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  • Caution: Prince_Vaxis / Vaxi

    • Who: Prince_Vaxis / Vaxi
      Where: Through FA, then through Discord DMs
      When: 10/29/2018
      What: Commission

    Bourbon. (twitter-16.png?v=29916?v=286dead_punk_fox) wrote in community.gif?v=556?v=286artists_beware,
    @ 2018-11-01 15:47

    Commissioner Beware - Prince_Vaxis
    WHO: Prince_Vaxis on FA, Vaxi on Discord

    WHERE: Through FA, then through Discord DMs

    WHAT: Commission fell through, he wanted to commission me for digital artwork to have one slot auctioned off.

    WHEN: October 29-30.

    EXPLAIN: At first I was hesitant to post a beware about this, but the more I thought about it the more obvious that his conduct was wildly inappropriate with me. A few of my associates (commissioners and artists) also felt a beware was necessary to warn other artists about him. Especially since it can be intimidating dealing with a client who has a good amount of watchers and commissions more well known artists, and it's common for artists to acquiesce to a client's demands because of these things.

    It started off as him claiming a slot on FA (since deleted) and then wanting to discuss it further via Discord, which I don't mind. I keep my Discord public and am fine talking to whoever.

    At first he wanted a bust commission, which would have fit within his budget. Then he waffled and decided he wanted a much larger idea, however he fought me every step of the way on cost. He was pushing for more and more to be included, things which are way outside the amount of time I have to devote for so little pay. At the end, I told him he was demanding way too much for what he was paying, because what he wanted was essentially a two character full color, which I charge $300 for per image.

    The end of it has him cursing me out, trying to call me over Discord (I assume to yell at me over voice, had this happened I would have recorded it as well), which I am EXTREMELY uncomfortable with and what really pushed me to write this beware. I don't voice chat in private with random people, and certainly not with someone who's behavior turned suddenly sour. It was likely an attempt to intimidate me into handing him a full refund (which I have done at this point). And him bringing up breaking his commissioner's TOS (??? which sounded extremely sketchy to me, since a TOS is a terms of service for the person providing a service).

    PROOF: Some of the screenshots do have NSFW art in them, this was him illustrating what he wanted. The conversation is also NSFW as it delves into the aspects he wanted included in the picture.
    Also included is the sketch work I had done for him that he didn't want to pay for.

    I apologize for how many screenshots there are, I wanted to include everything. The only part I left out was conversation about our pets and other casual stuff.


    Edit:  Update 4.12.19

    I actually do have an addition to this caution. Several weeks ago another artist DM'd me on Twitter saying that Vaxis had told them he'd apologized to me and was trying to be a better person. He has NOT spoken to me since before he was removed from the original A_B LJ community. I have had absolutely no contact and he has not made any apologies to me. If he's messaging anyone claiming he has, he's lying. 

    Edited by Celestina

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    If it adds to it any... someone I know had been in contact with him for two years. He promised to promote them and ended up getting free NSFW art from them. Everything mentioned above about him pushing for more things than what was originally asked for was what he did to them. So in defense of this person, I called him out on it, and from that point he said he could use the chat as proof and ruin me and my business in the fandom. Followed up with how my "Dutch Angel Dragon" was almost a copy of his character because 'ear tufts' {My character had black ear tips, not tufts}. Then he said without his help, or any other 'popufur', that my friend and I would never amount to anything or get any recognition in the fandom.

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    I actually do have an addition to this caution. Several weeks ago another artist DM'd me on Twitter saying that Vaxis had told them he'd apologized to me and was trying to be a better person. He has NOT spoken to me since before he was removed from the original A_B LJ community. I have had absolutely no contact and he has not made any apologies to me. If he's messaging anyone claiming he has, he's lying. 

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    • Administrator
    1 minute ago, Bourbon said:

    I actually do have an addition to this caution. Several weeks ago another artist DM'd me on Twitter saying that Vaxis had told them he'd apologized to me and was trying to be a better person. He has NOT spoken to me since before he was removed from the original A_B LJ community. I have had absolutely no contact and he has not made any apologies to me. If he's messaging anyone claiming he has, he's lying. 

    We will stick this as an update to your post!

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