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  1. not at all :c did finally post my own beware recently, but her latest journal is about actual violent uprisings in her country which honestly is one of the more fair reasons I've seen to be completely MIA |'D
  2. I commissioned this artist for a chibi back in march, as well as a headshot in april, and never received either nor the promised refund, and my notes since then have been opened and read but ignored. here's the original chibi listing: as well as the headshot one: (both still standing as of this submission, albeit with comments off) and my comments under each: the notes confirming both, March 17th and April 28th, respectively: and the paypal transactions: (side note, the email appears to be her mate's, another artist, rather than her own, which doesn't help her case) I poked her june 25th, to no response: again 5 days later: and only after I saw just how long the trello queue was and directly requested a refund the 5th of july did I get a reply and promise of refund: I waited several months, until november 25th, to prod her again: and several more weeks to continued lack of communication or any amount of refund: all while constantly posting MORE ychs, commissions, and art, having turned off comments on submissions and the few journals that have not since been nuked, and not updating the trello list since september: my payoff for patiently waiting long past paypal's 3 month cutoff date was to lose any chance of getting my money back through a dispute: I know in the long-run it's not a huge amount of money, but it's money I could've spent actually receiving desired art, and it just leaves such a bad taste how this artist treats 'clients' 😞
  3. ugh, wish I'd seen this or the MONSTROUS queue before commissioning them myself for two separate pieces; I'm at 3+ months since paying and have waited nearly a week so far for them to reply to me with updates, while constantly posting new ychs the whole time 😕
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