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  • Beware: UndertheDarkness

    • Who: UndertheDarkness / Picklebum
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underthedarkness/
      When: 05/15/2018
      What: Commission

    lunahasawa996 (userinfo_v8.svg?v=17080?v=293.1lunahasawa996) wrote in community.gif?v=556?v=293.1artists_beware,
    @ 2019-01-05 12:21

    Beware - UnderTheDarkness



    WHO: UndertheDarkness  


    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/underthedarkness/  


    WHAT: $5o YCH action  


    WHEN: May 15,2018 — present  


    EXPLAIN: Given the user has deactivated their FA, I cannot provide images of the YCH I had bought. But sometime in May of 2018 I had placed bids on, and won a YCH from this artist. Over time, I believe I was given only one WIP. Shortly after they had their problems and such and I noticed they weren't speaking with me.


    I had asked for an update a month after with a reply of "I will have an update sometime this week". Later I was given an update.


    Later on they were doing in stream commissions, which was indeed finished and received, but my prior one was still on the back burner.


    Jump to December of last year I learned they were doing refunds, and I was added to their list of the many people for the money they owed me.


    Jump forward after 3 weeks from providing refund information to present time, their FA has since been deactivated and I have no other means of contacting this person. I should have opened a refund claim during the window when I noticed it was looking unlikely I'd be getting my art, but being the overly sympathetic understanding person I am it looks like this person has officially ran off with $50 of my hard earned cash.  



    Proof of payment: https://prnt.sc/m3b3uv

    Asking for a WIP: https://prnt.sc/m3b4al

    WiP provided: https://prnt.sc/m3b3z3

    WIP Uploaded Jun 24th *NSFW*: https://prnt.sc/m3b5cn

    Providing them refund information: https://prnt.sc/m3b4in


    I'm honestly shocked she went and took this rout. At this point I don't even want the artwork, I just want my money back where it can go towards a more reputable artist that I've previously worked with.




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    They have returned to FA the beginning of this year. When confronted with no links back to my Twitter and FA and only showing old artwork they did, they immediately denied who they were only to block both my FA and twitter and where i confronted them. They then placed their twittwr on private after another user confronted them and blocked them. If they weren't who I accused them of being, why block my accounts that i didn't link myself back to? The only answer i can think of is that they knew the art was for me and that i was a client.

    These are the accounts i have been able to find they are under now:



    Already they have started the same habits of taking work, not uploading finished pieces, blaming being busy for not uploading, only to ask for emergency funds and taking on even MORE work before completing what they already owe. I have counted 5 pieces they have taken in and failed to upload so far.

    • Administrator


    As a heads up we approved Luna's comment because they supplied proof of it being the same person privately.

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