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  • Beware: Knuxlight

    • Who: Knuxlight
      Where: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/knuxlight, Join.me
      When: 04/12/2012
      What: Commission

    Posted originally on May. 12th, 2013 by akamiz

    Mod note: Dropbox links are defunct.


    WHO: Knuxlight

    WHERE: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/knuxlight

    WHEN: During a Join.me stream where he was conducting emergency commissions hosted on June 4, 2012.

    WHAT: Two Character w/ Background Lineart Commission

    PROOF: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44671999/A_B post screen.png

    Explain : Details under the LJ Cut

    On June 4, 2012 I happened to catch a stream by knux doing emergency commissions I wanted a piece from him. I asked him for a lineart picture and I gave him 100 bucks mainly ,because I had the money and since it was a emergency I gave him some extra money I had. I was the second person on the list and while he basically did a skeletal like sketch he told me that he will continue the picture tomorrow in a traditional manner. I was okay with this so after two months of no updates I sent him a note on FA on August 21, 2012 he answered with the following response.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44671999/A_B Post screen 2.png

    I got home on Friday and I didn't see any mention of a stream or anything on his twitter. At this point a note saying I was home and asking him to stream needed to been the best course of action here. After awhile I happened to notice he was doing Bust commissions via twitter and after awhile I decided to send him another note on February 6th.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44671999/A_B Post screen 3.png
    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44671999/A_B Post screen 4.png

    At this point I was happy to get a update so on the 9th of February he posted the stream link. I joined late due to I was out the house ,but I was able to view the stream on my phone. He didn't work on my picture he was doing something else for his pin-up set.

    After two months I sent him another note listed below.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/44671999/A_B Post screen 5.png

    This is basically sending the commission through the email ,because that way I can organize it for future reference. It went unread for over a month so yesterday I sent him a tweet asking him to read his notes and it went unread. My friend after telling him the story of what happened told me to post a article on him.

    I Know I messed up on several issues here the main one was communication on my part and verifying times of when things were gonna happen. I also never brought it up during streams mainly due it was a matter between him and me so I didn't want other people to know about this. He is a full time college student and that's okay I just wanted an update on delays to make me feel at ease and not feel like I was missed or looked over. I hope I explained the situation clearly and I hope this artist understands what my intentions are not for malice. However my question I have is that should I continue to wait for my picture , ask for a refund or ask him to do something else in equal to the payment I sent him? Thank you for your time and if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them for you.

    Update: Me and Knux made arrangements for a refund I received some of the money back and waiting for the rest I'll keep you guys updated.

    Update Number 2: Its been two months and I haven't received the rest of the funds he currently owes me. I will continue to contact him at a later date and time with a concrete answer on what to do on this situation. I don't want to be annoying to him by bothering him constantly.

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