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  1. You’re right, that’s definitely them, but the twitter available on their FA is inactive, unless that one was there and I missed it. I also managed yesterday to get in contact with them on discord as that is public info on their furaffinity, but after I said who I was and such they so far haven’t responded despite being online. It’s not looking good.
  2. So Let me start out by saying this could likely be cause for a full beware. But I actually quite like this artist, and as this is the first time i've ever had problems with them (I've commissioned them in the past) I decided to go with a caution. Back on January 16th 2018, I commissioned them after they posted [this post], showing discounted commissions. they noted me, saying they didnt want it to be public but they'd let me buy one even though at the time I didn't have enough. at the time I had 13$, but I eventually got more and could pay them 18. they were fine with this, because I was a repeat customer of theirs. I paid them the next day. On Febuary 15th, I asked how it was going since it had been a month. They replied, saying life was stressful and shit. And I was totally cool with that, I understand what thats like. On March 28th, they messaged me asking for a new ref since they lost the old one, saying they were starting the commission. I was cool with this, and provided them with a new reference. Then, lastly, on April 30th 2018 I messaged them informing them me and my, at the time, Fiance had actually broken up and I'd like the art to be of something different if they hadn't started already. They didnt reply. As of today, they have not contacted me since, they haven't been active on Furaffinity since March, and most of their other social medias are completely dead with no activity or are deactivated. I'd really like this resolved, not just for my art or for a refund, but to see if they're ok. Since i've commissioned them before and they were fine, I don't feel a full beware is necessary. But definitely be a bit cautious if they're still active anywhere and you happen to of commissioned them. Our entire note history is below. The only thing crossed out is their email, as it's not publicly accessible on their page.
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