after being told I would have to pay more or be disputed: 8tdCrMM.thumb.png.1d18586ef7d57cf7ed13edce6b658f85.png

    My self expaining some edits that are needed to be done:


    My refernaces:
    http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10133553 (WARNING MAY BE NSFW)

    as you can see these references are very detailed so the mistakes are on the Bae's not mine.

    One of the icons where the frames are botched:

    in this icon you see the horn is messed up, and they refused to fix this icon as well as the other 3.
    this is the only icon done correctly but edits still needed to be made at first, http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10491255/

    you can see here that he requires the reffernaces so he can evuate his prices: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/8786918/

    Explain: He's done this work a lot they should have known better then to take this commission for that price. Bae knew the difficulty of this project and still took it on, why should I have to pay 75.00 usd for something they messed up? This sounds kinda fishy and scam like to get more money out me.

    Take for example you have a mechanic fix your car, and they mess up, would you pay them more to fix it?
    this could have been avoided if the user had a tos stating that after a certain amount of edits the commissioner would then pay edit fee's, this user does not have a TOS that I can find.

    There are more notes that aren't shown due to the fact it's the same argument over and over, I paid you for this, why won't you finish your job?

    Icons they are very personable to the people getting them, and at 20 apiece you expect them to be very well done. after being on a waiting list for months, they are contacted a few weeks ago and they paid for the work and now this... The artist has not replied in about 24 hours, but has read the notes sent by the user.

    What do?




    Bae Bunny's reply, posted on May. 12th, 2013 (This was posted on an account linked to the now defunct Google Plus.) 

    Aaaaaaaand in this corner, BAE BUNNY! :V
    This is weird on my part because I never thought that I was going to be involved here! Had to create a brand new account even. If this isn't how you deal with an issue, sorry! Its my first time ; o ; Be gentle~

    Thanks guys for bringing this to my attention and to anyone that has been on my side. I do think its important to hear both sides of the story, so here I am! Words from the horse's mouth :U So here's the scoop:

    STEP 1: "I -totally- should have handled myself better"

    I was probably out of line asking for $75 to make edits, and I shouldn't have been so strict, but take a look at my list of notes from her:


    This isn't just garble, this is a back and forth of edits upon edits upon edits with her. I really couldn't take it anymore! With the way things were going I could have animated for her indefinitely if she wanted. It was apparent after a while that nothing was going to be perfect and I wasn't going to be able to move on, so I abruptly quit.

    For the issue on not having a TOS, I actually haven't had a negative issue like this up until now! Everyone I've made stuff for was happy as far as I knew, so I never needed one :I This felt like an issue going, "No TOS? Mmm...exploit!" Since after all of this I've been constructing one, but as a result, icons are going to be more related to "Time Invested" rather than per icon, which brings me to...

    STEP 2: "Bae Gives into the Demands!"

    I didn't want to spend unpaid time to continue to animate, but I was threatened on getting an AB Page otherwise, as her note shows above. So before I went to bed, I got this note:


    So "fix the icons and I won't post an AB page," eh? What else could I do! I caved in and did the edits for free that following morning at 11AM, as shown here:

    I include a highlight of the things that needed to be edited so it was apparent I knew what had to be fixed.

    She responds later saying this:


    Then posts them to her account as shown here:


    So with me being finished animating and her posting the icons, I would have assumed I met my end of the bargain and wouldn't get the AB page!

    :V ...

    STEP 3: "I got a bad feeling about this~"

    I know she says she was waiting for these icons for months, but she only contacted me on April 16th asking if she could pay now for the icons, even though her spot wasn't up on my que yet. I never charge ahead of time, but she was being persistent:


    She kept wanting me to give a discount for a bundle deal and wasn't getting the hint, so I sent this note:


    I want to point out that I warned her I work on customs and charge for the time spent, rather than a flat rate per icon. The more complicated/longer they take to animated, I charge more, ranging from $15 - $30. So when someone sends me $20 for each icon and then has a laundry list of big icons as shown in her notes above...I -really- felt like I was getting ripped off . ~ . So I responded with some suggestions on changes, and I get this back:


    Just pointing out that she says "do what ya think is right here, i trust you x3" and she was going to pay me $10+ for the more complicated one. If I had known in the end how difficult she was to work with, I wouldn't have taken her request. In the end, she got her finished icons with the edits for free!

    ~In a conclusion~

    1. I shouldn't have freaked out
    2. I've created a TOS for the future and raised the prices of my icons to accommodate for time spent on each icon rather than a flat rate
    3. I made the edits for her and she said "thanks" and posted them to FA
    4. I was threatened, gave into demands, and was STILL posted on Artist Beware anyway!
    5. Comico was Suspended from FurAffinity for harrasment, so I feel like she is doing this because she's still mad
    6. Issue was resolved May 2nd @ 2:34PM

    Thanks for reading my side anyway u 3 u ~
    Make your own opinions for yourself; this is just how I saw things from my perspective. Just let me know if you need to know anything else!



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