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  1. A client named Garyolah7 didn't pay me after I finish the commission So I do the WIP, although I hardly understand what the client want Some day later, the client suddenly want naked variation as well The client didn't pay me after I almost done, and instant block me.
  2. Mine is via friend with Western Union, then transfer the money into PayPal.
  3. When I saw cheap commish from this journal, I send money: By that point he hasn't show any WIP, so there was birthday gift pic, from free request to pay for quick progress: But then again, no WIP again, then again post journal about commish: and I send the payment, just for quick progress again: Unfortunately, in order to keep track, I ask the same question, almost everyday: One thing he mention that he has life issue, I get it, but he ignores commish and draw his own instead.
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