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  1. Just as a heads up: it’s against PayPal’s TOS for the seller to charge you the PayPal fee! (which is another strike against this artist for sure) if an artist tries to make you pay it, inform them about the TOS violation and don’t pay it. It could get their account shut down, and also it’s just rude to do??? sellers are using a service to accept payments and there’s no other fees that have to be paid besides per-transaction ones. also I hope they either refund you or complete the art they owe you 😕
  2. I can totally get that. Especially if you’re mostly doing art for friends you know will definitely pay. Glad you’ve changed your policy, though I’m sorry it came to that..
  3. I definitely feel like taking money after the art is 100% completed and sent is a very bad business practice because it makes it super easy to scam you that way. That doesn’t mean she’s right to have done so, and the beware is well warranted either way especially when she pulled the “but my friends do it for free” card lmao but defo still recommend you change your policy to be 50-50 payment (start and finish) at minimum to help prevent scams in the future
  4. The “shemale” comment has me yikes at you the artist alone. “Girl with a dick” works just fine as a descriptor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Kuro was majorly out of line doing a chargeback on completed stuff but yeah you defo stepped out of line too in several places. Personally if I were him I’d have simply decided to not do business with you in the future, especially at the “female” comments
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