- Dec. 2nd, 2011 at 9:59 PM
WHERE: Rainhopper OR at Toastrabbit
WHAT: Not willing to pay commission price he owe me.
WHEN: Ordered at 2009 July 25. - Picture received at approximately 2010 August. Payment haven't arrived ever since from him.
There were a commissioner, called Rainhopper, also known as Toastrabbit in his actual name. He once commissioned me for a highly detailed artwork which would cost him 60 Euro, which is approximately equal to 80 USD. We discussed every single detail together to its finest. The communications are held upon Furaffinity's notes and GMail's e-mailing systems sometimes when we had doubts about things. Times have passed, and I have to admit I've got some complications with school and whatnot during the time and it kept for about almost a year which I felt myself ashamed, but once I've got some free time to finish what I was about to tell to be finished, I finally did what I promised and sent the original high resolution picture to him via e-mail in hope to get paid but only a somewhat short but still a modest thank you e-mail has been received and nothing more.
The picture I did with such effort can be found
However I uploaded it to my Furaffinity gallery, I've entitled it with a NOT PAID tag right infront of the title, to keep it in mind both for him and for artists if he's about to spot you as an other victim of theft.
I have been waiting for months then I was out of patience, thus I asked him what's going on with the money? He said he is having complications with paypal nevertheless he's broke and 2 the rantgryphon holds him, which I accepted as "oh well, shit happens, let's just wait some more then..." I was hoping he was about to get that arranged ,but yet another several of those months have passed (almost A YEAR) and still nothing. Then I've asked him the same, but in a bit impatient motivationful voice via e-mail, and he replied the same. THIS is going on for ONE and a HALF YEAR by now, and I'm seriously out of patience, not to mention he dare to attend at MidFur as a Guest of Honor. How can people sleep at night like these?
Till he don't pay me off, this thread will remain for letting you know who is about to comission you, and if I were you: DON'T ACCEPT ANY FURTHER COMISSIONS FROM HIM(Toastrabbit, Rainhopper) as long as I'm unpaid.
Hereby I'm going to link evidences with commentary. The screenshot cuts have datestamps to proove my complainment.
A whole copy of what he sent me in notes by promising this and that right after arranging the details which looked nice and fair so far.
Evidence01 supplemental
Not so relevant, but the e-mail where I've sent the sketch for further detail arrangement to check if everything is alright with it. Normally I keep doing things this checking way, to avoid complications in details, wether my customers like the way it looks or not.
Months have passed and still nothing...
Right after I uploaded the picture, all he did is just a thank you, not even mentioning he' still willing to pay me or something which OUGHT to be happen after this long delay if I were him.
What? He can even AFFORD to make it to MidFur from the United States?... Okay, where is my diamond shotgun?
Perhaps this is another excuse not paying me out...
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