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  1. I decided to write this review of my experience with Furfancy costumes, after my paypal case has finally closed. I feel it's important to share my experience so other people might not end up in my situation, and I hope that Furfancy will learn from their mistakes and improve on their customer service and communication skills in the future. A little background information that goes before the situation that in the end led to a Paypal chargeback of 373$. I have previously commissioned Furfancy for 2 of her big cat expanding foam bases. These two bases were commissioned 10/10 2017 and 14/1 2018. Both bases were in perfect condition upon arrival and I was very happy with the quality and looks of these bases. However, I did have some communication issues with Furfancy during this time (lack of updates, slow to no responses) and it took about 1 month before the bases were shipped out. I have described this more in detail in the overview timeline I’m posting after this section. At the time I didn’t think too much about it but it did worry me a bit, but since I in the end did get my product and I was happy about it I wanted to commission them again when they offered more bases for sale through Twitter summer 2018, and this is where things went terribly wrong. Furfancy foam base issue timeline 10/10 2017 - Ordering 1 foam base 23/10 2017 - Asking for updates (no response) 2/11 2017 - Asking for updates (no response) 3/11 2017 - Gets answer from Furfancy 10/11 2017 - Contacts to confirm shipping 11/11 2017 - Shipping confirmed 23/11 2017 - Base arrives 14/1 2018 - Ordering second foam base 1/2 2018 - Asking if the base has been shipped 3/2 2018 - Get a picture of the base in a box 5/2 2018 - Base gets shipped 13/2 2018 - Base arrives 19/7 2018 - Ordering 2 foam bases 31/7 2018 - Contacting to ask if they have received payment. It gets confirmed its recieved. 6/9 2018 - Asking for update and ordering an extra additional base. Also pay more shipping for all 3 bases to be shipped together 19/11 2019 - Asking for update (no response) 20/11 2018 - Asking for update again (no response) 29/11 2018 - Asking for refund (no response) 3/12 2018 - Asking for refund again. Tries to work out a private payment plan with first payment in January. 5/1 2019 - Contact seller asking for status of refund (no response) 6/1 2019 - Contacting again because no response (still no response) 8/1 2019 - Doing a PayPal dispute and first here do I get an reaction 11/1 2019 - Pushes for a PayPal claim due to no response on the dispute 21/1 2019 - Paypal closes the case, ruling in my favour due to Furancy failing to respond or provide additional proof regarding the transaction. Now, I am terrible sorry this had to go this way, but I am very unhappy with how this business transaction has been treated. I have attached the entire conversation which took place on Telegram as proof of my statements. Sadly I have friends who had similar experience as me, although they either didn't get their items all together or they arrived damaged. While it's not my place to speak their case, their experiences combined and my own I felt I had to speak up about this issue. The only reason I pushed the Paypal case was because my 180 days buyer protection was running out. It was around 170 days past when I made the dispute and with failing communication or any sign of a refund I decided to go through with it while I still had a chance to get my money back. Furfancy has a super adorable style, I love their suits and I admire the craftsmanship. But as a professional I had expected more and better communication and customer service. I felt I was often left in the dark and felt forced to ask for any updates (both product wise and shipping wise) and that should be communicated better from Furfancy. This is not an attack on their person (I don’t know them) but it's a critique of their lacking professionalism as a business. Pictures of the conversation below. Please note the dates.
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