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  1. Hey @LaviscaMixi says anyone not on her trello should message her. Might be a good time to try to get her to either do it or refund fully.
  2. @Lavisca She actually started mine last week, so I guess I'll update this whenever I get the finished product. Sucks that you're still in the dark. Are you even on her trello?
  3. I'm currently waiting on her for about 3 months now for something. Not very happy with the experience tbqh. She's got a trello up now, however some of the things in her ToS raise massive red flags. I don't see how any artist can say a picture can take up to a year with a straight face. That's absurd. https://trello.com/b/nIxZBQBP/%F0%9F%92%96-mixis-commissions
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