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  1. Opened a ticket about this case again & PayPal issued me a refund for this disappointing experience! I guess this is resolved on my end, doubting the artist issued it themself tho lol still no contact, either they’re renaming or changed discord ID# again but the name now says Dexy on discord
  2. Commenting to add they’re going by “beeshy” now
  3. Original agreement - They deleted their account so you can only see my replies, but it was for a NSFW colored sketch for $70 EVERYTHING/ANYTHING NSFW is censored! (This all happened in 2021) Me asking them how much a colored sketch would be & adding a sketch to explain what I wanted. Agreement was $70 & my messages confirm payment was sent. They sent a few sketches super fast & I ask to add one to the commission. Conversation ended Feb 11th. I message them again March 15th . March 24th they told me they had covid so i tell them to recover, as it hadn't been that long anyways. April 21st I message them again, no response. April 28th I tell them i would rather they just send me the sketches they have & take the loss. Still no response. Paypal statement showing $70USD was sent to chernobee Feb 10th, 2021 After them not replying to me on Twitter on May 1st 2021 I messaged them on Toyhouse, where they did respond so the conversation moved here. (This all happened in 2021) May 1st I message them telling them I would appreciate a reply within a week & state that I feel an A_B post would be necessary for the lack of communication. They reply 12th May they were super nice & understanding of my frustration w/ the lack of communication. They ask to speak on Discord but also offer to send the sketches. May 19th I apologize to them as I felt I just hadn't given them enough time & was being too aggressive. Give them my Discord. June 24th I send them a message asking for their Discord since they hadn't tried to contact me on there. June 26th they send me their Discord. 9th Aug I give them a completion date of Aug 20th or to refund me. 10th Aug they tell me their discord & the conversation moves there. They then message me Nov 23rd asking for options to get in contact as I hadn't replied on discord.) So I feel like I have to explain why I apologized in this message & it's bc I usually expect anything w/out a set date to take about 3-5months w/ an update every month or so. Idk , at the time it felt like I just hadn't given them enough time. Last message was because I hadn't replied on Discord (life got busy). Also thought they would be able to finish the art since they had the necessary info/refs. their discord info. #6688 I message them Aug 11th asking how they would like to move forward w/ the commission. They did not reply so Aug 31st I ask for a refund. They reply the same day saying they would be happy to refund me, & that once I opened the dispute they would approve it. But also offer the completion of art & say that that's what they would prefer. Say they can complete it in 2-4days. There is also a side convo about the frustrations of having to be the one to find/contact them & they express that they've had other commissioners complain too & that examples images they sent were for other commissioners that were "understanding/patient." I reply Sep 8th bc I wanted to update my characters reference sheet. Oct 28th I ask for an update. Oct 30th they send me images that show work has/is being done. (life got busy, this is when they sent me the message on Toyhouse) Nov 25th I reply saying I love the update. They reply saying they send me a message on Toyhouse. Say they'll finish ASAP. Nov 28th I thank them for the update. Dec 17th I ask if they can add some character markings. They reply the same day saying yes. They also ask me how I've been doing personally. Dec 21st I share that my life has been busy bc of work. Everything past this point happens in 2022. March 25th I ask for an update, no response. May 29th I ask for an update, even a personal one. No response. June 17th I ask if a partial refund would work as & could just color/finish the update they sent before. No response. I know there are points in this commission where I try to resolve it w/ accepting the money loss, or them offering a refund (but me still having to dispute it to get it?), but they offered to finish the art & hinted that it was the option that worked better for them & I still wanted the art & wanted to do what worked better for them too! Comment on their Toyhouse on Jun 8th, Message them on deviantart jun 17th. Message & comment on their new furaffinity page Jul 2nd/3rd. [Mod Note: Message has been seen and not replied to as of July 10th.] And as of July 3rd, they have made a new Discord (#9660) that they did not make me aware of. I have sent a friend request & am waiting.
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