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  • Beware: Cyberwolfdragon

    • Who: Cyberwolfdragon
      Where: CyberWolfDragon#4410 on Discord (401566446892613644)
      When: 10/16/2021
      What: Art Trade

    Message added by baja,

    Small disclaimer:
    There has been a mention of a Youtube account for this individual.
    It was present at the time of the submission, however, Staff has decided to remove this link as part of their 'known aliases' as the account in question has no connection to their business dealings; it was merely a personal account.

    I first met Cyberwolfdragon on Discord, in the USF server. There is a #looking-for-corner channel where people can post if they wanted to do an art trade, had an art request, were offering free art, etc. When looking through the channel, I found Cyberwolfdragon's latest message asking to do an art trade, and it was marked as open.


    I then DMed them asking if they wanted to do a trade.




    After this they didn't message me for around two months, until they sent this:


    (This was a different character than their initial art trade request, but that was fine)



    I finished my side of the trade in around 10 days.


    This was the last time Cyber messaged me on Discord
    I proceeded to remind them every so often of the trade they owed me.. with no response.
    I will note here that I did use an artwork as a reference for the pose of my side of the trade. I don't have it saved so I can't show it, but Cyber didn't mention this at any point as a reason for declining the trade or something.



    Cyber posted several messages in USF after the last message they sent me: one for open comms, and three offering a suit they had for sale. This is the only server I have in common with them.

    (a day after their last message to me)

    Several days after their last message, but before I reached out about it.

    After I messaged them twice with no response.

    After another new message from me, and their last message in USF.

    After almost a year of this, I searched up their username and found some of their other accounts, including their YouTube.
    Their email was linked in the contact section, so I attempted to reach out via that.
    They responded in a bit over an hour.


    (the blacked out line under my email is a send certificate that has contact info of theirs)

    I recopied the image from my original Discord DM with it. I opened it in a new window to preserve the quality.

    At this point, they began to ghost me again.

    I attempted to reach out to them through other social medias. Their Twitter DMs are off, so I have sent a message to what is presumably their DeviantArt account since it has the same username, though the 5 arts and fursuit images I don't remember seeing on other platforms.


    At this point my art has gotten a fair bit better, and I do draw original poses now or base them off of pictures of myself, but I just want my side of the art trade back, it's been a year.

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    People not doing their side of an art trade is a fairly common occurrence, but somebody actively requesting trades, acknowledging and acting pleased with what the trader drew for her, lying about being "almost done" with her own side, then pretending to not exist, is quite possibly doing this on purpose.  I can't even find hard evidence she can draw at all.

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    • Senior Staff

    For future art trades, I would strongly recommend setting hard deadlines and not providing the full image without some form of heavy watermarking to the other party. Some people may not even finish their end until they see some progress, that way if things stall out? You didn't spend too much effort on your part.

    And this is just something I observed in the overall post and how you communicated with the artist throughout this endeavor.
    It isn't right that the artist left you on read, but much of your correspondence regarding a follow-up to the trade does not state intent.

    Being spammed with nonsense doesn't make someone want to respond, especially if you are unfamiliar with them. While you're both doing the work for fun and in your spare time, it is another form of a transaction and communication should be a bit more formal so there's no mixed messages in the event that things go belly-up for whatever reason.

    I'd like to be clear that these are just suggestions as someone who's seen this happen quite a bit over the years.

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    21 hours ago, rikki said:

    For future art trades, I would strongly recommend setting hard deadlines and not providing the full image without some form of heavy watermarking to the other party. Some people may not even finish their end until they see some progress, that way if things stall out? You didn't spend too much effort on your part.

    And this is just something I observed in the overall post and how you communicated with the artist throughout this endeavor.
    It isn't right that the artist left you on read, but much of your correspondence regarding a follow-up to the trade does not state intent.

    Yeah I definitely have learned from this aha, I do generally screenshot it now to check if everything's okay then wait for them to post something, since usually whoever I'm trading with finishes before me, I post a screenshot with the PNG grid background and a transparent scribble of my name over it to show that I'm done, then they'll usually send their part then I send the whole version.

    21 hours ago, rikki said:

    Being spammed with nonsense doesn't make someone want to respond, especially if you are unfamiliar with them. While you're both doing the work for fun and in your spare time, it is another form of a transaction and communication should be a bit more formal so there's no mixed messages in the event that things go belly-up for whatever reason.

    This is also part of the reason I was a bit hesistant with uploading this too -- at that point I was mainly just starting to do stuff in the art world, art trades etc, and just getting better at art, so I have changed how I speak online to a great degree. I do agree I could have acted a lot better, but honestly I'm just so tired of it now so

    But tysm for the response :0

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    On 5/27/2022 at 1:33 PM, bimshwel said:

    People not doing their side of an art trade is a fairly common occurrence, but somebody actively requesting trades, acknowledging and acting pleased with what the trader drew for her, lying about being "almost done" with her own side, then pretending to not exist, is quite possibly doing this on purpose.  I can't even find hard evidence she can draw at all.

    This is actually the first time that actually occured to me, wow. I have not had much coverage to the less happy side of the art world since I tend to stay away from people involved in any conflict in general, so I didn't even imagine that someone would ask for an art trade while not being able to make art.. that really rubs me the wrong way, I hope that's not the case and it's more a motivation thing or something, but I don't know. Tysm for taking the time to comment though :>

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    Art trades not being completed often is sad but true. I've actually been ghosted and straight up blocked several times during them, and even by the same person twice.


    My own advice which has worked okay for me when i still did trades is insisting that you won't share yours until they confirm they're working on theirs and then you both exchange them at the same time. That or ask for wips and exchange them similarly.

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