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I have a species i had created called Koberu, now, these species are closed to the public and i do not at all allow these species to be made by others and sold as adopts, at least until i can get a proper Ref sheet made for them for people to buy and use to make them. it started on Sep 11th, 2019, 07:41 PM , i had received an note on furaffinity from Mramor, she had stated that someone had come to her and asked for a commission and used reference shots from Secondlife, which is were i make and sell my Koberu as well: before i seen the second one, this was my response: now, in the chat we had, she had mentioned that she had never seen them before...that she had never even heard of a Koberu before, well, i at the time believed her, and as you saw she said that she did not want to waste her time and i felt bad she put work into the first one, so i told her to go ahead and put it up for adopt (which...was a big mistake on my end...) i later realized my mistake on doing it, but lets get into that now, she responded with this: now i made this response after seeing the mint one, and it kinda put me on edge, cause she only showed me the first one. She didn't mention there was a second one, but I let her sell those two. It did not click in my brain until a good friend pointed it out to me, but she mentioned she was shocked that one of her designs looked like one of my Koberu. hang on a second, i thought to myself, how was she shocked when she has seen them before...? oh yes, she has seen them before, how do i know you may ask, well, here is the evidence... here you can see my friend bid on one of the koberus, take a good look at the date this auction was posted She left a shout on my freind's page saying how much damn gorgeous her sona was. Here is more proof that she seen the auction before contacting me. [Mod note]: There were multiple caps on various users' pages. Due to the caps resizing strangely, we added in a few crops. Please note that this user has been leaving shouts on multiple bidders' pages. not only did she see the auction i did, she also favorited one of my koberu pictures 2 months back as well, here is the proof but, before i noticed she liked this (which was brought to my attention by my friend) i asked her about the shouts, cause i was told about the shouts before i found out she favored my Koberu Picture as i stated in my reply.. before hers, i told her only two.....BUT THEN SHE SAID SHE WAS WORKING ON ANOTHER ONE? even though i told her only those two?! that made me nervous and unsure about my choice now....i was starting to wonder if i made the right choice giving her permission...so this was her response... what....? .....haven't...heard of them before...? okay this here is where the red flag started to slap me in the face hardcore now...she said she was shocked she never seen them before, but left a shout on my friends pages, i do have another friend she left a shout on, but she did not bid on an auction until later on but here is a screenshot of the shout she left her before contacting me about the Koberus she HAD to have seen my auctions and seen my Koberu... -lied about not seeing my Koberu -people asking for commissions -people getting the idea they can sell them. -and tried to make a third adopt even though i told her only TWO -unfair to others who wanted to make Koberus don't you think that is a justified reason to ask her to take them down? people were starting to think they could make custom Koberu adopts and try and sell them even though they are an closed species of mine and no one is suppose to sell them but me, i broke my own rule i will admit and i was being way to nice, a fault in which i really need to fix, but anyways, i confronted her today and asked her nicely to take them down, and explained why... hold on to your seats folks cause this is about to get spicy: i know i said i only gave permission to sell the blue one but i did not remember at that time that i gave her permission for both so, i will admit to that mistake. but what sets me off about this is she tried to bring the bidders into this...which btw i contacted the bidders and informed them of the situation at hand and they completely understood, and they were super okay with it...i showed these screenshots to people, asking if this all sounded shady, cause i did not want to take all of this in the wrong way, but many have told me to confront her about this and as you can see, i am trying to in the nicest way possible...no aggression at all, then she goes and says she will just change the name ''hybrid dog'' ....? no, no, people have ALREADY SEEN THAT YOU NAMED IT KOBERU its obvious that is what it is and i have the evidence to prove you KNOW what a Koberu is and that you lied about not seeing them, even your mate made an art piece for a friend of mine who is a KOBERU here we go again with the ''i did not know it was a species'' gig...even after i just showed you the evidence. so after all that quarrel she says this, and, honestly it has me very worried, cause, she claimed she took them down, and then said she sold them? even after i told her to kindly take them down? and whats worse is, she still has reminders up on her alt for them the fact she activated a dead account to sell them is down right...wrong...I am writing this beware because she still is trying to sell them even though i told her specifically not to, again, i do not like nor is my intent to slander her name, i just want people to be careful around her and that to check her story first before you believe, her, i regret not doing so in the first place but it wont happen again.
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