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  • Beware: weeniedogfluffbutt / Hazelnut Fluffbutt / Erika Grothe

    • Who: weeniedogfluffbutt / Hazelnut Fluffbutt
      Where: https://www.instagram.com/weeniedogfluffbutt
      When: 11/19/2019
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts


    Mod Disclaimer:

    While we will not be linking to any related content, we must inform our users that this subject's name is strongly linked to explicit NSFW content and must advise to have your Safesearch ON if doing further research on this Bewaree.


    I had originally commissioned them due to a recommendation from a friend for a partial fursuit for $500 and later on added sleeves for an additional $150 and another additional $50 for extra work needed for a total of $700.






    The commission was originally set for a FC'20 completion date.




    This was later pushed back to due supposed health concerns.




    This was consistently used as an excuse to push back the completion date to which there wasn't an actual set date. I had sent another telegram message to them back in August 2020 for a reminder (which had stayed unread) but deleted when I had posted those last 3 lines. I sent her those messages in hopes that she would do some work and at least just get a head since it would be less work than a partial but she has completely ghosted me.




    She had been consistently taking on other commissions while her backlog was increasing. She has deleted her "commissions" channel from Telegram as well which I was unfortunately unable to get the chat log from.



    Edited by rikki
    removed twitter because it was a very nsfw personal, non business account. | added additional confirmed aliases.

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    Whoa, its not every day I see a person on here that I've had an experience with! Except they contacted me for a commission, instead. Same thing happened. I sent the invoice, they never paid it, ghosted my messages... eventually they replied, saying that their account has been blocked... which, interestingly enough, coincides with the time frame that they were replying to you. 

    Anyway, I'm happy I didnt lose anything, I just added them to my list of people to avoid. I dont like long wait times between messages and needing to pester. 😅

    Ooh, I can add pictures! I'll do that so this doesn't come across as hearsay. 




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    • Administrator

    Two comments have not been posted as they require review by staff. Please remember that all submissions to this site are reviewed by a live person. Making multiple comments will only slow down the review process. 

    Furthermore, if anyone has a claim of someone using a different alias we will happily update the tags after the claims have been investigated. To expedite this process, as we are volunteers, please include proof when claiming a new alias belongs to someone.

    Proof is:  same name, same art, same email address.

    I will be unavailable for the next 72 hours, so anyone with information can contact Armaina, Rikki, Xai or Sno.

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    • Senior Staff

    We have confirmed some of the aliases associated with this Bewaree's past business and have amended tags accordingly to reflect this.

    However, we are issuing a strong disclaimer to exercise caution when looking up the Bewaree:
    Many of their pages have very explicit NSFW materials associated with them and their business, if you feel the need to look into them, we strongly advise you do so with Safesearch ON or at your own discretion.

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    All I can say is Oof 
    I heard about Erika YEARS ago on Furry FB groups. 
    She was a real show stopper. 

    Did you pay her already and do CashApp? 
    I got scammed because I used cashapp. It's NOT secure. and they DO NOT side with anyone. Once the money is gone it's gone and they don't care.



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    11 hours ago, Trashdodge said:

    All I can say is Oof 
    I heard about Erika YEARS ago on Furry FB groups. 
    She was a real show stopper. 

    Did you pay her already and do CashApp? 
    I got scammed because I used cashapp. It's NOT secure. and they DO NOT side with anyone. Once the money is gone it's gone and they don't care.



    Yes cashapp, I figured it was already gone back in early 2020 and chalked it up to a donation (hell maybe even get something) but then I saw she was STILL scamming people so I made this artist beware. At this point TFF should just ban her from attending.

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    • Senior Staff

    My understanding with CashApp and things like it is that refunds happen at the discretion of the recipient?

    But you also need to have a card or payment method linked to use the service, iirc?
    While it IS a long shot, have you attempted to go through the institution you used for the payment? (i.e. your bank or card company)

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    1 minute ago, rikki said:

    My understanding with CashApp and things like it is that refunds happen at the discretion of the recipient?

    But you also need to have a card or payment method linked to use the service, iirc?
    While it IS a long shot, have you attempted to go through the institution you used for the payment? (i.e. your bank or card company)

    I haven't yet. I'll try contacting my bank (I linked my checking acct to fund the Cashapp transaction). But it's been so long I'm not sure if it'll even matter now.

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    Erika Grothe has been an infamous name among Facebook furry groups for years due to her very long and sordid track record of scamming. Google 'Erika Grothe beware' and you'll see what I mean. I'm so sorry you got caught up in her latest grift

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    I’d like to add my own account here as well. I commissioned a fursuit last year and have been strung along for well over a year. Like others I also paid in cash app. 

    however I have no intention of walking away, and will pursue legal action against this individual for fraud. The only way someone like this stops is when they get hit with real life legal consequences. 

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