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  • Out of the Blue Creations / Finley the Turncoat

    Alex Wright
    • Who: Finley (Telegram @Cullion)
      Where: https://www.facebook.com/ootbluecreations/
      Anthrocon Dealer's Den
      When: 07/07/2018
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    I met Finley at AnthroCon while they were running a booth in the Dealer's Den. There were suiters attending the con in suits that Finley had made, and the tails they had on display were of good quality. We talked for a while about pricing a fullsuit, how long delivery dates were, how deep the queue was. At that point, I decided to commission a Full Digitigrade suit from them for $1600. Communication was great until December, at which basically all communication ceased.



    The only reason that Finley responded here was because I had 2 emails:




    I am open to marking this Beware as "resolved" if and when the refund has been processed on PayPal. 


    New information as of 7/1/2019. I was promised a refund (partial in June, the rest in July). Finley has not been in contact since those promises were made. I've attached the email conversation below, and you can see comments for more info.



    At this point I'm forced to raise this to Beware status from it's current Caution status.

    Edited by Alex Wright
    Including additional information.

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    On 8/21/2019 at 4:52 PM, SaphiraFIREdragon said:

    i have been at him pretty hard for my refund ... i waited 3 years and nothing form him and keep pressing till he starts paying me back he also mentioned a new job later this month to pay me back and im waiting to see if this is true . he owes me a hefty 1.5 k usd .... but at least for me he lives a state away so i am able to take him to small claims court quite easily if he dose not follow though ....

    I was also promised a refund in April, however he went completely silent after that.

    See the attached snip, I think that's the job you mentioned.


    Edited by Fwewyu
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    hello every one who still follows this ... im interested in getting in contact with any of the others who are owed a refund form cullen ..... i want to try to maybe even start a telegram group so we all can stay coordinated .and in communication so she cannot give us all the run around ... and possible a mode of contact in case i go though with striking legal action against them ..message me on here and i send my discord telegram and email so we can keep in touch 

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    Not sure if anyone still follows this, but my partner has been having issues with this maker for a while now. He commissioned him for a partial a couple years ago and has since been trying to get a refund from Cullion. He's been met with excuse after excuse or no response at all. I've tried recently to contact him via Telegram but I fear I'll be met with the same runaround. If anyone knows a better way to reach this person please shoot me a PM or something!

    Edited by tailtufts
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    still waiting for updates on my partial from august 2017. it is now october 2019.

    i’ve been in touch with the maker on and off for several months. earlier this year i asked for a refund if there was no progress on my suit. i was offered a partial refund + the partial suit that i had originally ordered, which could be done and delivered by and at anthrocon 2019. as i had no intention of going to anthrocon, i asked if it could be delivered to me at furrydelphia 2019 which is later than anthrocon, and if that could be done i wouldn’t necessarily want or need to refund.

    i was under the impression this could be done, and i actually met with the maker irl over the summer briefly, and was told i would have update pics later that night. i never received those update images.

    there was no ongoing communication about the suit, until it was nearing furrydelphia. i messaged asking whether he would be attending and was told no, he wouldn’t, due to medical issues. no further updates on the suit, no other offers. i have messaged again asking for updates.

    also, both furaffinity profiles have been restricted to registered users, which is new because i used to be able to access them without having to log in.

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    I finally heard back from Cullion a few days ago. He couldn't even remember who my partner was who he owed a refund to, despite me giving him that information numerous times 😕 I've given him till the end of next month (April) to issue the refund or I'll be putting together a beware with my partner. Same excuses he gave me as last time, neither me or my partner are optimistic tbh but I hope he does the right thing. He also said he'd be contacting my partner "shortly" and he's yet to hear from him. 

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    A comment has been removed due to a violation of the Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct. A comment may be removed for one or more violations. If after reading the guidelines and code of conduct you feel this message was in error, please contact One (1) staff member.

    We are not here to comment or speculate on people's financial statuses. 

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    A comment was not approved for falling under item 2 of our Rules of Participation:
    2. No excessive personal information or bewares in the comments.

    If you have had a similar experience with a Bewaree, please consider submitting your own post to add to our tags and metrics. It greatly boosts visibility for others.

    However, it must be said, that if you are actively seeking legal action against this bewaree, that we will not accept a submission until the matter is considered resolved by your respective court system.

    As a third-party entity, Artists Beware will not be involved in posting any active litigation.

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