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  • Artist Beware: Kylestudios

    • Who: Kylestudios
      Where: Discord Chat
      When: 06/11/2018
      What: Commission

    Message added by James

    The paypal cap has been edited by moderation staff.  We weren't sure if that was the artist's irl name, but to be on the safe side it has been censored.

    WHO: Kylestudios

    WHERE: Discord

    WHAT: 35$ Commission, 2 characters with background. Flat colors

    WHEN: June 11th the talk and pay. Lost contact until October 11th, then lost contact again, then re-contacted on January 11th and March 20th 2019

    EXPLAIN: In June 11th The user was in need of money due to some problems mentioned in the screenshots below.

    Though we rarely chatted i wanted to help him out with the condition to have a commission with the quality avaliable for the price he asked.

    2 Characters,  Flat Colors and a Background. Details shown in the screenshots.

    I've sent him the money on the very same day and told him to "Take Your Time", that i wouldn't push him etc, but to please do a reference sketch for what i asked to see if it comes out more or less the way i asked for.

    Lost contact until i talked to him on October 11th asking if there was any issues but he said he haven't started yet (I am aware that he might be slow due to IRL situations or whatever mood he might be... But 4 months...?)

    I even told him that if there was any reason for him not being able to do it that he should tell me about it, and if he had even a small WIP , like i told him on June, that he could send it to me..

    On January 11th 2019 i asked him for status.. Told me "Next week"..

    On Wednesday 20th of March i asked again for the commission status and all i got was the same kind of answer, "Soon"..If he's not going to do much about it i'm going to send him an ultimatum, wich's a Time Limit... And if that doesn't happens then i'll ask for a refund, but for now i wanted to show my status of the problem here..

    ....And there was nothing else after that. Half year waiting and still nothing... However, in some other places where he posts his drawings (Not sure if i can link those), you can see him post art for himself many many times, but for himself!...NOT the commissions he owers to a total of 21 persons since a journal post on an art site for over 6 months!

    I mean, when you got a commission, you don't want to make the client wait THAT LONG.. People understands he might have IRL things to do (like a job, life, etc).. But you don't make a client wait nearly 1 year to get a drawing done, something he can make up quick and correctly (WIPs etc)..And even more making him look like "Hey look at my new drawing(s)!, but you'll have to wait for your pic even more because of this!"

    ...You don't do that to a client.. Whenever "I" get asked for a commission i put everything from my "To Do" list and focus on the commission at that moment (Unless i have to go to the doc etc)

    All the details below (Sorry if there's a bit of a chat but you guys want proof?, so have it..


    Refund Need https://prnt.sc/lw9upx

    Commission asking for the 35$ https://prnt.sc/lw9usm

    Paypal link https://prntscr.com/lw9xt4 (Censored)

    Commission Details:

    1. https://prnt.sc/lw9uty

    2. https://prnt.sc/lw9uus

    3. https://prnt.sc/lw9uvj

    4. https://prnt.sc/lw9uwg

    5. https://prnt.sc/lw9uxe

    6. https://prnt.sc/lw9uy4

    Telling him to not rush things but please show a Sketch WIP in certain ways https://prnt.sc/lw9uz1

    Asking if there's problems with the commission https://prnt.sc/lw9uzw

    Paypal Invoice thingy index.thumb.png.5b3236122108e151a44f0fa13b3ce7e0.png

    Commission status asking on January 11th 2019 https://prnt.sc/n25fdw

    Commission status asking, again, on March 20th https://prnt.sc/n25frp

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    • Administrator
    3 hours ago, DV2 said:

    The issue has been resolved. Please remove this post already

    We do not remove posts, but will mark it as resolved.

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    5 hours ago, Mortymaxwell said:

    So how did he end up resolving it for you?  Did he give you a refund or the artwork, what were the steps he took to fix things?

    He gave me the artwork (He must send me the final pic, but he has shown me progress).. That's all i'll say.

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    • Administrator
    Just now, DV2 said:

    He gave me the artwork (He must send me the final pic, but he has shown me progress).. That's all i'll say.

    If he hasn't actually given you the final image then it really isn't resolved, unless you're willing to accept what he's given you thus far.

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    A comment has been removed due to a violation of the Community Guidelines and Code of Conduct. A comment may be removed for one or more violations. If after reading the guidelines and code of conduct you feel this message was in error, please contact One (1) staff member.

    I am a Bot. My inbox is not monitored. Beep boop.

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    5 hours ago, Celestina said:

    If he hasn't actually given you the final image then it really isn't resolved, unless you're willing to accept what he's given you thus far.

    The user finally gave me the final image, it is really resolved now. All confirmed. No more issues.

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    • Administrator
    7 minutes ago, DV2 said:

    The user finally gave me the final image, it is really resolved now. All confirmed. No more issues.

    That's fantastic to hear!  We will update our social media accounts accordingly.

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    On 3/25/2019 at 11:48 AM, Mortymaxwell said:

    So how did he end up resolving it for you?  Did he give you a refund or the artwork, what were the steps he took to fix things?

    He gave me the artwork. The steps were like i said, asking for the progress with no luck after many tries. Threw the ultimatum here and when Kyle saw it well, he rushed himself out and in 2-3 days it was done. As a result, he blocked me everywhere to prevent any more dramas with me

    If he can't handle his own commissions and wants to draw for himself, he shouldn't have opened for commissions or asked for help if he knew this'd happen, but the situation was desperate for him, so i helped him with the condition of getting a commission from him within the price's conditions/qualities...

    ....But you don't play with customers "this way"

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