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  • Beware: Shizimiru/Comico

    • Who: Shizimiru Okame, Shizi, Comico
      Where: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/comico/ (Deleted and purged)
      When: 03/29/2013
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    Originally posted on May. 11th, 2013 by thetrevmans


    WHO: An artist who until recently was frequenting Furaffinity under the username Comico. Recently Perma-banned from site. Other Alias and locations:
    Skype: shizimiru
    Furrafinity: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/comico/

    WHERE: The offense took place mainly through PayPal, however Shizimiru's main form of contact and "business" was through FA.

    WHAT: The art in question was a $400 dollar "mature" comic piece that was commissioned by me through a different artist (name of Hashire on FA) at Shizimiru's request. We were to "share" the piece with our characters, and Shizimiru promised to pay me 200 for her half of the work "when she had the money."

    WHEN: Auction for said comic was posted approx. March 28. Winning bid was placed on the 29th by Shizi.

    Initial Skype between Nataya/Taya/nxcritter and Shizimiru of forged paypal screenshot:

    Forged paypal Screenshot, taken from skype chat shown above(my full name blotted for security):


    Offending charge is at very bottom.
    MY paypal screenshot of the same dates (full name blotted out for Shizi's security):

    The comic in question (be warned, adult content):


    (no longer on fa due to my request to scrap the image)

    The green notes and dialogue we're placed by Shizi herself, after the auction was won.

    EXPLAIN: After Shizimiru (hence forth referred to as Shizi) won the bid, I was told to pay the auction holder (Hashire) the full price for the auction and was told by Shizi that she would pay me her $200 "share" of the commission. At the time I thought nothing of it because, for better or worse, I tend to be pretty trusting of people. Anyways, after a series of complicated matters not directly relevant to this issue (and far more personal than what this board probably allows), it was mutually decided we didn't want an art piece together anymore, and I blocked Shizi from skype and FA for reasons not pertaining to this post. Later on, Shizi sent me a message through one of her friends telling me she wanted full rights to the comic. At this time she had still not paid me the $200 she had claimed she would give me. Again, due to issues irrelevant to this comic itself, I handed over the rights in the hope to just end all communication and issues regarding her. Shortly afterward, she was banned from FA and the artist making the comic gave rights back to me since I still had full financial claim to the comic. I promptly told her to scrap it, but since she had already put a lot of effort into it, said she could keep the money for her time and effort, and the rest could just be considered "donation" since I was really just fed up with the entire situation. Please keep in mind, the artist Hashire was nothing but kind, understanding, and cordial through the entire affair. Later on, I was made aware of the fact that Shizi had contacted Hashire in an effort to reclaim the comic, citing that she had indeed paid me back for it. When questioned about PayPal logs, Shizi claimed she "couldn't find it in her records" then returned to artist Hashire a couple days later with said "missing log" showing that she had supposedly paid me the $200 she had been promising all along. This so called proof is shown above in a screen cap, which was handed off to her now ex-friend, Taya/Nataya (nxcritter in comments), in an effort to reclaim said money from me. Shizi lied and claimed that I had actually short changed HER 200 dollars, and used the forged PayPal log as proof. Above is posted her log with multiple transactions. The one with $200 for "Trev" (me) at the bottom. It is dated April 12th. If you look higher up, you'll see another transaction on that same sheet of from "Trev" for a mere $63, dated April 15th. Next to that you'll see MY PayPal screenshot, consisting of only 3 transactions during that time period. 2 of them pertain to Shizi, and both are for $63, showing that she edited the initial amount that she sent to me. Which as you can see, she promptly asked for back 3 days later. After confirming matter with Hashire, I showed that the money had not been paid, and was able to show her that I was an honest buyer and was not trying to get away with extra cash. Shizi on the other hand tried to get away with either a free comic, or 200 dollars of money she did not have to begin with.

    For anyone curious, nxcritter became involved because I had blocked Shizi, and Shizi chose to use Nataya/Taya/nxcritter to reach me to try and get me to hand over the money she claimed I owed her.

    In short, this is a warning to all honest artists out there. Usernames Shizimiru, Comico, Klusters, Shimiren, Sheenix, or ANY username laying claim to the species called "Shimiren" (majority of these screenames are mentioned on the furaffinity page linked in the WHO section above), is a woman that tried to short change me both in money and art. My hope is artists or other buyers like myself that have dealt with this individual will comment on this posting, so more will come to light on the types of these dealings she has attempted before, and probably will again if given the chance.

    Thank you for reading.


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