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  1. This has been resolved as of 7/30/21. Full refund.
  2. I preordered two pins of Raver’s characters from Charapins a year ago. Cost me $32 with shipping. He gave me the run around for months after. I even found a post saying that the pins had arrived and I asked there and on Twitter when the pins were getting sent out. I haven’t heard from him since March. I don’t expect my money back and I don’t even want the pins at this point. I know I’m one of many people that Raver has ghosted but I figured I’d share my experience as well. And last message was sent 07/28/21
  3. So I checked my telegram. The chat is still there and still open. She goes by KittenNya on Telegram.
  4. Just tried the email. Came back as “address couldn’t be found”. Thanks for the suggestion though!
  5. On August 1st I saw an adverstiment posted in the Megaplex 2018 artist chat for Tiki Badges. I contacted Nya and asked to be added and paid $25 for one. They said that mine might not get done until later after the convention which I was fine with. After this is was harder and harder to get a hold of them. The last time I heard from them was October of 2018. After they dropped out of contact I searched for their twitter and found it hadn’t been touched since late 2018. I now am at a loss on how to find them but seeing as Telegram reports them as active within the last week, I’m assuming they’re ghosting me.
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