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  1. I have found another active Furaffinity account owned by this client. May I add it?
  2. That's a great idea about the wips, thank you! After this happened I've decided to always charge new clients 100% up front. Though I really prefer to meet commissioners in the middle, so I'll keep sending out sketches first to people I've worked with before. Definitely do keep an eye out, their second account was made at the exact time they ghosted me the first time, so chances are there's a new one on Fa already with another deer character.
  3. First interaction was when Lundukeo claimed an YCH slot on Furaffinity. DMs proceeded as follows: (The message order in each screenshot goes from bottom and up) YCH premade sketch after edited to fit their character: New sketch after making the edits they wanted: After Lundukeo approved of the second sketch, they stopped answering. I got worried as others were waiting for me to work on this YCH. Invoice had been sent but was left unpaid. I realized I wasn't going to get paid in a reasonable time so I re-opened their slot: About a month later I got a reply from Lundukeo: I made it clear that they were banned from working with me in the future, but decided not to block them. Afterwards I forgot about this situation and moved on, not planning on making a beware over this. Fast forward to June 23rd 2022, I opened for a batch of commissions: This is one of the forms that got sent in: I accepted the commission as I loved their character. This is the reference they sent: I was unable to contact them through their Twitter, as DMs was off, so I was suspicious if the Twitter user was the rightful owner, and contacted the character owner on Furaffinity: Looking back I realize how much of a red flag this message is. The twitter profile was at the time and still is completely empty, with DMs off. Yet they proclaim to use it for "artists artwork, announcements, game stuff and a way to DM". I ignored the red flag and decided to work with them as the Furaffinity profile seemed legit and they had worked with other artists in the past. I told them I would get back to them when their slot came up, and in the meantime they wrote me this: The "mate of theirs" was the person with the blue deer who ghosted me in 2021. I accepted the commission anyway as I was under the understanding that ToughKumquats, a different person, would pay. On August 17th I sent them a wip of their commission. ToughKumquats was happy with the sketch but said they were unable to pay right away. On September 8th, almost 3 weeks after the last message, invoice was still not paid. I asked them if there were issues with paying, a message which was left unread. At this point I put two and two together and believed Lundukeo and ToughKumquats was the same person. First of all because ToughKumquats wanted me to draw a character from a person who had been banned. Secondly because their profile had been made around the exact time they ghosted me in October of last year. Third because this pattern of being ghosted after getting a free sketch was similar to Lundukeo. And lastly because someone else on Furaffinity referred to both character owners as their boyfriend. (I will not name them as they have nothing to do with the situation.) Being 99% sure I had been lied to, I sent this message to both ToughKumquats and Lundukeo: 30 minutes later, Lundukeo replied and my suspicion was proven correct Admitting to lying and refusing to to pay for the work done for a second time. At this point I believe a beware is warranted. Lundukeo admitted to ban evading by pretending to be someone else, and falling into the same pattern like last time. Honestly whether or not they planned to scam me doesn't matter, they purposefully lied to me to get around a ban and get me to work for them again.
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