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  • Caution: EZ Fur Creations

    • Who: EZ Fur Creations / Zeska Roo / Daze Otterson
      Where: https://www.facebook.com/ezfurcreations/
      When: 08/24/2019
      What: Commission

    Zeska Roo/Daze Otterson had made a post on his account saying he needed money, so he discounted his fursuit prices (post was deleted, so I do not have a screenshot of that).

    I was wanting some indoor paws because I really enjoy the aesthetics of them. I commented on the post and we took it to PMs.


    Here we are hashing out details of what I wanted. 


    He states that they don't do invoices. It off set me since I just comissioned someone who did do invoices, but I know each artist is different, so I didn't pay any attention to it.


    Proof of payment



    I ask if he has a queue of any sort, he claims he is working on a trello. After a month and some days, he gives me a -sorta- deadline, so I don't bother him for a while.


    November 6th, he asks if anyone is wanting to get a fursuit.


    I contact him on November 26th, I message and get no reply or even left on read, so I ask for a refund. He sends his friend [redacted] to speak to me (screenshots ahead has his face blocked out because he's not guilty in this and I feel uncomfortable with having his face in this)


    So I go to telegram to talk to Zeska/Daze (last 4 of number is blocked out)


    He has posted again on FB saying he's no longer on post block as seen in the screenshot below (but I didn't see it till some days after since I had unfollowed him)


    So after radio silence, I messaged on Telegram (seen in screenshot 9) and after a little more silence, I messaged on Facebook (screenshot 6)


    Here, he is seen still posting on Facebook after my message on Telegram.


    And here he is seen still posting after my message on FB.

    I have since forced a refund as seen in the screenshot below. I don't know if others have had this issue, so that is why this is under Artist Caution. 



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    We don't send invoices.  Our finance manager doesn't allow it.

    What?  No, seriously.  What?  Finance managers would want a paper trail made of concrete.  Starting with itemised invoices.  Also, that 'our.'  Is that the Royal Our, or is there actually a team.  And if there's a team, is this person representing the entire group?  If not, why don't they have someone up front repping the team from a dedicated page/account?  Using the same personal account where memes are posted to represent an entire team is kind of a nope from me too, just because it doesn't seem like they're taking anything seriously.  I don't understand the post blocking thing either, but I also have no idea how Facebook actually works.

    Hate to say it, but I don't think there was ever an intention to deliver on anything in the first place.  I'm glad you got your money back though.  Yeesh.

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    • Administrator
    3 minutes ago, Milesy said:

     I don't understand the post blocking thing either, but I also have no idea how Facebook actually works.

    It's essentially like a temp ban.  I won't comment on what that means about them as a business as facebook can post block for a variety of reasons. Not all of them are legitimate. 

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