Hello, This is Brokenvocaloid
and I will firstly say that I do deserve these bewares and currently Im working hard to fix all my past mistakes.
Ive currently opened up a discord that ive urged people to go to since ive been posting constant updates on. Ive been posting almost everyday to almost every hour in it with finished works and making sure I pay out refunds for those that ask it. I know I messed up. I KNOW I messed up and im working to fix it all. Yes UltimateWaifu is my account and its all meant for me to restart , reorganize and work to fix and keep things more under control than I was handling them before. It is not an account to hide on as I see some people may think whats going on.
For those with the question on Sebastian. He is my boyfriend that lives with me, and usually he does linework/sketches for me. We both have talked to the FA Staff and both had to give IDs to prove we are different people. Everything on his side is done by him meaning journals, talking in notes. He will tell me about them and ask me what to say and I would help, but all typing and sending and such, is all him.
I'm not asking people to forgive me, Im not asking for a hand out, but im asking for time to prove that Im working to fix everything
communication was my hugest flaw and im working on fixing all that
taking on WAY too much was also a huge flaw I did but im working on limiting and balancing my work.
that link is the discord in proof that I have been working to fix, organize, balance, Send out refunds, Send out finished works.
Im more than willing to talk to anyone that i have wronged to fix everything, Im not looking to take money and not do the work.
I messed up. I took on too much in my panic of things that went on in my life, and im trying to fix it all.