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  • Beware : Roger / Starnosekid [Warning : ABDL/diaper artist]

    • Who: https://twitter.com/StarnoseKid
      Where: Twitter : https://twitter.com/StarnoseKid
      FA : https://www.furaffinity.net/user/roger/
      When: 11/15/2019
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content

    On November 15th Roger had posted a YCH that interested me, I had reached out to him and secured a slot in the YCH list. Upon securing a slot I was met with a very polite person who gathered the information required and quickly sought out to work. I had received a few updates within the week of paying them, and was really excited to see the finished product!


    However after a few weeks, I had not heard anything or received any updates, so I reached out and Roger explained that a few design choices I made may take longer, I reassured him that that would be fine and to take his time and not stress over it!


    After a while I still had not heard or received any progress updates, and had sent a few messages with a month in between, I know with Covid during January things kinda were starting to go upside down, so I was understanding!~

    They finally responded and apologized and said they didn't mean to ghost me. I shrugged it off and told them not to worry about it. I then waited another 3 months with 1 message probing for updates once each month, with no response, when in march he finally responded with a screenshot of a small portion of the commission. I was pleased to see any progress at this point, as it has been quite a few months for a simple YCH. I praised them for their work and then waited for the next update to come, hopefully soon.


    For the last 5 months I've sent 1 message each month, asking for any sort of updates or response, and despite twitter saying that most of them were read, no response. This time I was getting worried, as they were posting frequently on their feed, but not responding to DM's.


    So I figured maybe I'll try messaging them on FA, maybe twitter DM's were messed up or something.  So I proceeded to message them on FA, and about a day later I noticed that the message had been read, at the time of writing this post, that was almost 2 weeks ago.



    I really don't like going to this level with artists, especially those that I have commissioned in the past, but I am apparently not the only one, according to a recent shout on their FA shout list. So I just want to caution whoever I can, they draw great art, but just be mindful if you consider commissioning them!

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    Ghosting to this degree is never acceptable. Though it sounds like you're past the protection window, I would advise bringing up a refund after month two at the latest when an artist is ignoring you, and filing that chargeback before the 180 day deadline. Terribly sorry this happened to you and I hope something will get resolved.

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