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Everything posted by Belovedfox

  1. Sen contacted me through telegram on December 2nd to claim a YCH slot. The price was set to $15 for a slot, the last photo is the completed YCH. I sent myself his reference sheet on December 2nd, and finished the art the same day. He contacts me on December 4th for a second commission but this time its for him and his GF sona. I sent myself both reference sheets and complete the commission on December 6th, On the exact dates I completed the commissions he posts both onto his Instagram --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chargebacks: On December 24th 2019 I received an email for Paypal explaining that Sen has opened a dispute against both transactions that I eventually lost on January 12th, 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------- I contacted Sen multiple times explaining that he needs to cancel the disputes and that he was stealing from me, I also asked to delete the images from his IG. which he eventually did. His Twitter: Senthefolf His Instagram: sen.the.folf His Telegram: sen_the_folf His TikTok: sen.the.folf
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