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  • Beware: Mixideer

    • Who: Mixi
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/mixideer/
      When: 03/09/2018
      What: Commission
      NSFW Content


    Mixi accepted a commission, delayed it multiple times for over a year while providing countless excuses, and has since began to ignore messages, outright refusing to communicate. She is not inactive, still streaming and posting new works.

    March 9th, 2018

    I emailed Mixi with the details of my commission. It was to have two characters, with a large amount of variant versions of the image. Mixi agreed to the request as stated, and placed a rather high price tag on it, which we the commissioners agreed to, specifically stating it was reasonable due to the amount of work requested.


    ...Now prices wise, 250 is my single starter price for one character, what I can do is 350 - 400, its totally up to you. But if you do the 400 option I can work more details into the background for you...if your good to go I will invoice for what you choose.


    We would be happy to do the $400 option, your work is nice and we are asking a fair bit in terms of variations.

    March 10th, 2018

    After some difficulty on her part, in regards to the invoice being done correctly, it was finally sent. The invoice was split between the two commissioners - $200 each. This amount was paid in full, along with an additional $20 tip.

    April 12th, 2018

    Mixi sends an email excusing her delays.


    Hey there! Just letting you know I havent forgotten! I will be starting soon! Just had to grab a few smaller commissions to get me back on my feet since alot of my savings perished due to my move ;^; thank you so much for being paitent for me, I cant wait to get back into making a full piece!

    April 28th, 2018

    Mixi finally provides the first sketch of the piece.


    so i've sketched out the idea, took me a few hours (Background is my base/ temporary so I could position it) 
    I had quite a hard time with the perspective but heres what I got so far incase you wish to change anything!!

    We have a short conversation back and forth regarding needed changes.

    May 31st, 2018

    I message Mixi as I have not heard from her in a month.

    June 6th, 2018

    Mixi messages back an excuse.


    hey there hun! sorry I got really sick when you sent me this email ;_; and I have been in bed till legit today, I have the characters flat coloured and I am actually planning too redline my own work and thinking bout reworking it alittle bit.. I want it to have the possible best outcome, so not much of an update but once fixed I feel it'll be up for a smooth finishing soon! thanks for waiting, I was on a roll and caught up with work then this flu going around got me big time 😞

    Sept 10th, 2018

    I message Mixi as there has been no further communication or updates. She replies with further excuses.


    Id really like to apologize but I cannot afford to give one at this current time but im happy to refund some as its half way complete, it just needs shading but Ive only placed your commission on hold ;;_; as ive been pushing out cheaper ones to keeo me afloat, this year has been abit harder due to being my first time moving out, im greatly sorry ♡ i have also had alot on hold this month to sort out a secondary job with uber to start making some more money to keeo afloat as just art wont cut it anymore :s the factbI also redid a big majority of your commission held it back too, my deepest apologies, for the money you gave me I felt the first time didnt fit the cut at all

    Sept 19th, 2018

    Mixi sends an image with more work put into it. This is the last update we have received, though the piece is still not completed as per the original specifications. The artist was requested to make some changes to their coloring as they did not reflect the character accurately, and to move forward with the variant versions. This final provided image is unsatisfactory even as a stand-alone, due to the inaccurate depiction of the character, and Mixi agrees to make adjustments.


    I can sure do that!...But yeah as for the panda I can do that! Sorry for missing that detail 😧 thought it was the artists shading effect but I can get started onnthe other variants...

    Dec 2nd, 2018

    I message Mixi asking if there was an update. This message was never responded to.

    April 22nd, 2019

    I message Mixi further stating my dissatisfaction. She replies, stating she is willing to offer a partial refund. I request that she offer specifics on what she is willing to do. She has not replied since.

    April 26th, 28th, May 2nd, 2019

    I have sent emails on these dates that have gone unreplied to, requesting that she provide specific terms for what she was offering.








    Update from comments:

    No contact from Mixi in 8 days. Mixi has not clarified on what she is offering in a manner which I can take as a sincere offer.




    No contact from Mixi in 8 days. Mixi has not clarified on what she is offering.

    Her original "offer" is as follows:


    I clarified further what we are asking for, but have not received a response.

    It has been 8 days, we are still waiting.

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    Mixi has began contact with me again after linking her to this beware. We are currently discussing what should be done. Thus far she has not offered specific, concrete terms for what she is committing to.

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    No contact from Mixi in 8 days. Mixi has not clarified on what she is offering.

    Her original "offer" is as follows:


    I clarified further what we are asking for, but have not received a response.

    It has been 8 days, we are still waiting.

    Sorry if this platform isn't meant for providing updates, I'm not sure.

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    • Administrator
    17 hours ago, Lavisca said:

    It has been 8 days, we are still waiting.

    Sorry if this platform isn't meant for providing updates, I'm not sure.


    I can insert this information into the body of your post if you'd like.

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    I am really confused by what "offered a bit of a refund" means. Is that an offer of a partial refund for the wait while still finishing the piece or is it only a partial refund with nothing else? And how much is "a bit"? 20%? 50%? 10%?

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    It seems that Mixi has went on vacation. And I don't really begrudge her for that, however, it does seem in line with my experience so far that she did not inform me of this, and I learned it via a friend linking her Twitter to me.

    I suppose I won't be hearing back from her for another three weeks, which will make another month in total, atleast.

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    I'm currently waiting on her for about 3 months now for something. Not very happy with the experience tbqh.

    She's got a trello up now, however some of the things in her ToS raise massive red flags. I don't see how any artist can say a picture can take up to a year with a straight face. That's absurd.


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