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  • Beware: Navy Workshop/Cyan Pterodactyl/Xenon Scorpcat

    • Who: Navy_Workshop, Navyworkshop, XenonFurlab, UgolekF
      Where: https://www.instagram.com/navy_workshop/
      When: 02/25/2023
      What: Fursuit/ Fursuit Parts

    Fursuit Maker and I agreed on a commission for one fursuit head. I paid them 450$ on the date of Feb. 24 2023 via paypal. Maker specifically requested payment using the "friends and family" option, making it impossible to get a refund through paypal... they said it would be done “March-April”, or about 2 months. Payment was made in full. Maker promised to make a head mock-up day of payment, which never happened.


    Maker promised the following deadlines:

    DEADLINE 1: Completion March-April 2023, said on Feb 25 2023. (see above)

    DEADLINE 2: Said they would begin in May 2023 (1 month after the first deadline.), said on Mar. 23 2023.

    DEADLINE 3: September 2023 (7 months after first deadline), said on Aug. 10th 2023.

    DEADLINE 4: would be done around Oct-November (9 months after first deadline), said on Oct. 4 2023.

    DEADLINE 5: Said they would try to finish by the end of the year, December (10 months after the first deadline). Said this on Nov 13 2023.




    All dates were missed. A 3D base was never designed, nor printed, thus Fur was never cut, etc. Maker saved only 3 reference images of the character despite me sending multiple, which implies they never intended to start work, as the updated photos had key design notes. As stated earlier, The maker made no concept images or 3d base designs, despite agreeing to do so on the date of payment.

    Maker told me they printed the headbase of my suit on Jan. 12 2024 (11 months after the first deadline..) but never sent an image. Maker tried to resolve the issue by promising to begin work and add paws + tail to my order, but I declined the tail so it wouldn't take as long. Maker never began the paws.



    I would understand if they had to halt work upon beginning my suit, I would be patient, and I have been; However they made no attempts or plans to work on my suit until Mar. 15 2024 when I had suggested I was being scammed, because I genuinely had no reason to believe I'd ever get my suit. They claimed to have printed out a base for my suit but I never saw it. 


    Maker offered to send a free fursuit base for the wait time; I declined, and just requested my money back. 


    Maker agreed to a refund on April 1 2024, with a deadline refund date of July 1 to pay (their own words.)

    No money has been received. they have ignored my messages and I suspect I have been blocked by them on Telegram.



    (My last message came from a complete lapse in judgement due to a build-up of frustration. I should not be so accusatory or speak in such a rude way.)

    I understand that their work is good quality, but their business practices are absolutely unacceptable. If they cannot even BEGIN my suit after more than a YEAR, they should not be taking new commissions. They have been working on other suits, but have never touched mine. I understand some clients are more important than others and I would not be complaining if I had waited less than a year for only a head.



    Commissioned Navy for a fursuit head. Maker promised and missed 5 deadlines over the span of a year and a few months. Navy told me they printed my base, but I was never shown said base. They offered to add paws to my order for my wait, which I agreed. After a year without any work, I confronted them and requested a refund. Navy promised to refund my 450$ by July 10 2024, and then never responded to me again.




    Edited by James
    removed duplicate caps

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    I commissioned them in late 2021/ early 2022. I’ve had the same issues with little to no communication, and multiple missed deadlines. I haven’t gotten any form of communication since February this year. I’ve tried to be understanding as life can be chaotic. However with the lack of communication, amount of people with similar stories, and amount of time it has been I don’t think I’ll be getting that fursuit at all.

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    On 9/7/2024 at 8:58 AM, KittKattz said:

    I commissioned them in late 2021/ early 2022. I’ve had the same issues with little to no communication, and multiple missed deadlines. I haven’t gotten any form of communication since February this year. I’ve tried to be understanding as life can be chaotic. However with the lack of communication, amount of people with similar stories, and amount of time it has been I don’t think I’ll be getting that fursuit at all.

    Hello, If you had a similar experience with the maker, please Submit your own post  to our queue.  This will help boost visibility in our tag cloud and the metrics on this site as it pertains to the maker.

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